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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:  Revelation Studies
Page Contents:


Chs. 15 & 16























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Chapter: Rev 15

Passage: Rev 15:1-4

A. Find Out:


1. How are the seven plagues described? v.1

2. Who stood beside the sea of glass? v.2

3. What were they doing? v.2c,3a

4. How did they describe the deeds and ways of God? v.3

5. What should be the response to God? v.4a

6. Why? What will happen? v.4b


B. Think:

1. Why do you think the angels are described as a “sign”?

2. How is this clearly seen to follow what happened in chapter 13?

3. What effect do you think this passage should have on us?

C. Comment:

     The angels are described as “another great and marvellous SIGN”. This is the third and final reference to a sign in Revelation (also 12:1,3 - woman and dragon). A sign is a significant or momentous event leading to a fuller revelation of God's purposes. This sign points to the end which is drawing near, these are the final and last judgements of God upon the earth.

     Yet before we are given a full view of this sign (being fully revealed in chapter 16) we get yet another heavenly glimpse. It seems that again and again in revelation we are shown something of heaven, as if to help us realise there is another dimension which almost presides over the earthly dimension, that we need to see to get a complete picture of what is going on. Without it we are very limited. 

     Here we are shown those who did not loose their faith because of the two beasts and their systems. The beast may seem to prevail over the earth, but those he prevails over simply leave that dimension and transfer to the heavenly one! There they see fully and declare the truth; there is no sense of upset in them over what they have been through, to the contrary they praise God for His justice and His ways.


D. Application:

1. Do we maintain a heavenly as well as an earthly perspective over our

     lives, to ensure we hold a right attitude?

2. When we see it all we will not be able to criticise God for anything!




Chapter: Rev 15

Passage: Rev 15:5-8


A. Find Out:    


1. What was opened? v.5

2. Who came out and how were they dressed? v.6

3. Who handed them what? v.7

4. What then happened in the temple? v.8


B. Think:

1. Why do you think there is clear reference made here to a temple in

    heaven, from which the seven angels came?

2. What do you think is the significance of the temple being filled with

     smoke until after the seven plagues are finished?

C. Comment:

     Sometimes the vision of heaven reveals a throne where God is seen as ruler and judge, but now the present vision is of a tent in heaven which instinctively reminds us of the Tabernacle of old where the presence of God came and dwelt with men. The emphasis there was on the holiness or separateness of God, whose presence dwelt in the innermost part of the Tabernacle. These angels therefore come from the most holy place from the presence of Holy God. They come almost dressed as priests but instead of bringing man to God their role is to take the holiness of God to the people, and where His holiness touches sin it destroys it.

     When the angels have received their bowls of judgement and depart, the smoke or cloud of the glory of God fills the place so that no-one can enter (see also Exodus 40:34,35 & 1 Kings 8:10,11). In the Old Testament the glory filling the Tabernacle and the Temple was a sign of God's acceptance of the two structures. Here it is more an indication of God's inaccessibility, as if to say that no one can see God until these things are over, partly as a sign that God is not out rejoicing over what has to happen to the earth, and partly as a sign that He cannot be seen or be persuaded to change this course of events.


D. Application:

1. God is holy!

2. The only reason His holiness does not destroy us today is that His mercy

     has been extended through the Cross.




Chapter: Rev 16

Passage: Rev 16:1-7


A. Find Out:


1. What came from the temple? v.1

2. Where did the 1st angel pour his bowl & with what effect v.2

3. Where did the 2nd angel pour his bowl & with what effect? v.3

4. Where did the 3rd angel pour his bowl? v.4

5. What did another angel declare? v.5

6. Why was that true? v.6


B. Think:

1. How do these “plagues” bring gradual pressure on the earth?

2. Why do you think that it is like that?

3. How is this worse than that brought by the trumpets (see 8:8-10)

C. Comment:

     God could have wiped out the unbelieving earth with one immediate sweep, but instead He moves against mankind in a gradual and almost inevitable tidal wave of horror, giving man every opportunity to repent and turn back to Him.

     First comes physical irritation and pain of boils, just like God used on Pharaoh (see Exodus 9:8-12) , but now it is on all who were followers of the satanic beast. Next comes death to everything in the sea. What a horror that must have been as every creature floated in a sea of increasing decay and corruption, with its accompanying smell! Next the same thing happens to the rivers and all fresh water sources cease to be usable. This is gradual and creeping death for the planet!

     Then we hear a declaration. If you had been feeling sorry for the inhabitants of the earth it means you have lost perspective: these judgements have come at the end of years, decades, if not centuries, of the grace and mercy of God holding back in the face of the ever increasing godlessness and unrighteousness of the world's population. Despite the witness of the Christian church with the power of God flowing through it, so many have refused to listen, refused to turn and simple deserve the punishment that comes.


D. Application:

1. The sin of the world DESERVES the judgement of God.

2. Even in this judgement is the opportunity for repentance.




Chapter: Rev 16

Passage: Rev 16:8-12


A. Find Out:


1. Where did the 4th angel pour his bowl and with what effect? v.8

2. How did the people of the earth respond? v.9

3. Where did the 5th angel pour his bowl and with what effect? v.10

4. How did the people of the earth respond? v.11

5. Where did the 6th angel pour his bowl and with what effect? v.12


B. Think:

1. How do the 4th & 5th plagues further increase the pressure?

2. What is clear about mankind from this passage?

C. Comment:

     The gradual pressure upon mankind is continued. The fourth plague increases the heat from the sun making the heat intense on the earth. The fifth plague brings darkness to the kingdom of the beast and mankind is in agony of both flesh and spirit. Yet despite this there is a stubbornness in the heart of mankind and instead of repenting, all men do is curse God.

