Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Matthew's Gospel Studies | |
Page Contents: Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:1-3
A. Find Out:
1. Where had Jesus just been? v.1a
2. What did his disciples do? v.1b
3. What did Jesus warn? v.2
4. Where did they then go? v.3a
5. What did his disciples do? v.3b
B. Think:
C. Comment:There is amazing irony in these few verses. We know from the Bible's teaching that God indwells the human bodies of Christians. We know that Jesus was, in fact, God in a human body. The body is sometimes referred to as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, in today's reading, we have two temples: first there is the stone building called the Temple where Jews went to worship God. If you read the book of Ezekiel you are given an awful picture of the presence of God leaving the Temple (Ezek 10:4,18,19, 11:23 ). Now we have God (or at least His Son) leaving the temple. The human temple (dwelling of God) leaves the stone temple (supposedly the dwelling of God). And what do the disciples do? They get excited about the stone temple! They were excited about a pile of stones, while the temple that really housed the presence of God walked with them, and they took that for granted. Isn't this an amazing picture of getting our spiritual realities mixed up? How we do this so often. We get excited by the apparently big things while missing the real things. Jesus simply warns that the glory that was the stone building will be destroyed (and it was in AD 70). If we put our trust in human structures, whether buildings or programmes, they will eventually fall, taking us with them. Let us rather rejoice in the fact that we are the present temple of the Holy Spirit.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:4-8
A. Find Out:
1. What does Jesus first generally warn them against? v.4
2. Why do they need that warning? v.5
3. What will they hear about? v.6a
4. Yet what is to be their reaction and why? v. 6b
5. What other things will happen? v.7
6. How are they to view these things? v.8
B. Think:
C. Comment:The disciples have just asked Jesus when the Temple would be destroyed and when this age will come to an end. As they sat on the Mount of Olives gazing on that wonderful building, Herod's Temple , they could only envisage its destruction as the end of the world. Jesus, somewhat enigmatically doesn't deny that but instead gives a list of things that will happen first. His initial list of things are a) deception, with the coming of false Christs, b) wars, with nation rising against nation, and c) natural catastrophes, famines earthquakes etc. Two thousand years on we can see that these are all long term things, things that perhaps have continued to happen throughout that period, but perhaps will reach a climax just before he comes again. The twentieth century has been littered with all of these three things in great measure, perhaps more than any century before it. Yet, says Jesus, these are only the beginning of the things that will lead up to my return. There will also be other things to happen before he comes but these are the general conditions that will prevail, deception, conflict and natural upheaval, all things resulting from the Fall, resulting from the sin of mankind. Be on the watch, as history moves on, for these things to happen more and more.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:9-14
A. Find Out:
1. What would then happen to Jesus' disciples? v.9
2. What would also happen? v.10
3. Yet what third thing will happen? v.11
4. What will happen in men's hearts and why? v.12
5. Who will be saved? v.13
6. What will finally happen? v.14
B. Think:
C. Comment:In the previous passage we considered yesterday, Jesus covered what would happen at national level. Now he deals with what will happen at a personal level. It seems that this passage will follow chronologically from the previous one. The characteristics that follow the upheavals of, and on, the earth are OPPOSITION, BACKSLIDING, DECEIT AND LOVELESS WICKEDNESS - rather a grim picture! First there will come a rising up against believers which will include martyrdom and general hostility against Christians on a world-wide scale. At the same time the faith of many believers will fail, perhaps because of the persecution, and they will join in the attack on true ongoing believers, encouraged perhaps by false prophets, teaching wrong things. Wickedness will increase and love will simply be a word. At the beginning of the twenty first century the signs of these possibilities are clearly there. In the midst of all of this the message is quite clear: it is only those who stand firm and hold to the truth of the Gospel who will be saved. During this time the Gospel will go out across the whole world so that no one will be able to say they didn't know. Once that has been achieved the end will come.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:15-25
A. Find Out:
1. What were they to watch out for? v.15
2. Who should then do what? v.16
3. Who should not do what? v.17,18
4. When should they hope it won't happen? v.20
5. What will be happening? v.21,22
6. Who should they beware of and why? v.23,24
B. Think:
C. Comment:In this passage Jesus continues to prophesy what will happen before the end. Whereas the previous sections of prophecy had been quite general, about wars and upheavals and the decline of love and faith, this passage seems to indicate a specific limited period of history, for verse 21 speaks of it as never having occurred before and will never occur again in following history. This seems to indicate a specific event. Let's note it's characteristics. First there is going to be an invasion during which something of a foreign god will be set up where the temple was. It will be a time that comes quickly, yet with sufficient time for the inhabitants to flee the city if they want to. It will be a limited time (v.22) so that the church will not be destroyed. When this happens they were not to see this as the end, and when false Messiahs come they are not to believe them. So what does it mean? Well prophecy can have more than one fulfilment but the wording of this one indicates it will be a one-off thing. In AD70 Rome's armies invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. When the ensigns of Rome , dedicated to Roman gods came that would have fulfilled the prophecy. However, it is always possible that the full fulfilment is yet to happen. Only time will tell. In the meantime we are to keep open minds and are to remain alert.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:26-31
