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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:  Revelation Studies
Page Contents:


Chs. 8-11

























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Chapter: Rev 8

Passage: Rev 8:6-13

A. Find Out:


1. What happened when the 1st trumpet was blown? v.7

2. What happened with the 2nd? v.8,9

3. What happened with the 3rd? v.10,11

4. What happened with the 4th? v.12

5. What was the eagle crying out? v.13

B. Think :

1. What were the CAUSES of disaster after the first three trumpets?

2. What is the result on the world?

3. What is the effect on the sky?

C. Comment :


      The sixth seal had heralded a shaking. The seventh seal opens the way for death and destruction on a massive scale. Always remember it is only by the grace and mercy of God that we aren't all destroyed immediately (see studies in this Series on Romans).

      The disaster that hits the earth can either be seen as disaster which hits the whole world but only destroys one third of it or, more likely, disaster that hits one geographical third of the earth. In that third the earth is scorched, the sea is thrown into turmoil and everything in it destroyed and all the rivers, lakes etc. completely polluted. The result of this holocaust, now brought by a fourth angel, is that the sky is blotted out (remember the sky over Kuwait when oil wells burnt in the early part of the 1990's).

      God's divinely brought judgements so often come through "natural" means (see studies in this series on the first half of Exodus). Because the foolish inhabitants of the earth still refuse to call on God (as we'll see later), it is likely that they view these disasters as "natural" or even "man caused". We see them, however, specifically brought by the angels of God. As if that wasn't enough, we are shown an eagle (eagles see all that is happening or coming) and it wails out what is to follow, something even worse than we have seen so far!

D. Application?

1. Disasters drive men to God - sometimes!!

2. God seeks to draw all men to Himself in love.



Chapter: Rev 9

Passage: Rev 9:1-12


A. Find Out:    


1. What was the star given? v.1

2. What happened when he used it? v.2

3. With what consequence? v.3

4. How were they restricted? v.4,5 (3 ways)

5. Who rules over them? v.11

6. How is their activity described? v.12

B. Think :

1. How would you summarise this first woe?

2. How does this passage distinguish between believers and unbelievers?

3. What or who do you think these locust-like creatures are?

C. Comment :

      The first four trumpets heralded death and destruction for a third of the world. The fifth trumpet heralds agony and torment for all the godless unbelievers (note that believers are still on the earth in the midst of this "tribulation").


     The 'star' referred to as 'he' clearly is a personality and we may suppose he is either Satan or another leading fallen angel. He appears to be given authority to release from the depths demonic beings that are permitted to come against the unbelieving population of the world and create extreme pain and agony, without ensuring death.


     The description of these creatures is confusing and horrific. Whether they can be actually seen by humans is not clear, but if they can be they present a picture of creatures that would conjure up immense fear. We will soon see that still the populace do not repent and call on God. The Lord is giving every opportunity, indeed is presenting every sort of pressure upon man almost to drive them to Himself and avoid eternal destruction, but still they refuse. Such is the foolishness of sin in mankind.

D. Application?

1. God loves us so much that He sometimes uses very strong disciplinary

    measures to drive us to Himself.

2. Sin's foolishness means we sometimes need that!




Chapter: Rev 9

Passage: Rev 9:13-21


A. Find Out:


1. What command was issued? v.14

2. What were the four angels to do? v.15

3. How, apparently, were they to do it? v.16

4. What specific methods would achieve it? v.18

5. What did the rest of mankind continue doing. v.20

6. Of what other things were they guilty? v.21

B. Think :

1. What, simply, was the effect of the 6th trumpet?

2. What is clearly the moral state of the world at this time?

3. What does this passage say about time and the purposes of God.

C. Comment :

      The end result off this trumpet being blown is that a third of the world is killed. The how and when of all of this is not fully clear and any detailed application is purely speculative. What we are told is that there were four angels, presumably fallen angels because they are 'bound', i.e. completely restricted in their activity, who had been restricted at some time in the past to be released for this specific moment in history. The area of the Euphrates is the area of Mesopotamia , the area of the garden of Eden and what is modern Iraq .


      Again the description of the destroying army under these four angels is horrific and mysterious, again presumably a demonic destroying host. Unlike the creatures of the 5th trumpet, these ones actually bring death, to a terrible ONE THIRD of the world!!!

      Still godless mankind refuses to repent. They will worship anything but God. Still they are bent on spiritistic occult activity, their destruction, their abuse of the gift of sex and their abuse of each other's property. What a picture of much of the world's activity today!

D. Application?

1. Yet again see the foolishness and stupidity and hardness of heart caused

     by sin.

2. All men have to die sometime and then face God. He has the right to

    make that earlier than later.