     The sixth angel, in drying up the river Euphrates simply opens the way for a coming together of godless mankind in an even greater unholy alliance. Whether this is a literal drying up of this river or a symbolic picture of the removal of all obstacles for such a coming together, only time will tell.

     Perhaps no where else in the Bible (except perhaps in the story of Pharaoh in Exodus - see “Pharaoh's Fall” in this series) is the stupidity and stubbornness of sin seen so clearly. As we said yesterday, God could have wiped out mankind immediately, yet He brings a gradual judgement so that men can see and realise and repent. In what can only be described as the blindness of sin, they foolishly continue in their downward slide towards destruction, refusing the opportunity given to them, even at this late time. Yet this has been true of mankind throughout history, refusing the grace of God time and time again!


D. Application:

1. Are we living in self-centred godlessness, in reality? Are our hearts open

    to receive the grace and mercy of God?

2. If the opportunity is not taken, death will follow.




Chapter: Rev 16

Passage: Rev 16:13-16


A. Find Out:


1. What next came and from where? v.13

2. What were they? v.14a

3. What do they do and with what aim in mind? v.14b

4. What warning and exhortation are given? v.15

5. Then what happened? v.16


B. Think:

1. How do these verses follow on from verse 12?

2. What is the objective of the demonic forces?

3. If the enemy knows the decreed end, what does it say about evil that

    they still plan to do this?

C. Comment:

     Once the way has been opened for the kings of the earth to come together, the demonic powers come out into the open and entice them to do just that. The powers show that they have power and authority, and regardless of their obvious evil, the kings of the earth follow their leading and start to come together at the place called Armageddon, which means “hill of Megiddo”, a place mentioned 12 times in the Old Testament, in the northern part of Israel.

     Whatever the intention of these evil forces, and it is not made clear, it is certainly God's intention that this will be a time of confrontation, for it is described as “the great day of God Almighty”. Whether this is a battle of evil forces against remaining believers or simply the powers of darkness determining to rise up against all the goodness of God through Satanic rites will only become fully clear when it happens.

     In the midst of this comes a clarion call for believers to stay awake and be alert (v.15). Believers are still on the earth therefore, or the call would not come. Jesus in Luke 12:39,40 warned of this time coming (see also 1 Thessalonians 5:2)


D. Application:

1. Wherever we are in history, the call comes to us to be alert and ready for

     our Lord's return. Are we?

2. The Lord is sovereign over ALL the events in history.



Chapter: Rev 16

Passage: Rev 16:17-21


A. Find Out:


1. Where did the 7th angel pour his bowl? v.17

2. What followed? v.18

3. With what consequence? v.19a

4. Where particularly did God pour out His anger? v.19b

5. What also happened on the earth? v.20

6. And what further catastrophe occurred? v.21


B. Think:

1. How would you describe this final group of occurrences?

2. What do you think it must have been like on the earth?

3. What is God doing here do you think?

C. Comment:

     This is the last of what was said to be the final judgements and final it must be! Anyone who has seen TV pictures of earthquake zones will have some little idea of what it must be like. This appears to be an earthquake that seems world wide. So great is it that islands are moved and mountains disappear so it is no wonder that entire cities are devastated. Whether “the great city” referred to is Jerusalem or Rome (as some suggest), Babylon or even some other major metropolis is unclear, but it greatness will be split up, almost as if God is cutting it down to size. Babylon is particularly mentioned. a second mention in the book (first was 14:8), again though only in very summary form; the further detail will follow in the next two chapters.

      Why did these things happen? Because the angel poured our God's anger “into the air” and the entire environment is shaken, and as it is, a confirming voice from God declares that the judgements are finished. Note also here that the throne of God here is referred to as being in the temple in heaven. Remember previously we said that the throne referred to the ruling or judging aspect of God and the temple indicating His holiness. Here the two things come together: this is the judgement of a holy God as a penalty for ongoing sin.


D. Application:

1. God only has to speak and the world is shaken.

2. Yet there is still time to repent, still time to affect eternal destiny,




RECAP  "The Seven Plagues"  Revelation 15 & 16




In this second group of 6 studies we have seen :

- a view of heaven & God's justice being declared

- 7 angels being given bowls of God's anger

- the first 5 bowls bringing increasing discomfort

- the sixth bowl opening the way for kings coming together

- demonic forces bringing the coming together

- kings gathering at Armageddon

- the seventh bowl bringing a chaotic world wide earthquake



     From declarations of the end and an over-view of the harvest in chapter 14, we have now seen perhaps how the harvest of the unrighteous takes place, as increasing pressure is brought to bear on the inhabitants of the earth, almost certainly causing widespread death. It is done in such a way so that there is plenty of opportunity for people to repent and cry out to God - but that they fail to do!

     Perhaps more than anywhere else in the Bible, the stupidity of sin is exposed in these chapters, as foolish mankind refuses to turn and call on God!



1. God's patience will not go on for ever

2. In the midst of judgement is opportunity for grace to flow

3. The justice of God is endorsed as good and right and seen to be so

4. A time of judgement will come.



     Thank the Lord that He is sovereign, ruler over all. Thank Him for His grace and mercy that is there in the midst of judgement. Pray for those near you who do not know Him.


PART 3 : "The Fall of Babylon"

     In this next Part, that which has been referred to twice already is spelled out in detail. Watch and see that first we will be shown Babylon, then challenged to think who she is. Then we will see the downfall of her and the many aspects of her destruction.