18. The Study of "Types"
resource to help you understand the people in the Gospels
notes on this page are for those who wish to go in-depth in their understanding
of the prophetic destiny of the church as it was revealed through the
historical events of the Old Testament.
get the most out of this page, it is essential that the students works
slowly through the notes comparing Scripture with Scripture.
in the Old Testament mean "pictures
from the Old Testament history that reveal something of the truths and
reality of New Testament experience."
will start our considerations of this subject by looking at some of
the Types in the book of Genesis, then move on to consider Exodus and
15:4 tells us that the Old Testament writing were written for our instruction,and
the New Testament, we find it constantly refers to the Old Testament
and often indicates that the Old Testament showed pictures that speak
of things to come in the New.
possible we should look for Types where the Bible expressly indicates
one, but sometimes we may assume a Type where it is so clear that one
can be considered.
Illustrations from the book of GENESIS
Genesis as a Whole - The purpose of God bringing salvation
Genesis starts
with God's provision which is rejected by man. The spiritual principle
is that God's provision is there for every man but they prefer their
own endeavours.
As Genesis
develops, we see Mankind without God merely causes chaos and destruction
and warrants the judgment of God. The same is still the case
for every individual today .
God chooses
His man, Abram, to be a man of faith, who will leave all and follow
Him. So today, God calls each person to leave all and follow Him.
Through that
man God brings forth the impossible, new life that is Isaac. So
today in us he brings new life where only death prevails.
The new son,
Isaac, merely has to receive his inheritance; he does not have to work
for it. So with us, as Christians, it is all a free gift that has
to be simply received.
The next son,
Esau, gives away his inheritance to satisfy his carnal desires. So
too we can miss out on God's inheritance for us if we allow carnal desires
to prevail.
The next son,
Jacob, had to realise that his scheming nature got him nowhere and his
self-endeavours were broken in wrestling with God. So with
us we have to learn, as Christians, that our self- endeavours have to
give way to the will of God for our lives.
When that self
endeavour was broken, God renamed him Israel
, which can
be interpreted “God strives” as a reminder that he was what he was now
because he had had dealings with God. We too, now called Christians,
are reminded by our name that we are what we are only because of Christ,
because we ha e had dealings with God.
The next son,
Joseph, was called by God with a purpose, was cast out from his family
but was raised up by God as a saviour. So it is with Jesus.
Some of the
specific types in Genesis are as follows:
Gen 6-8 / I
Pet 3
The old had
to be destroyed before the new world could come forth
The ark (Christ)
brings the chosen of God from the old to the new
The rest receive
God's judgment
Gen 14/ Heb
Picture of
Jesus, the Priest/King
A king &
a priest receives gifts from the man of faith
He appears
without beginning or end
Greater than
the Levites (existing priests of the Law)
A greater priest
was needed where the old was insufficient
Jesus is OUR
priest, who intercedes for us with God
He is blameless,
pure and set apart
He offers a
perfect sacrifice - himself
Gen 21 / Gal
2 sons = 2
i) Ishmael
by human unbelief, wilfulness & impatience
born by
human endeavour, a natural birth
born of
a slave woman, born to be a wanderer
Mt.Sinai (the Law) & old Jerusalem
ii) Isaac
by faith, a supernatural birth
born of
a chosen woman, born to inherit
the new Jerusalem (resurrection)
Gen 37-46 /
Rom 11
Leah, the elder
has her children before Rachel has any
she then has
Joseph (Jewish nation had its children before Christian era had any.
Christ, the first born from the dead was born of the new Israel
this son is
rejected by the children of the elder wife (Christ was rejected by the
Jews) and is cast into Egypt
of the world)
there after
a time of suffering and shame he is exalted to head of the kingdom (Christ
is now reigning on high)
his wife is given
him from the Gentiles (the church is the bride of Christ) and his brothers
eventually come and bow before him ( Israel
will eventually
acknowledge him)
Illustrations from the Book of EXODUS
Egypt :
a picture of
the world
NB. "world"
in Scripture has three different meanings:
the earth on which we live
the people on the earth
the system of godless attitudes held by the majority of people. It is
this last meaning that we consider here.