Chapter: Rev 10

Passage: Rev 10:1-4


A. Find Out:


1. What did John next see? v.1a

2. How was he described? v.1b (4 descriptions)

3. What was he holding? v.2a

4. What did he do? v.2b,3a

5. What also was heard by John? v.3b

6. What was John told to do? v.4

B. Think :

1. What are we told about the size or magnitude of this divine messenger?

2. Why do you think we were not told the content of the seven thunders?

3. Why should such a passage therefore be included in the Scriptures?

C. Comment :


      We have read today verses which could be written off as a waste of time, but "all Scripture is profitable.." (2 Timothy 3:16 ), so let's see what it says to us.


      First perhaps it shatters our ides of angels being human size figures. The angel that appears here is enormous. It planted one foot ON the sea and one foot ON the land. That denotes bigness!!


     Second we see that things happen that God DOESN'T want us to know about. When we consider such an idea more fully we are reminded that the Bible is FULL of partial revelation. We believe not because we have TOTAL revelation of God but because the little we have impacts us so much that we trust Him for the rest. We are really told very little about God, about heaven, about so many other things.

     We may then ask, why should something like this be recorded in such outline that it leaves us wondering? The answer is simply that it DID happen so John recorded what he could of it. It is passages like this that should convince us of the veracity of the revelation! It did happen, otherwise there would be absolutely no point whatsoever of writing it down. Yes it confirms the veracity of the vision!

D. Application?

1. The word of God is true, completely true!

2. Thank God for the little we are shown!




Chapter: Rev 10

Passage: Rev 10:5-11


A. Find Out:


1. What did the angel promise? v.6

2. What will happen? v.7

3. What was John told to do? v.8

4. What did the angel tell him to do? v.9a

5. What did he also warn him about? v.9b

6. What was he then told to do? v.11

B. Think :

1. What is this great angel doing in the first part of this passage?

2. How, in this passage, does John move from being an onlooker to a


3. What is about to happen?

C. Comment :

      This passage falls into two parts. First we have John observing what was happening, then John being involved in it. First of all John saw the angel make a solemn promise that the purposes of God, as revealed in the Bible, were about to come to fulfilment. The seventh trumpet apparently is going to herald the last stage in the purposes of God for the earth!


     Following that, John finds himself being instructed to get involved in what he sees before him. He is instructed to take the scroll and so he asks the angel for it (remember what we said yesterday and note the detail! If this had just been a dream he would have simply taken it, but it is real and he respects the authority of the angel and asks for the scroll). Why should the scroll taste good but go bad in his stomach? This tells us that things often look good at first sight but as we consider them, chew them over and digest them, then the full implications come through to us and they don't then seem so good any longer! Finally (? as a result of what he has eaten ?knowledge of God's purposes), John is told to get ready to speak again God's purposes for the world.

D. Application?

1. God is looking for participators, not just onlookers!

2. The truth sometimes can be unpleasant!





Chapter: Rev 11

Passage: Rev 11:1-6


A. Find Out:


1. What was John told to do? v.1

2. How long will the "Gentiles" trample the city? v.2

3. How long will the two witnesses prophesy? v.3

4. How are they described? v.4

5. What power do they have to defend themselves? v.5

6. What other powers do they have? (threefold) v.6

B. Think :

1. Why do we ever measure anything?

2. What do witnesses do?

3. How would you summarise the authority of these two witnesses?

C. Comment :


     We measure something when we want to become aware of the size or extent of it. We are not told of John doing this or the result of it so, what we have here therefore is, at least, God's first requirement that He wants John to be fully aware of the greatness and beauty of God's dwelling place and the people there. Then comes indication of what is coming: Gentiles (non-believers) "trampling" on the dwelling place of God's people. But note while they are doing that God has two witnesses prophesying out of weakness (sackcloth). They have the ability to speak God's devastating word to deal with the enemies of God. This ability is to bring the judgement of God to earth.

     The period that keeps being mentioned is 3 years. Seven is the number of perfection or completion in the Bible, therefore this period is a specific period that is just part of the total period that God has set for the fulfilment of His purposes. Whatever else we have in this passage, we have an indication again of the sovereign purposes of God whereby for a controlled set period, the Lord allows unbelievers free reign but in the midst of that, He maintains a powerful witness to Himself!

