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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:  Revelation Studies
Page Contents:


Chs. 6-8

























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Chapter: Rev 6

Passage: Rev 6:1-8

A. Find Out:


1. Who is opening the seals? v.1a,3a,5a,7a

2. Who are releasing the riders? v.1b,3b,5b,7b

3. How is the 1st rider described? v.2

4. What was the 2nd rider not permitted to do? v.4

5. What was the 3rd rider apparently bringing? v.5,6

6. What was the 4th rider bringing? v.8

B. Think :

1. How would you summarise the order of the things the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th

    riders bring?

2. With reference to God, what needs to be remembered here?

3. How does the 1st rider differ from the others?

C. Comment :

     The first thing to note is that seals two to four bring bad news for the earth: upset, famine and death.


     The second thing to note is that they are brought forth as the Lamb, Jesus, opens each seal. In other words they are coming (noted on the scroll) at God's behest. They are, therefore, the increasing judgement of God on the world that rejects Him.

    The third thing to note, which may appear obvious, is that the three follow the first, but the first is different from the next three. The first rider is given (not natural, earned?) a crown, i.e. it is to rule. It also has to go and conquer. Now this rider has a white horse and white is always a sign of purity (see also Revelation 19:11 ). It might therefore be suggested that this horse and rider is the church and the Gospel.


      It shouldn't necessarily be thought that each rider goes out only after the previous one has finished. In a sense we have here the divine order for all time on the fallen earth: the Gospel comes and when it is rejected lack of peace always follows. After this God brings chastisement to bring people to their senses. If that fails then death is always the ultimate result.

D. Application?

1. Jesus is ruling over end time history, he is Lord!

2. Watch for the divine order on the earth.



Chapter: Rev 6

Passage: Rev 6:9-17


A. Find Out:    


1. Who was John next shown? v.9

2. What were they asking? v.10

3. For what were they to wait? v.11

4. What was the effect of the 6th seal? v.12-14

5. How did the earth's inhabitants react? v.15-17

B. Think :

1. How was the 5th seal different from the previous ones?

2. How was the 6th seal completely different again?

3. What did this passage indicate about the church?


C. Comment :

      The first four seals were heralded by four creatures and brought good and then bad news to the earth.


      The fifth seal merely brings revelation to John of Christians who had been martyred as sacrifices for Jesus. They wonder how long it will be before God moves and winds up the earth to finally deal with all who oppose Him and who killed them. The Lord indicates that the time is not right and indeed before the end even more will loose their lives for being Christians.


      The sixth seal is different again, for there is no heralding by the creatures but instead there is immediate effect. There is immediate universal catastrophe and the heart of it appears to be a massive world wide earthquake which causes such disturbance that the sky appears changed. When that happens all the inhabitants of the earth will realise that this is the judgement of God and will flee in abject fear. They will realise who it is that is bringing this and, note, instead of repenting they still foolishly try to hide from Him. Such is the foolishness of sin.


      Within the 5th and 6th seals are contrasted people. First those who love the Lord so much they will die for Him, and second the people who love themselves so much they die for that.

D. Application?


1. Christians are not immune from persecution and death and they will be

    there through this time.

2. Remember Jesus is ruling over all end time events and He is with us to

     impart His grace to cope.




Chapter: Rev 7

Passage: Rev 7:1-8


A. Find Out:


1. What were the angels doing? v.1

2. What did the angel from the east have with him? v.2

3. Whom did he instruct? v.2b

4. What did he instruct? v.3

5. How many were sealed?

6. Compare the tribes here with say 1 Chronicles 2:1. Different?

B. Think :

1. What sort of picture, do you think, do the four angels convey here?

2. How many angels are mentioned in this passage? What does it say about

     the activity of angels?

3. What do you think can be adduced from the specific numbers given?

C. Comment :

      Sometimes a lot of detail is not given in Scripture and this is one of those passages, but what we have been given is significant. First of all four angels are seen holding back the wind. Wind brings change, so the picture is of complete calm and lack of change. It is as if God is saying, before the destruction comes there is complete control under the hand of God.

     With that order and control of God, another angel comes to instruct those who have been seen previously going to destroy. This one says wait until the mark of identification has been placed on the servants of God. Now we must note that this is all taking place on the earth, not in heaven. The numbers who are so identified appear to come from the nation of Israel.


      That this means Israel the church of God seems unlikely, first because of the specific reference to tribes (Manasseh substituted for Dan? Dan no longer existing?) and then that these are "from" those tribes i.e. not every person. Romans 11:5 would suggest that this means there are a specific number from all parts of Israel who will be saved. God simply makes the point that Israel are not missed out!

