Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Matthew's Gospel Studies | |
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Ch. 6:19-7:12
Chapter: Matthew 6:19-7:12
Passage: Matthew 6:19-24 A. Find out :
1. What is wrong with storing earthly treasures? v.19
2. What are we to do instead? v.20
3. Where will your heart be? v.21
4. Why are your eyes important? v.22,23
5. What cannot you do? v.24a
6. How is that expressed specifically? v.24c
B. Think :
1. What are the two opposite goals in life that a person can have? 2. Why is it impossible to go for them both at once? 3. In this context, why do you think our eyes are so important?
C. Comment :
Continuing to major on spiritual realities, Jesus now focuses on our very motivation in life. The motivation of most in the world is to make money and gain possessions for physical well-being. This, says Jesus, is a short term goal, because such treasure will either wear out, be broken or destroyed or be stolen. In other words, it won't last!
The alternative is to aim for things of eternal value, the knowledge of the Lord and the experience of life led by Him. These things cannot be taken away: goodness, righteousness, holiness, love, joy, peace in Him. Whichever of these "treasures" you go for in life shows where your heart is.
This is also revealed by what goes into your mind through your eyes. Is it feasting on window shopping or catalogues (materialism), and filling your mind with unrighteous TV programmes for so-called pleasure purposes (hedonism). That leaves your life in darkness.
These two ways are opposites and you cannot go for materialism AND for the kingdom of God ; they are strict opposites. One makes money a god and places reliance upon having goods, the other worships God and relies upon Him entirely.
D. Application?
1. Our motivation in life can be material things or spiritual realities. 2. The two don't mix! Don't fool yourself!
Chapter: Matthew 6:19-7:12
Passage: Matthew 6:25-30
A. Find out :
1. What are we not to worry about? v.25a
2. What is more important than food or clothes? v.25b
3. What are we to realise about the birds? v.26
4. What doesn't worrying do? v.27
5. What are we to look at? v.28,29
6. To what conclusion? v.30
B. Think :
1. What are the natural worries of this world? 2. What is the primary means that Jesus uses to overcome worry? 3. What secondary reason does he give against worry?
C. Comment :
Having just counselled against the materialistic life and for the life of trusting God, Jesus as a good Pastor addresses the probable concern in the hearts of his disciples: that's all very well but how will I live? How will I be clothed and fed?
Jesus' main response to this is to remind them that everything they see in creation is provided for by God. He is first of all a providing God, that is what Creation is, His provision for us. So, says Jesus, let this come clearly into your minds, your heavenly Father provides for the birds and you are so much more important to Him than them, so don't worry for he will provide for you also.
A second very simple reason against worrying is also given by Jesus: it doesn't do any good, it doesn't achieve anything!
In Philippians 4:6 Paul similarly said, don't worry but instead tell your loving heavenly Father all about it in prayer. The key to Christian peace is resting in the love of God, assured that a) He cares and so b) He will provide. How we need these words at the end of the twentieth century when life seems so filled with worry and care and anxiety!
D. Application?
1. All of Creation shouts out to us that God loves us and provides for us. 2. If God provides for birds He WILL provide that much more for me!
Chapter: Matthew 6:19-7:12
Passage: Matthew 6:31-34 A. Find out :
1. What sort of things cause people to worry? v.31
2. Who worry like this? v.32a
3. But what should we rest in? v.32b
4. What 2 things are we to seek? v.33a
5. Then what will happen? v.33b
6. So what are we not to worry about? v.34
B. Think :
1. How is it clear that the worries of today are the worries that have always been around? 2. How are Christians to be positive in their approaches to life? 3. How will this overcome worry?
C. Comment :
In this passage where Jesus is counselling his followers not to worry but to rest in Father's provision, he first of all highlights the things people DO worry about: either how to survive and get food and clothing, or if you have wealth, simply how to spend it on what food or clothing. These are very basic concerns for us all.
However, says Jesus, your Father knows you need them so just rest in His love for you in the sure knowledge that He will provide for you. Instead of worrying about such things and showing doubt in God's loving provision, seek for His will and His rule in any circumstance. Look for His righteous activity that will bring righteousness in you as well, he continues, and if you do this you will find that while you are concentrating on these things, your heavenly Father will be providing all you need anyway.