A. Find Out:
1. What are they not to respond to? v.26
2. How will the return of Christ be seen? v.27
3. What picture did Jesus use to convey what would happen? v.28
4. What did he say again would happen at that time? v.29
5. What did he again say about his return? v.30
6. What will happen to believers at that time? v.31
B. Think:
C. Comment:Jesus has just said (v.24) that false Christs will come, so now he tells them, if anyone tells you that I've come back, don't believe them! Why? Because when he comes back again it will be just like the lightning that flashes from one side of the sky to the other, everyone will see it. To ensure we hear it loud and clear he repeats it (v.30); he will come with great splendour next time. We find the same thing recorded in Acts 1:11 , 1 Thess 4:16 and Rev 19:11 -16. When Jesus comes again it will be so that every eye will see his coming. The other thing to note here is that when he comes he will take all the Christians to be with him (v.31 & 1 Thess 4:17 ). There is no room therefore for the belief that Jesus will come back secretly and that the rapture of God's people will take place silently and secretly. The visible coming of Christ, seen by all, and the taking of all the Christians to be with him are clearly linked in these passages. v.28 is a graphic picture where Jesus says that in the same way that a carcass is made obvious by the vultures that gather, so will the coming of Christ be visible by the gathering to him. It may also have a sense that the world will be in decay before he yet comes. There will be distress by physical and probably social calamities.
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:32-35
A. Find Out:
1. From what were they to learn? v.32a
2. What would happen to tell them what? v.32b
3. So how would that apply to what he had just said? v.33
4. What would not happen before all these things occur? v.34
5. How sure could they be of all this? v.35
B. Think:
C. Comment:In these few verses Jesus is declaring some broad truths. First, he is warning that those on the earth, when these things occur, will be able to understand what is going on. To state this he uses the picture of a simple fig tree (for us today we might simply use an apply tree, say). When the leaves of the tree come out you know that Summer is approaching. The simple observable sign tells you the time is near. So it is with all he's been saying. When you see all these things happening, you can be sure the end is near. Second, there is a certainty of these things coming. He declares this in two ways. First he speaks of “this generation”, or “this group or tribe of people” and says they won't pass away or be removed until all this occurs. This “generation” could mean those alive then because he still hasn't come. It's unlikely that he meant the whole human race because that wouldn't be compatible with all he had said previously. It is more likely that he meant the Jewish race that he was addressing at that moment. While there are Jews on the earth it is still yet to be fulfilled. Or the other way round, there will be Jews on the earth until it is fulfilled. Second, he declares that even if heaven and earth passes away, his words will not disappear, but instead they WILL be fulfilled. In all this there is a certainty!
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:36-41
A. Find Out:
1. Who doesn't know when all this will happen? v.36a
2. Who alone knows when it will happen? v.36b
3. To what did Jesus compare it? v.37
4. What had been happening right up to the flood? v.38
5. So how was that likened to the future? v.39
6. What will actually happen? v.40,41
B. Think:
C. Comment:It's easy to forget, when we are looking at individual verses, what it is that Jesus is talking about. Essentially, he is speaking about his own return (v.30,39). In the previous paragraph (v.32-35) he stated that the signs will be there for people to see and that the event WILL happen. Now he majors on the fact that no one except God the Father actually knows when this will happen. The amazing thing is that he himself doesn't know when it will be, only the Father knows, so if anyone claims to have special knowledge of when Jesus is coming back, don't believe them!!!!! To help them take in this fact he illustrates it by reference to what happened at the Flood (Notice that Jesus considers the flood an historical event!). At that time life just carried on as usual right up to the end, with the vast majority of people completely unaware of what was going to happen. It was only the righteous seeker after God (Noah) who knew about it. That's how it will be before Jesus returns; the vast majority of people will be completely oblivious to his coming. But when he comes he will take up to himself (v.31 & 1 Thess 4:16 ,17) all believers, and all unbelievers will see it happen (v.30 & 1 Thess 4:16 ), so don't believe anything about a secret rapture. All will see & know!
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:42-44
A. Find Out:
1. What are we to do therefore? v.42a
2. Why? v.42b
3. What example does Jesus give of this? v.43a
4. What didn't he do & what therefore happened? v.43b
5. So what, again, does he tell us to do? v.44a
6. Why? 44b
B. Think:
C. Comment:In the previous paragraph Jesus had been saying that his return would be both a surprise and certain. It would result in his own people being taken to be with him while the rest are left for destruction. Now he emphasises the need to be alert to watch for him and to be ready. This is the thrust of these words. So, twice in this passage he warns us to be ready. First he says “keep watch” or be on the look out. A Christian should be someone who “stands on the watchtower” looking for the return of their master. Second he says, “be ready” or be prepared, ensure your life is right with God so that you won't be ashamed when you meet him. This should be one of the motivations that helps keep us walking a holy and righteous life, the thought that one day, perhaps soon, Jesus will be coming to take us to himself. As always, Jesus uses a picture to emphasise what he is saying. He speaks of a house owner whose house was burgled (it happened in those times too!). Look he says, if the house owner had known the burglar was coming he would have stayed up and remained awake and alert to protect his house. As it was he was burgled because he wasn't aware of what was about to happen. The implication is obvious!