D. Application?

1. God IS in sovereign control at ALL times!

2. God chooses from Gentile AND Jew.




Chapter: Rev 7

Passage: Rev 7:9-17


A. Find Out:


1. Where had the multitude come from? v.9

2. What were they doing? v.9,10

3. What were the angels, elders etc. doing? v.11

4. Who were the multitude? v.14

5. What do they now do? v.15

6. What is Jesus to them? v.17

B. Think :

1. Who did we say are the crowd?

2. What has their past been like?

3. What is their future to be?

C. Comment :

      John now sees again a picture of heaven and there before the throne are multitudes of people from every part of the world who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus.

     Note first their PAST. They have come out of the "great tribulation". Some suggest this is a specific time of particularly harsh persecution at the end, others suggest this is the whole of the church period where, as Jesus said, if you love the Lord you will receive opposition. There is no indication that they have all been martyred, they are simply the redeemed.

      Next observe their PRESENT position and activity. It is before the throne, proclaiming the wonder of God's salvation through Jesus. They serve God in this manner. Similarly we serve God by our words and our lives as we proclaim Jesus' salvation.

      Third observe their FUTURE. It is to be a time with God when the pressures and limitation of resources from the past will be gone, and it will be a time of care and provision at the hand of the Lord. It is a time of eternal security freed from the limited, but very real, pressures of living in a fallen world.   

      Finally notice the RESULTS. Their presence causes all of the other beings in heaven to worship the Lord for the wonder of what He has achieved in men.

D. Application?

1. People are being saved all over the world!

2. Our salvation glorifies God



Chapter: Rev 8

Passage: Rev 8:1-5


A. Find Out:


1. What happened when the 7th seal was opened? v.1

2. Who were given trumpets? v.2

3. What did another angel offer at the altar? v.3

4. What happened to this? v.4

5. From where did the angel take fire? v.5a

6. What did he do with it? v.5b

B. Think :

1. Why do you think there was a silence after the 7th seal was opened?

2. What does incense do and what does the picture of it mingled with

     prayers suggest?

C. Comment :

      At the 6th seal being open, universal catastrophe occurred. When the 7th seal is opened and the contents of the scroll of God is revealed, it is as if all of heaven is silenced by the awfulness of what is coming. Even the worship of all the beings in heaven is silenced by what is revealed. Eventually, after the content of the scroll is taken in, seven angels close to God are appointed as heralds and are given seven trumpets with which to sound the coming of the next events.


      However, before they blow the trumpets we are shown another angel who stands before the altar in heaven. Sacrifices are not offered there because the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus, has been made already. Instead fire on the altar is used to burn up sweet smelling incense, perfume mingled with the prayers that come up from the saints on the earth. It is as if in the midst of all the terrible things that are happening, there is a beautiful aroma that is blessing heaven, made up of heavenly incense and human prayers.

     Lastly we see this angel taking some of the holy fire from the altar of blessing and casting it down on the earth. That which is a source of blessing in heaven now causes a shaking on the earth as a prelude to what is now coming.

D. Application?

1. There is divine order in the history of the end.

2. Our prayers can bless the Lord!





Chapter 6:

1st Seal     Gospel proclaimed

2nd Seal   War

3rd Seal    Famine

4th Seal    Death

5th Seal    Martyred Saints revealed

6th Seal    Universal catastrophe

    - earthquake

    - sky changed

    - panic

Chapter 7:

Interlude   Restraining angels

144,000 sealed

Redeemed multitude

Heavenly worship

Chapter 8:

7th Seal     Silence

7 trumpets issued

Shaking prelude



RECAP No.4  "The Seven Seals"  Revelation 6 - 8




In these 5 studies we have seen:

- Jesus opening up end time history

- the sequence of the gospel period followed by war, famine and death

- the sight of the martyred saints who died in this period

- divinely brought natural catastrophe

- Jew and Gentile saved out of this period

- The preparation for the next series of events



     It appears that after the coming of the Gospel and its widespread rejection, war, famine and death are the natural consequences on the earth. To this is added natural disaster. God uses all such things in order to try to bring men back to Himself before it is too late. In the midst of this we are made aware that persecution and death will come to the saints of God but their final destination is clearly heaven.


1. Rejection of the Gospel results in the withdrawal of God's protection &

     blessing which produces disharmony and death (Rom 1 also)

2. The church is not immune from persecution and martyrdom in the last


3. God is systematically working our His plans

4. "Earthly" judgement looks for repentance



     Thank God that His grace is sufficient for all circumstances, however hard.

PART 5 : "The Seven Trumpets"


     In the next section the judgements of God increase on the earth. Watch for the foolishness of man that refuses to respond and refuses to turn to God for forgiveness and help.