Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Matthew's Gospel Studies | |
Page Contents: Ch.26:36-75
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:36-45 A. Find Out:
1. Where did Jesus go to do what? v.36
2. Who did he take with him and what did he feel as he prayed? v.37
3. What did he say he felt and what did he ask? v.38
4. What did he then do and what did he pray? v.39
5. How did he find the disciples when he returned? v.40
6. What did he instruct? v.41
7. How many times did all this happen? v.42-45
B. Think:
C. Comment:Jesus knows the time is rapidly coming when his time of trial will be upon him. So what does he do? He gives us a classic example. When you face a crisis, go and talk to the father about it. It is as he prays that we see his humanity revealed most clearly. He does not want to go through this. He is a human being and he does not relish pain and rejection. But perhaps there is another dimension, perhaps he knows that in this ordeal he is going to be separated from the Father in heaven, and that has never happened before in all of eternity! No wonder he is in extreme anguish, no wonder he sweated in prayer (Lk 22:48). The greatest motivation for prayer is a crisis, and it was as true of Jesus as it is for us. In this passage we're simply told that Jesus divided the disciples into two groups, taking Peter, James and John on with him, yet all of them fell asleep. Luke tells us (Lk 22:45 ) that they fell asleep “exhausted from sorrow”. They sensed the awfulness of the moment but the strain was so wearying they fell asleep. Jesus encouraged them to wake and pray for themselves for they also were going to go through a difficult time, they also needed strengthening.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:45-50
A. Find Out:
1. Of what was Jesus aware? v.45b,46
2. Who then arrived? v.47
3. What signal had Judas agreed with the soldiers? v.48
4. So what did Judas then do? v.49
5. What did Jesus reply? v.50a
6. What then happened? v.50b
B. Think:
C. Comment:We now move into the darkest moments of the Gospels. Jesus is about to be betrayed, arrested and falsely tried and then put to death unjustly. It starts with the betrayal and arrest. The first thing to observe is that Jesus is quite aware of what is going on. Now we have had clear indications of this previously (26:2,12,21,25) and now it becomes even more obvious. Jesus knows Judas has gone and arranged to betray him, and even now is coming to do that. In every way Jesus is completely aware of what is going on! When he does arrive, Judas comes accompanied by a large armed crowd. So, we note first it's a large crowd and an armed crowd, so they obviously expect opposition. They have no clue that Jesus will surrender himself peaceably, knowing this is all part of God's plan. We note also that they were sent by the religious and secular leaders. They actually represent the whole of society, the whole of mankind, who reject the Son of God. Jesus comes with an embrace, a sign of closeness, of intimacy, of friendship which makes it even worse, for this is the sign to the others who they must arrest. In reply Jesus addresses him as “friend”. There is no animosity in the Son of God, he knows this is the outworking of sin and he's come to die for it.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:51-56 A. Find Out:
1. Who then did what? v.51
2. What did Jesus instruct and teach? v.52
3. What did he say his Father could do? v.53
4. Why according to Jesus was this happening? v.54
5. When did he say they could have arrested him? v.55
6. So why again, according to Jesus was this happening? v.56
B. Think:
C. Comment:As Jesus is arrested, John tells us (Jn 18:10 ) Simon Peter struck out with his sword, and the ear of the servant of the high priest is severed. Luke tells (Lk 22:50 ,51) us that Jesus then performed a miracle and restored the ear. Even in the midst of this he exercises the power of the Father for the benefit of mankind! But that is not all. He takes the opportunity to teach! First of all he warns them that this is not the way, for those who resort to violence will die by violence. Violence never achieves anything good. Anyway, he continues, if this was the way, my Father in heaven has hosts of angels to send on my behalf. No, he says, this has to be like this to fulfil the many Scriptures that declare the will of the Father, the plan established from before the foundation of the world (e.g. Jn 17:24 , 1 Pet 1:20 , Eph 1:4, Rev 13:8). The primary thing that is being revealed here in this passage is that same truth that comes over again and again: Jesus was completely aware of what he was doing and what would happen because it had been previously agreed and seen in heaven, that he knew that this is how it would work out, including the desertion of his disciples which now takes place. God's plan IS being fulfilled.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:57-63
A. Find Out:
1. Who were waiting for Jesus? v.57
2. What were they looking for? v.59
3. Yet what happened? v.60
4. What did two false witnesses claim? v.61
5. Why did the high priest chide Jesus? v.62
6. Yet how did Jesus respond? v.63a
B. Think:
C. Comment:Jesus is now taken before the authorities, the high priest, the teachers of the law and the elders of the people, in other words before the spiritual and secular leaders of Judaism. This totally good man is being paraded before those in authority whose lives have been shown up for what they are- a sham! And they're out to get him! It is clear that they are looking to find any sort of evidence that can be turned against him. They have trawled the area for people who have watched him and listened to him. They are looking for something he said that might be construed as wrong. Frankly, they want him dead! But even for them that is not easy. They obviously need something that is either blasphemy (in their eyes) or rebellion (in the eyes of Rome ). The best they can come up with is Jesus figurative claim to rebuild the temple in three days (see Jn 2:19 -22). Now the temple that was a stone building was massive and so it would be clear to anyone with an ounce of sense that he could not be claiming to destroy and rebuild the physical temple building. To use this as evidence against Jesus is absurd and so Jesus simply remains silent. Sometimes it is better to remain quiet and let the truth be seen for what it is. This is a wrongly motivated and biased court. Truth and justice are absent here!