D. Application:
Chapter: Matthew 24
Passage: Matthew 24:45-51
A. Find Out:
1. Who then does Jesus portray? v.45
2. When will it be good for that person? v.46
3. What will the master then do? v.47
4. But what other thing could that person do? v.48,49
5. What will subsequently happen? v.50
6. With what result? v.51
B. Think:
C. Comment:Remember Jesus has been teaching his disciples about his eventual return, and so these verses must be seen in that context. He paints two pictures to illustrate what he has been saying. The first is of a faithful servant who has been put in charge of the other servants while the master is away. That servant does what his master has told him to do and so is rewarded when his master returns. The second picture shows the servant abusing the other servants and doing that which is quite contrary to the instructions of the master. Because the master doesn't give any warning of his return, this servant is caught doing this and is thoroughly punished. The message is quite clear, reinforcing what Jesus has already said: 1. We don't know when the master (Jesus) will return and so, 2. We need to ensure we are being faithful and doing what he said when he left, else 3. Punishment awaits those who disobey. This is a solemn warning. Possibly it applies mainly to spiritual leaders because the servant is a servant in charge of other servants. Observe the failure of this servant is not just an occasional misdemeanour, but a whole lifestyle of turning away and doing his own thing to the detriment of others.
D. Application:
RECAP: "A Call to be Alert" - Matthew 24
In this final group of 9 studies we have seen Jesus on the Mount of Olives speaking to his disciples about history through to the End Times :
This chapter is a catalogue of the things that Jesus' disciples are to watch for in coming history. Their end is Jesus clear and visible return, but before that happens, this Fallen World will exhibit numerous signs which should not disturb believers, only confirm them in their faith. The world will not be at peace. Quite to the contrary there will be upheavals of all sorts, physical and spiritual. There will be deception and delusion. There will be reversals of fortune and false messiahs coming to help, yet the only real help will be from God and from His Son who WILL come again. Again we must reiterate, these things are said to stop the believer being disturbed when these things happen. The Grace of God will be there at all times!
LESSONS?1. Our trust must be in God, not in events. 2. We are not to be disturbed by upheavals. 3. The call is for us to remain true in the face of opposition. 4. The call is to remain true and not be deceived. 5. God's grace and wisdom is there for us throughout.
PRAY :Lord, I commit my future into your hands. You are the Lord and your will is supreme. Thank you for your love and your grace.
Section SUMMARY - Matthew, Chapters 21-24
In these four chapters we have seen:
1. Jesus arrival in Jerusalem for the final week
2. Jesus' teaching & healing in the Temple and being challenged.
3. Jesus on the Mount of Olives explaining the future.
Section CONCLUSION - Matthew, Chapters 21-24As we come to the end of this set of Studies we should, perhaps, note the following:
1. Jesus in ControlAs we look over these four chapters, there is a sense that Jesus is not phased by the grumblings of the religious authorities, but is quietly in charge! He was in control of his entry into Jerusalem and did it in a prophetic manner for those who would have eyes to see, as well as to provoke the authorities. He overturns the materialism in the Temple , carries out a ‘healing service' and then goes home for the night. Next morning he's back teaching with such wisdom that all his critics are silenced! Eventually he leaves with his disciples and goes to the Mount of Olives where he continues teaching them. In all this is the sense that he is working out his own purposes in his own time. He is coming out into the open and thus provoking the religious authorities in such a way that they will rise against him and the worst crime in the history of the world be perpetrated – in order to save the world! The divine purpose is being meticulously worked out.
2. The Horrors of “Religion”We cannot escape the fact that in these chapters those who opposed Jesus and those who received his denunciations, were the religious representatives of the day – the Pharisees, priests, teachers of the Law, and the Sadducees. As much as it may make some of us feel uncomfortable, the truth is that it was largely religion with a nationalistic flavour that actually brought about the death of the Son of God. In these chapters some of the worst characteristics of such “religion” are exposed: pride, exhibitionism, hypocrisy, legalism, lack of grace, harshness, refusal to consider the truth, rejection of God's messengers, man made rules prevailing over God's laws, spiritual death covered up by outward appearances of religious ritual. Now that may sound condemning, but it IS what is revealed in these chapters as the nature of religiosity in Jesus' day, and it was this that reacted to the truth Jesus declared and had him put to death.
3. Our Own ResponsesSubmission to the lordship of the sovereign Christ? Rejection of anything that smacks of unreal religiosity?