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Series Theme:  Bible Study for Beginners

Bible Study for Beginners - Contents

Subject Area: A Variety of Approaches to Studying the Bible


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1. Bible Study Beginnings - An introduction to the whole subject of studying the Bible yourself. 
2. Basics for Bible Study - How to make a start with a very simple approach.
3. Gaps in Understanding - An introduction to the culture of the Bible.  The different forms of writing found in the Bible.  Speech forms you will encounter.
4. The "10 P's" method of study - One approach to coming to understanding the passage before you.
5. The A-E-I-O-U method of study - An alternative approach, especially helpful for Bible meditation
6. How to study a Book, a Chapter, or a Verse - Introductory thoughts on the things to look for when you approach the Bible in these portions.
7. Comparing Scripture with Scripture studies - An introduction to the whole subject of studying the Bible yourself. 
8. How to study a Topic - Choosing a topic, and how to go about studying it.
9. How to study a Person - The enjoyment of studying people in the Bible, and how to go about it.
10. How to study a Word - How to examine the ways a particular word may be used in the Bible.
11. How to study a Doctrine - More advanced study for mature students.
12. How to study Prophecy (1) - Introduction to the prophetic books in the Bible.
13. How to study a Prophecy (2) - How to examine and understand prophecies in the Bible.
14. How to Meditate on the Bible - How to examine the ways a particular word may be used in the Bible.
15. How to Memorise Scripture - How to examine the ways a particular word may be used in the Bible.
16. How to Lead a Bible Study - Helps for those who have the joy and privilege of leading others in group Bible Studies.
17. Who's Who of the Gospels - An additional resource to help you understand the people of the Gospels.
18. The Study of Types - An additional resource to help you understand the in-depth teaching that comes through the pictures of New Testament experiences portrayed in Old Testament historical events.

Example Bible Studies, Commentaries and Meditations

          The following are all examples of these, to help you read the Bible with meaning. When you do this, this will be one way that helps you see that you can have confidence in the Bible.

Example Studies - Matthew, chapter 1 - from Bible Alive series
Sample Studies - Ecclesiastes, chapters 1 & 2 - from Bible Alive series
Sample Studies - Mark, chapter 1 - Beginners - from Bible Alive series
Writing your own Commentary - Isaiah 58 - An example of how writing your own version of the Scripture verses can help you understand more clearly what the writer was saying.
Writing your own Meditation - Psalm 139:1-16 - An example of how to jot down your own thoughts as you ponder on the meaning and consequences of Bible passages.
Writing your own Commentary - Ecclesiastes - Another example of how writing your own version of the Scripture verses can help you understand more clearly what the writer was saying.
Writing your own Meditations - Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 - An example of how to create your own mediations from the Scriptures, using these famous verses.
Bible Applied with Teens - "Why?" Series - Part 1 - A series to see what the Bible says about a variety of everyday subjects
Bible Applied with Teens - "Why" Series - Part 2 - A series to see what the Bible says about a variety of everyday subjects