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The table below shows you the Daily Bible Study Notes that are available for the entire New Testament.

Simply click on the appropriate references in the right hand column to take you to that series of studies.

Click on the "N.T. Contents" on each individual page to return here.



1/7 Arrival Announced

Matthew 1-4

Ch.1  Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 

2/7 Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5-7

5:1-10 / 5:11-20 / 5:21-48 / 6:1-18 / 6:19-7:12 / 7:13-29

3/7 Authorised Activity

Matthew 8-11

Ch.8   /  Ch.9  /  Ch.10  / Ch.11

4/7 Arriving Awareness

Matthew 12-15

Ch.12   / Ch.13   / Ch.14   / Ch.15

5/7 Awful Announcements

Matthew 16-20

  Ch.16  /  Ch.17  /  Ch.18  /  Ch.19  /  Ch.20

6/7 Approaching Antagonism

Matthew 21-24

Ch.21 / Ch.22 / Ch.23 / Ch.24

7/7 Awful Achievement

Matthew 25-28

Ch.25 / 26:1-35 / 26:36-75 / Ch.27 / Ch.28

1/3 Developing Ministry

Mark 1-5

Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5

2/3 Growing Opposition

Mark 6-10

Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9/ Ch.10

3/3 Control in Crisis

Mark 11-16

Ch.11/12 / Ch.13/14 / Ch.15/16

1/5 Early Days  

Luke 1-5

Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5

2/5 Revealing the Son 

Luke 6-9

Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9
3/5 Kingdom Realities
Luke 10-13
Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13
4/5 To Jerusalem
Luke 14-20
Ch.14/15 / Ch.16/17 / Ch.18 / Ch.19/20
5/5 The Terrible/Glorious End
Luke 21-24
Ch.21 / Ch.22 / Ch.23 / Ch.24




1/4 Behold the Lamb

John 1-6

Ch.1 / Ch.2/3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6

2/4 Claims of Jesus

John 7-10

Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10

3/4 Crisis further Promoted

John 11-14

Ch.11/ Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14

4/4 To the Cross & Beyond

John 15-21

Ch.15/16 / Ch.17/ Ch.18 / Ch.19 / Ch.20/21

1/4 How to Build a Church

Acts 1-8

Ch.1 / Ch.2/3 / Ch.4-6 / Ch.7/8

2/4 Church Growth

Acts 9-15

Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11/12 / Ch.13/14 / Ch.15

3/4 Establishing & Expanding

Acts 16-21

Ch.16 / 17:1-18:22 / 18:23-19:41 / Ch.20/21

4/4 The Long Road to Rome

Acts 21-28 

Ch.21-23 / Ch.24-26/ Ch.27/28

1/2 The Glorious Gospel

Romans 1-7

1:1-18 / 1:19-3:20 / 3:21-4:25 / Ch.5 / Ch.6/7

2/2 Scope of Justification

Romans 8-16

Ch.8 / 9:1-29 / 9:30-11:36 / 12:1-15:13 / 15:14-16:27

1/2 Unity & Morality

1 Corinthians 1-9

Ch.1-4 / Ch.5-7 / Ch.8/9

2/2 Unity & Gifting

1 Corinthians 10-16

Ch.10/11 / Ch.12-14 / Ch.15/16

1/2 Heart Sharing (1)

2 Corinthians 1-7

1:1-2:11 / 2:12-4:18 / Ch.5 & 6 / Ch.7

2/2 Heart Sharing (2)

2 Corinthians 8-13

Ch.8 & 9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12/13

What are you Believing


1:1-2:14 / 2:15-3:29 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6

Glory of God's Purposes


Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6

Be Encouraged


Ch.1 / Ch.2/ Ch.3 / Ch.4

Encouraged in Heart


1:1-23 / 1:24-2:5/ 2:6-23 / 3:1-4:6 / 4:7-18
Stand Firm
1 & 2 Thessalonians
Ch.1-3 / Ch.4/5 / Ch.1-3

Letters to Timothy

1 & 2 Timothy

Ch.1/2 / Ch.3/4 / Ch.5/6 / Ch.1/2 / Ch.3/4
Setting the church straight
One in Christ

1/2 Jesus, High above all

Hebrews 1-8

Ch.1/2 / Ch.3/4 / Ch.5/6 / Ch.7/8

2/2 Faith & Warnings

Hebrews 9-13

9:1-10:18 / 10:19-11:40/ Ch.12 & 13
Lessons in Living
James' Letter
Ch.1 / Ch.2 /Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5

Trying Times

Peter's Letters

1:1-2:9 / 2:9-5:14 / 1:1-21 / 2:1-3:18

Heart Concerns

John's Letters

Ch.1/2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4/5 / last 2 letters
Contend for the Faith

1/2 Revelation (1)

Revelation 1-12

Ch.1 / Ch.2/3 / Ch.4/5 / 6:1-8:5 / 8:6-11:19 / Ch.12

2/2 Revelation (2)

Revelation 13-22

Ch.13/14 / Ch.15/16 / Ch.17/18 / Ch.19/20 / Ch.21/22


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