Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Thessalonians Studies | |
Ch. 4 & 5
Chapter: 1 Thess 1 Passage: 1 Thess 3:12,13 - 4:1,2 A. Find Out:
1. What did they want to happen? v.12 2. What did they want the lord to do, with what result? v.13 3. What had they done previously? v.1a 4. So what were they asking now? v.1b 5. What do they say the church know? v.2
B. Think:
C. Comment:These verses are the transition from all they have been saying about the church in the past, and the challenges they are bringing them for the future. That's why we've gone back and covered verses 12 and 13 again because these four verses really go together. Their call in verse 12 is to go on deepening their love for one another – i.e. build relationships even stronger. Then in verse 13 it was the apostles' desire that the Lord would strengthen them inwardly so they will ensure their lives are pure and holy. Both these things are going to come up as issues to be considered shortly. They then remind the church that all their teaching had really been about how to please God. That is at the heart of all teaching about how to live out the Christian life practically. It start with, “How do I go about pleasing God?” for that is our ultimate aim. So the desire of the apostles is that the church works on this more and more. Any practical teaching with have this in mind. They remind the church that they had left them with various instructions. The implication is, “Are you following them?” The Christian life isn't just about how you get saved, but also about how you go on being saved, the nature of the life you now live now that you have come out of the dominion of darkness and now live in the kingdom of the Son (Col 1:13)
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 4 Passage: 1 Thess 4:3-8
A. Find Out: 1. How do they describe two sides of God's will? v.3 2. What is the positive expression of that? v.4 3. What is the negative to avoid? v.5 4. What warning do they give? v.6b 5. How do they summarise our calling? v.7 6. What is rejecting this instruction? v.8
B. Think:
C. Comment:As the apostles move on into specific behavioural teaching they declare, first of all, a general principle: God wants us to be sanctified, What does at mean? To be sanctified means to be set apart by God to the use for which we've been designed, to be holy, different, conforming to His design, not the world's design! The Bible tells us that we ARE sanctified when we come to Christ and we go through a PROCESS of being sanctified throughout our time on earth, and then will be ENTIRELY sanctified when we go to heaven. Obviously there are many things in our lives that need conforming to God's design, and the apostles highlight here that of sexual behaviour. What does that involve? Self control! What is the opposite of that? Unrestrained passion. What does that self control involve? No sex before marriage and then only with one partner of the opposite sex for the rest of your life. That is God's perfect design. This is holy living. Anything less the apostles call immorality, impure, and as such will incur the Lord's punishment. People who disregard these instructions, say the apostles, don't know God and are rejecting Him. Now apply this to the world in which we live in the West and see the extent that men and women think they know better than God. See also the fruits of this folly and realise they don't!
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 4 Passage: 1 Thess 4:9-12
A. Find Out: 1. What do they next speak about, and say about it? v.9a 2. Why didn't they? v.9b 3. What was the proof of that? v.10 4. What threefold ambition did they suggest for them? v.11 5. With what twofold result? v.12
B. Think:
C. Comment:In the coming verses the apostles seek to bring guidance about the Lord's return. It may be that there in the church in Thessalonica, there were those who had heard initial teaching about Jesus coming back and therefore thought there wasn't any point in being purposeful in the Christian life - it was just a case of waiting. We make this suggestion because no other reason is given to indicate why the apostles now brings the instructions they do. The first instruction is simply to love one another even more than they have done so far (v.10). The second instruction is to get on with life in such a good way that they will both open the hearts of others towards them and they will not fall into reliance on others. Both of these instructions counter a self-centred, individualistic, casual and lazy approach to life. On one hand there is the struggle against persecution and on the other hand the uncertainty about the future. Both these things can have an undermining effect in a person's life. Opposition is wearying and uncertainty can lead into wrong thinking and then wrong actions. Very well, say the apostles, dig in for the long haul! Keep on establishing the unity of the church in love. Purpose to work, just getting on with your life, not bothering with the upheavals going on in others. Yes, it's an uncertain life and there are upheavals all over the place and things are changing – so remain steady, don't you be moved in the same way.