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:63-68
A. Find Out:
1. What did the high priest demand of Jesus? v.63
2. What was Jesus' reply? v.64
3. What did the high priest declare this to be? v.65
4. What did he ask and what did the others reply? v.66
5. What did they do to Jesus? v.67,68
B. Think:
C. Comment:The witnesses have failed to bring up any wrong in Jesus so now the high priest gets to the hub of the matter: are you actually the messiah? Yes, says Jesus, that's exactly who I am! And to push the message home he uses the prophetic imagery that Daniel had used to describe the messiah, one coming with God on the clouds. This particular prophecy is particularly challenging as it puts the Coming One at God's right hand, a place almost of equality. For the high priest this comes as utter blasphemy, that this “man” should equate himself with God. This is something the Jewish scholars had never contemplated about the messiah. So the priest tears his clothes in a show of utter anguish that God's name should be taken in vain in such a way. Yet on the inside this man must have been rejoicing, for they had been looking for a way to condemn Jesus to death and this gave them the excuse. The only problem was that under Roman rule the Jews did not have the power to execute the death sentence, only the Romans, so they will have to persuade the governor. We have a completely unrighteous, hypocritical situation being run by the tope men of Judaism. They came with wrong motives, they sought false evidence and now they condemn without authority and abuse Jesus was simply affirming who he was. THIS is sin!
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 26:36-75
Passage: Matthew 26:69-75
A. Find Out:
1. Where was Peter? v.58,69a
2. Who first approached him and said what? v.69b
3. What was his response? v.70
4. Where did he then go and who said what? v.71
5. Who then later came and said what? v.73
6. What was his reaction on these two latter occasions? v.72,74
7. What happened & caused what in Peter? v.74b,75
B. Think:
C. Comment:In today's passage we have the exact fulfilment of Jesus prophecy about Peter (see 26:34). Now this doesn't mean that God made this happen but simply that He knew it would happen. Peter is quite responsible for his actions, just like we are. Something in Peter feels bad about what has happened and so he follows the crowd at a distance, even into the courtyard of the high priest's palace. The fact that he followed at a distance indicates something of his fear in what was happening. For Peter everything is out of control. When Jesus had told him this was going to happen ( 16:21 ,22) Peter just couldn't cope with that thought. Now it has happened his mind is in disarray. So when various people come up to him and identify him as one of Jesus' followers, he hasn't the moral stamina to speak up and declare his allegiance. He fears for his own life as well as Jesus'. Let's note two things about this: first, we'd probably have acted similarly in those circumstances. Don't look down on Peter, he was just caught up in circumstances beyond his control and acted badly - just like we do! Second, this wasn't the end for Peter. There was yet to be a forgiving and reconciliation (see Jn 21)
D. Application:
RECAP: "Arrest, Trial & Denial" Matthew 26:36-75
In this third group of 6 studies we have seen :
COMMENT :The drama moves on in terrible stages. At every stage the sin of man is revealed: the disciples cannot support him in Gethsemane , Judas leads the arresting force, the religious leaders abuse the truth, Peter denies his Lord. We cannot condemn them for we are frail and do the same, yet condemn we must, for they were all wrong. This we, as part of the human race condemn ourselves and in so doing ,we reveal our need of the Cross to which this process was taking Jesus.
LESSONS?1. I let Jesus down in prayer – but he loves me. 2. I fail to stand up for him – but he loves me. 3. He went through a false trail – because he loves me. 4. He was betrayed and denied – because he loves me. 5. He died on the Cross – because he loves me!
PRAY :Thank the Lord for the wonder of his love for you that took him through these awful times to an awful death. Ask him for his strength that you will stand firm and true in the face of unrighteous opposition and be faithful to his love for you.
PART 4 : "Trial, death and burial"In this next Part we'll see the remorse of Judas, the weakness of Pilate, the horror of the soldiers and the crucifixion, the events at the death of Jesus and then his burial and guard. Awful and yet amazing. See that you catch both aspects.