Finally, he concludes, don't keep on worrying about tomorrow, what might or might not happen, what you might or might not have. Instead just look after what is happening today, that is sufficient for you. Just rest in Father's love and provision today, and leave tomorrow to be worked out on the same basis (implied).
D. Application?
1. Go all out for God's will today, and let Him meet your needs. 2. God is love, therefore.....
Chapter: Matthew 6:19-7:12
Passage: Matthew 7:1-6 A. Find out :
1. What are we not to do and why? v.1
2. How will we be judged? v.2
3. What do we have a tendency to do? v.3,4
4. What do we need to do first? v.5
5. What are we not to do? v.6a
6. What would happen if we did? v.6b
B. Think :
1. How in this passage does Jesus require distinction between judging and discriminating? 2. What is the first danger in judging others? 3. What is the second danger?
C. Comment :
Remember Jesus has been dealing throughout this sermon with realities. Now he moves to the reality of your standing versus the standing of others. The temptation for us is to look at other people and in weighing them up, start to put them down. To judge means to weigh people up AND condemn them.
Now, says Jesus, if you condemn others, you also will be condemned. That is the first reason for not doing it. Not only that, he continues, how can you condemn others when you have got things wrong in your own life. No, concentrate on getting your own life right and when you have managed that, then you can focus on others.
But finally Jesus says something which seems at first sight to be out of context: don't give spiritual gems to unspiritual people. Now, to be able to achieve this we have to learn to differentiate or discriminate between people, and we have to do this without judging or condemning them. We need to be wise as to how we respond to different people and avoid their hostile and unbelieving actions, but in doing that we are not to judge them, for God still loves them and wants them to come to know Him (whether they will is another matter).
D. Application? 1. Judging and condemning others is not for the Christian. 2. Learning to discriminate between people is something for us.
Chapter: Matthew 6:19-7:12
Passage: Matthew 7:7-12 A. Find out :
1. What 3 things does Jesus tell us to do? v.7
2. What will happen if we do? v.8
3. What won't a parent do to a son? v.9,10
4. What does Jesus say we do? v.11a
5. What more will our heavenly Father do? v.11b
6. How are we to treat others? v.12
B. Think :
1. How does this relate to what is in verse 6 and the preceding verses? 2. What is the main point of this passage that comes over to you? 3. How is the Father's love for us compared and contrasted with our love for our children?
C. Comment :
In the first 5 verses of this chapter, Jesus tells us to be aware of our own shortcomings before we focus on anyone else's. In verse 6 he called for discernment in ensuring that we don't share precious things with unbelieving people.
It is almost as if Jesus considers that we might feel after this that we are not worthy either to receive anything from God, and therefore he encourages us to pray and seek God and we WILL get answers. The verbs are all in the continuous tense in the original, ask and keep on asking, knock and keep on knocking etc. In other words, says Jesus, persevere.
To encourage us further he uses parent and son illustrations. If we give good gifts to our children, how much more will God, our loving heavenly Father give to us, so don't be afraid to ask.
Finally, as he has been thinking how God graciously deals with us, Jesus encourages us to deal with others in a similar gracious way, using as a rule doing to others what we would like done to us, for in such a way we can ensure we are blessing others. As we do this we sum up all the things in the Law of God.
D. Application?
1. God promises He will give when we ask - persistently. 2. God gives as a loving, caring heavenly Father.
RECAP - Trusting God - Matthew 6:19 - 7:12 SUMMARY :
In these 5 studies we have seen Jesus:
The overall them of this passage of Scripture must be "The Reality of being able to trust God". For the Christian the challenge comes that we can't trust TWO sources of provision, we must rely upon God. The focus comes very much on us as individuals. When we try to take the focus and put it on other people's short-comings, Jesus places it well and truly back on us: am I resting in God's love, am I sorting out the "planks in my own eye", am I going on and on seeking and asking until I receive from God?
1. My heart will be where my treasure is 2. I can't serve two masters 3. God will provide when I just seek His will 4. I need to focus on my state rather than others' shortfalls 5. I am to go on asking until I receive from Father
Ask the Lord to imprint these truths on your heart and enable you to live in them.
PART 6 : "Letting Jesus be Lord"
In the final Part of this sermon Jesus challenges us even more strongly to realise THE WAY is narrow and that the key to it is OBEDIENCE. The Lord isn't impressed by our spiritual activities, only our obedience. Sense that as you go through these last four studies in this amazing Sermon from the giver of Life and teacher of Truth.