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 4 Passage: 1 Thess 4:13-18
A. Find Out: 1. What didn't they want the church to be? v.13a 2. What didn't they want them to do? v.13b 3. What did they first believe? v.14a 4. So what did they conclude? v.14b 5. Who will not proceed who? v.15 6. Who will rise first? v.16 7. Then what will happen? v.17
B. Think:
C. Comment:There are always questions about our future, about Jesus' return, and so, obviously, were there in the church in Thessalonica. The primary concern seems to be about those who have already died (v.13). “Fallen asleep” is the apostles description of death because they see it as a temporary state. Because God raised Jesus from the dead, they say, we also believe he will raise us from the dead (v.14). The fact that Jesus was literally raised implies a literal raising for us also. More than that, when Jesus returns, they go on, those who have died before us will come back with him (v.14). Jesus himself had spoken about this event (v.15) and so, they say, you don't need to worry about your loved ones, they will come back with Jesus before he takes us who are still alive (v.15) The coming of Jesus will be clear and seen and heard by all (v.16) and when he comes he will bring those who have already died with him. Then those of us who are Christians will also be caught up to be with Christ. These verses which are so clear and obvious put to death any theory about a “secret rapture” where Christians will be spirited away without the rest of the world knowing. They clearly link it with the very prominent return of Christ. Revelation 19:7 onwards sees this in a wider context of Jesus coming to deal with the world!
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 5 Passage: 1 Thess 5:1-5
A. Find Out: 1. How will the day of the Lord come? v.2 2. What will people be saying, but what will come? v.3 3. Why should the coming of this day not surprise us? v.4 4. What are we? v.5
B. Think:
C. Comment:The apostles have just been reassuring the church over the matter of those who have already died and the second coming of Jesus. This return of Jesus is also referred to as “the day of the Lord” (v.2). They now move on to bring reassurance to us in respect of this day, reassurance for those of us who will be alive when it comes. We have seen previously that when it happens everyone will know about it ( 4:16 & Mt 24:30,31), but prior to that there will be confidence and ease in mankind that is unfounded. The second coming of Jesus will come as a surprise to most. People will think the world is just carrying on as usual and will feel at peace and will feel secure – as far as God's wrath is concerned – after all, He hasn't done anything so far in my life, so why should I worry, will be the prevailing mentality. The analogy given is of a thief coming in the night. Such a thief gives no warning, he just turns up! So it will be with Jesus, he will just turn up to bring the judgement of God. Without warning? On no, you've had the warning, you've just read about it! But actually for those who are living in relationship with God, who have His Holy Spirit within them, they will catch the sense of His heart and His activity and they will sense that it is about to happen and so they can ensure that they are ready. The warning will only come through relationship, because you are “in the light”.
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 5 Passage: 1 Thess 5:6-11
A. Find Out: 1. How do they say we are to be? v.6 2. What happens at night? v.7 3. But how are we to be? v.8a 4. What are we to put on? v.8b 5. What is and is not our inheritance from God? v.9 6. For whom did Jesus die? v.10 7. So what are we to do? v.11
B. Think:
C. Comment:In verse 4 the apostles had said we were not in darkness. In verse 5 they said we are sons of the light, sons of the day. So in these verses now they say the same thing. What is the significance of this? If you are in darkness you cannot see. In the dark you cannot be seen and so if people are going to do wrong they often do it at night. We are called sons of the light or sons of the day. In the light you can see where you are going (you have purpose) and what is happening (understanding what is going on) and your behaviour is better. So, their instructions are to Christians who are supposed to be clear as to their calling, and understanding the times. As people of the light be in control of yourselves and let faith and love act as a protection over our hearts to keep us steady, and hope (that is an assured expectancy) be a guard over our minds to keep us looking in the right direction – the fulfilling of our salvation as we expect to meet Jesus. This WILL happen whether we are already dead when he returns, or whether we are alive then. This understanding, they imply, should act as a stimulus to us to help us on in our walk, but more than that, we are to encourage one another with these things. These truths are the things that should keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 5 Passage: 1 Thess 5:12-18