it is where
the people are in slavery, ruled by a tyrant (1:8,9 / 1 Jn 5:19
where the people
want to be free but are unable to deliver themselves -
a picture of
"Redemption", of being purchased from death - initiated by
an act of judgment
a perfect lamb
is slain on God's instructions
death comes
- either to the people or the lamb
see Heb 9:22
/ 1 Cor 5:7 / 1 Pet 2:22
/ 2 Cor 5:21
every person
had a hand in its death Ex 12:6 / Acts 4:27
each one had
to eat the lamb Ex 12:8 / Jn 6:53
they were to
eat unleavened bread Ex 12: 15 / 1Cor 5:8
it was to be
as a memorial feast Ex 12:24
-26 / 1 Cor
11 :24
it Is the clear
picture of Jesus dying in our place
a picture of
leaving the world and being separated to God
see also Gal
it is leaving
that old life completely behind: 1 Cor 6:17
pursued by
the enemy Ex 14:5 (we often find there is a counter-attack by the enemy:
I Pet 5:8) ,
it is within
God's plan (Ex 14:1,2) and used by God for His glory
the enemy's
end is decreed ( Rev
20:10 )
Pillar of Cloud and Fire:
guided them
day & night Ex 13:21 (so we have God's word - Psa 119:105, and God's
Holy Spirit -Jn 16:3 to guide US)
it stood between
them and their enemy Exo 14:19, it went before them Num 9:17
, and rested
in their midst 40:34 (so Jesus is for us Rom 8:31-34, with us Mt 28:20,
and in us 1 Cor 6:19)
is a picture
of deliverance through death
planned by
God Ex 14:2 / Lk 9:24
pressed by
the enemy Ex 14:9 / Mt 16:24
/ Rom 6:11
the enemy was
destroyed Ex 14:28
/ Heb 2:14
so we are freed
from sin and Satan eg. Rom 6:6,7
for while
they were in the wilderness (testing) time, but it ceased when they
arrived in the place of God's choosing (so God promises to provide for
us in the places of testing 1 Cor 10:
13 / 2 Cor
it was supernatural
provision which had to be eaten that day and did not keep (so God provides
for us on a daily basis Mt 6:11
they were to
eat of it and be nourished by it. (so we are to feed on Jesus Jn 6:57.
and on his word Heb 5:12
this tent was the
dwelling place for God in the midst of His people
is a picture
of Jesus. God dwelling on earth
the church, his body on earth today 1 Cor 12:27
its sacrifices foreshadowed the one perfect
sacrifice by Jesus
its priesthood foreshadowed the priesthood
of Christ within the veil. See Heb 9
the details of the tabernacle manufacture,
its uses and its furniture are so numerous that a separate study would
be necessary.
The Purpose of these Pages about Types
far we have considered some of the pictures in Genesis and Exodus
and have done so purely to give illustrations to whet the appetite
for further study on this subject. Within these pages we have not
provided verses to verify every Type but leave that to you for further
study yourself.
complete this part on "Types" we now look at two particular
episodes in Israel 's history which can sharply bring into focus understanding
of Christian experience.
Israel 's time in the Wilderness after having left Egypt on their
way to the Promised land, Canaan
Israel 's entry into the promised Land under Joshua
Illustrations from the WILDERNESS WANDERINGS
See especially Exodus & Numbers
We will note just three things from this episode:
It was entered
by the direction of God
after the Passover
with the enemy of the world left
after the crossing of the Red Sea
indicates as a "Type":
It is illustrative of the life of
the called-out child of God.
It means a separation from the world
and Satan (see 2 Cor 6:16 -18)
It is entered only through death
to self (see Rom 6:2,11 / Col 2:20 Note, an act of salvation)
It was supposed to be a limited experience
They were supposed to pass through
it and enter the land
We too are called to go on to maturity
(see Heb 6:11-14/ Eph 4:13-15)
It was a place of knowing God's daily provision
For basic needs e.g. food, water,general
feed on him to be strong (see Jn 6:57 / Heb 5:14 )
drink of the Spirit (see Jn 7:37 -39)
receive his guidance (see Gal 5:25 )
See especially Joshua
may note the following things about this picture:
It was entered through death to self (see Mt 16:24
Note: this is a conscious act of will)
It was God's promised inheritance for Israel (see Gal 4:7 / 2 Pet
I :4 / Mt 25:34)
It was to be a place of natural abundant provision (see Eph 1:7,18)
It was also a place of battles to take the inheritance from the unbelieving,
godless, occupiers of the land (see Eph 6:12 )
The victory was assured for them in accordance with God's promise
Josh 1:3-5 (see 1 Cor 15:57 / Rom 8:37 / Rom 16:20 / 1 Cor 15:25 )
That was obtained as they obeyed his instructions (see Jn 15:5/ Jn
References in the Old Testament
Led by God - Ex 13:18
Enemy defeated behind - Ex 14:26-28
Red Sea Crossing - Ex 14:21,22
Limited duration - Ex: 33:1
Provision of bread - Ex 16 / Water
- Ex 15:27, 17:1-7 / Guidance - Num 9:15-23
Entered by death - