Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Ephesians Studies | |
Chapter: Ephesians 2 Passage: Ephesians 2:1-5 A. Find Out:
1. What HAD been their state? v.1 2. What and who had they previously followed? v.2 3. What had they been ruled by? v.3a,b 4. What were they? v.3c 5. Why had God moved? v.4 6. When had He made them alive? v.5 B. Think :
C. Comment :
As Paul starts to think of the wonderful position that is ours in relation to Jesus, he first, by contrast, reminds us what we HAD been like before we knew Christ. First, our SPIRITUAL STATE: dead! Our lives were filled with disobedience and rebellion against God and as such there was NO spiritual life whatsoever in us! Second, our ACTIVITY: led along, simply following the godless and unrighteous ways of the godless world and led by Satan who works in all unbelievers! Third, our MOTIVATION: to satisfy our own desires, desires to gratify sensual self and intellectual self. We were driven by desires rather than ruling over them. Fourth, our POSITION BEFORE GOD: objects of wrath. Wrath is calm and controlled determination by God to deal with what is evil. But then, and here is the wonder, Paul focuses on what God did: He made us come alive and share in Christ's life. Why? Because He loves us, because He has mercy, because of His grace. Despite all that we were, God moved and made the way open for us to share in the very life of His Son, in the wonder of its purity and power.
D. Application?
Chapter: Ephesians 2 Passage: Ephesians 2:6-10
A. Find Out:
1. Where has God seated us? v.6 2. So that He might show what? v.7 3. How have we been saved? v.6 4. Why not by works? v.9 5. What are we? v.10a 6. With what aim? v.10b B. Think :
C. Comment :
Paul continues to speak of the wonder of what God has done for us. Yesterday we saw that first He has made us alive spiritually sharing in Christ's life. Second, today, we now see our POSITION: it is seated with Christ, who is reigning. As we share our lives with him all things are beneath our feet (see 1:22), not that we rule but that he rules through us. Next we see our REST: because it is all God's free gift, it is all His grace, we can simple receive it and not strive to achieve it. Receive not achieve! Finally he reminds us of the ORIGIN of our EXISTENCE: we have been made by God, brought into being by God, and He has already got plans for our lives, so we don't have to struggle with self-centred ambitions, we now simply change our ambitions to do His will as He gradually reveals it to us.
Yes, we are God-originated in order to share our lives with Christ and for him to share his life and purposes with us, for us to live out on a daily basis. This takes away all the stress and striving and leaves us with a Christ directed, relaxed and fulfilled life, and this is all the free gift of God that was not earned (no room for pride) and cannot be worked for (no room for boasting).
D. Application?
Chapter: Ephesians 2 Passage: Ephesians 2:11-15
A. Find Out:
1. What were we called originally? v.11 2. What 5 things were we then? v.12 3. But what has happened and how? v.13 4. But what has Jesus now done? v.14 5. How did he do that? v.15a 6. With what aim? v.15b B. Think :
C. Comment :
Paul now moves on to show that the work of Christ did away with the division that had previously been there between Jew and Gentile. First, note that Gentiles, or non-Jews, had been called the uncircumcised by the Jews who placed much importance on their relationship with God, sealed by circumcision. The Gentiles had not been given all the promises in the Old Testament that the Jews had received and, unlike the Jews, had no expectation of a coming Messiah or deliverer, i.e. no hope for the future from God. The Jews were, without doubt, the privileged ones. That at least was how it appeared!
Second, note what Christ did: by shedding his blood for sins, he made faith a requirement of salvation, not the keeping of regulations. Suddenly both Jew and Gentile are saved the same way, there are now no longer two groups but just one - the redeemed of God. As far as salvation is concerned God sees no distinction between Jew and Gentile now; they are both to be saved by faith in the blood of Christ. God's means of salvation is the same for any and every person, whatever their national origins. D. Application?
Chapter: Ephesians 2 Passage: Ephesians 2:16-22
A. Find Out:
1. What was Jesus' aim for the one body? v.16 2. What did he come and do? v.17 3. How do we now have access to the Father? v.18 4. What are we now? v.19 5. Of what are we now all part? v.21 6. What is so marvellous about it? v.22 B. Think :
C. Comment :
As Paul continues to expound on the one grouping that Jesus has now created, formed of both Jew and Gentile, he shows us that everything has been done in relation to God the Father. First note that we have been RECONCILED to God the Father, i.e. brought into a friendly relationship with him where there is no cause for God's rejection of us, because Jesus has taken and dealt with the one thing that would cause God to turn from us, our sin.
Second, note that we have been made the HOUSEHOLD of God. Again there is a sense of nearness or closeness of relationship in this picture, a sense of being close to God, dwelling with Him. Third, note how Paul then swiftly develops this to use building terms and speaks of us as a BUILDING which is in fact a Temple. This picture can be seen many times in the Old Testament, the temple, the dwelling place of God (see for example 2 Chronicles 7:1-3). Now Paul says that WE are the temple where God dwells, and this completes the picture of Jesus' work in respect of God: we have been reconciled, brought back to God, made part of God's family, and now indwelt by God. That is the amazing work of Jesus on our behalf.
D. Application?
RECAP: "Alive and Made One" Ephesians 2SUMMARY :In these 4 studies we have seen:
A chapter that reminds us of our past and gloriously declares our transformed future. If we ever forget it, we need reminding about our past state. If we are unsure of it, we need constantly reminding of the truth of our present state. How wonderful. LESSONS :
1. Without Christ I was lost and doomed 2. In Christ I am now a ruler with Him 3. It is all God's grace and not my striving 4. God has a purpose for me to work out 5. I now have an inheritance in Him 6. I am now the dwelling of His Holy Spirit
Thank the Lord for what He has done for you. Ask Him to help you walk out in the purpose He has for you.
PART 3 : "A Preacher and his Prayer"
In this next Part watch for Paul's explanation of his ministry: to declare a mystery. Why a mystery? We will see! We will also see what he further prays for these Ephesian Christians in his second prayer in this glorious letter.