A. Find Out: 1. Who are we to respect? v.12 2. How are we to consider them? v.13a 3. What are we to do in the fellowship? v.13b 4. What 4 groups are spoken about? v.14 5. What two sided instruction is then given? v.15 6. What 3 positive instructions then follow? v.16-18
B. Think:
C. Comment:To conclude this letter the apostles pour out a string of short, snappy instructions that come in three groups. First there are the instructions about attitudes towards leaders: respect them and esteem them. In other words recognise their value in the kingdom and honour them for what they do. Do we? Second, there are the relational instructions, about interacting with other people. There are general ones: live at peace with one another (v.13), avoid revenge and be kind to one another ( v.15). Then there are instructions in respect of specific people: lazy people – warn them no to be lazy! Timid people - encourage them, they need building up. Weak people – help them in their inadequacy to be strong. Everyone (who do not move as fast as you would like) – be patient with them and don't get stressed over their slowness. Finally, there are the spiritual instructions, instructions about your spiritual outlook and the way you then live. Be joyful always. Why? Because that's what God wants for you. Pray at every turn. Give thanks in all circumstances (‘in' not ‘for') How can we d these things? By having a strong sense of walking with God, allowing Him to lead and guard us. When we do that, we'll have His joy, we'll be sharing with Him, and we'll be thanking Him for His presence and goodness.
D. Application:
Chapter: 1 Thess 5 Passage: 1 Thess 5:19-28
A. Find Out: 1. What are the next two ‘spiritual instructions'? v.19,20 2. What three follow on? v.21,22 3. What do they want for the church? v.23 4. What assurance do they have? v.24 5. What do they request for themselves? v.25 6. With what desire do they conclude? v.28
B. Think:
C. Comment:These closing instructions from verse 12 onwards come like machine gun bullets from the apostles, one after another, with such rapidity that it is almost impossible to take them in. Why not use each instruction as a basis of a separate meditation some time? In the verses before us here, we start with an absolutely vital command: don't put out the Spirit's fire. The Holy Spirit had come in the preaching and brought conviction and salvation and the fruit of changed lives. Such happens in revival, and history shows us that is us, the church, that so often slows Him down and quenches His work. Don't treat prophecies with contempt? How many churches deny the Lord the possibility of speaking to His people today? Test everything? Wise counsel, check out the origin of what is coming. Hold on to the good? Goodness is such a rare commodity, we need to hold onto it when God gives it to us. Avoid evil? Yes, stay away from anything of the enemy. Then comes their general desire that encompasses all these things: for the church to go on being sanctified. To be sanctified means to be changed to be different, to be godly, to be righteous. It started at conversion and it must continue on. This is God's work, this is what he desires to do in us. Salvation isn't merely about initial forgiveness through the Cross, as vital as that is; it is also about us being changed into Jesus' likeness. That is God's ongoing objective in us.
D. Application:
RECAP: "Issues" 1 Thessalonians 4 & 5SUMMARY :In this second group of 8 studies we have seen the apostolic team teach on a number of practical issues :
COMMENT :There are really two general areas of instruction in these two chapters. There is the desire for the church to be sanctified, to live holy lives in the midst of an unholy generation, and there is the desire for the church to be at peace in respect of the Lord's Second Coming. The former desire has many expressions about living rightly and focuses on a) their relationship with the Lord, and b) their relationships with one another. Both areas need attention always. The latter desire seeks to remove worries about loved ones who have already died and bring understanding of what will happen when Jesus returns. Be at peace!
LESSONS?In these verses there are too many instructions to take them all. Go back over these verses and allow the Lord to highlight to you the ones He particularly wants you to work on.
PRAY :Thank the Lord that your salvation has a very practical dimension to it. Ask Him to show you the areas He wants you to work on.
PART 3 : "A Second Letter"In this next Part we move on into the second letter. Observe, as we go through it, the similarities and differences to and from the first letter.