D. Application?

1. God IS in control, even when the enemy appears to have free reign!

2. God IS in control of the times & seasons for things to happen!



Chapter: Rev 11

Passage: Rev 11:7-14


A. Find Out:


1. What will happen to these 2 witnesses? v.7

2. Where will it happen? v.8

3. How long will they be there? v.9

4. What will the people feel about them? v.10

5. What will then happen to them? v.11,12

6. What also will happen? v.13

B. Think :

1. What effect had the two witnesses had previously on the earth?

2. What power does the enemy have?

3. Yet what greater power is available?

C. Comment :

      Commentators speculate whether these two witnesses are two individual men or whether they represent the church and Israel . The latter is unlikely in that the remnant believers of Israel ARE part of the church and not distinct from it. Here therefore it appears God has two prophets who clearly speak His word to the world and make the world feel thoroughly uncomfortable.


      Next comes reference, for the first time, to the "beast of the Abyss", without further explanation. The only reference previously to the Abyss was in chapter 9. Whatever else it might mean, we have a creature (which may be a single creature or many) that has demonic origins who is permitted to kill these two prophets.


      Even as God permitted Jesus to be killed, so He permits these two to be killed, and similarly raises them up again, so miraculously they come to life and ascend into heaven in full public view, just like their Master. This appears to happen in Jerusalem (v.8) which is now referred to as an ungodly and unrighteous place. Three and a half days seem to indicate half of the time of God's determining for His plans and purposes. Over all this we still see sovereign God ruling and working out His purposes in the world.

D. Application?

1. Death is not the end. God brings life after death, here or in eternity!

2. God is still sovereign!



Chapter: Rev 11

Passage: Rev 11:15-19


A. Find Out:


1. What was said to have happened after the 7th trumpet sounded? v.15

2. Why did the elders say they worshipped God? v.16,17

3. What thing would He now do in respect of the world? v.18a,c

4. What would He do in respect of His followers? v.18b

5. What then happened in heaven? v.19a

6. What accompanied this? v.19b

B. Think :

1. What key turning points in history appears to have taken place?

2. What was the purpose of the temple of old?

3. What significance therefore, do you think the references to the temple

     and ark have here?

C. Comment :

      After the fifth trumpet, the first woe was said to have occurred. After the sixth trumpet the second woe was said to have occurred. The third woe must come with the seventh (see 8:13 ). This woe seems to comprise a revelation of heaven where God's sovereign ruling power is declared as if in the present tense i.e. He is just starting to rule. But we know that the kingdom or rule of God on earth started when Jesus came. The rule that is now being referred to, therefore, must be something further, something stronger than was seen through Jesus.


      Jesus came to rule over the works of Satan (1 John 3:8), not to bring eternal punishment. That occurs now and all those who have died previously are now rewarded with eternal death or eternal blessing, depending on whether they disobeyed God by rejecting Jesus, or whether they obeyed by accepting Jesus. The temple is the meeting place between God and man in solemn covenant and so it is there that God goes to determine in which of the two above groups each person falls, on the basis of faith through the law and sacrifice, or faith through Jesus.

D. Application?

1. Salvation is for now AND into eternity.

2. Eternal salvation is through Jesus' death.






Chapters 8 & 9 :

1st Trumpet       1/3 earth burned

2nd Trumpet     1/3 sea creatures destroyed

3rd Trumpet      1/3 freshwater polluted

4th Trumpet       1/3 sky polluted

5th Trumpet       Locusts from Pit

(1st Woe)

6th Trumpet       1/3 mankind killed

(? 2nd Woe)  

Chapter 10 :

Interlude             Seven thunders

                                                Little scroll

Chapter 11 :

Interlude (Cont.)    Two witnesses

7th Trumpet            Declaration of triumph

                                                God's temple opened



RECAP No.5  "The Seven Trumpets"  Revelation 8-11




     In these 8 studies we have seen:

- disasters coming that end up destroying a third of the earth

- mankind still refusing to repent

- the end coming soon

- Jerusalem being trampled by unbelievers but God having two

   witnesses to Himself

- The death and resurrection of these two

- Declaration of judgement starting



      In these last desperate times before the end comes the pressure builds up of disasters upon the earth when, one might expect, humanity should cry out to God for help. Instead there is unrepentant rebellion against God and His people.


     Finally God declares the time has come for the final judgement which will be delayed no longer.


1. God's ongoing judgements are designed to turn men back to Himself

2. The majority will refuse to heed the warnings and will come under

     eternal judgement

3. In the midst of this rejection, God will maintain a witness to Himself, a

     constant reminder to the rest of the world of who He is.

4. There will come a time when all will be accountable to God.



      Acknowledge the Lord Almighty whose plans and purposes WILL be fulfilled in His timing.

PART 6 : Overview!


      In this last brief Part, we will read a highly significant chapter that allows us to have an overview of the war that is being carried on. Within it we will see the sovereignty and humility of the Lord, while we also see Satan's activities clearly revealed.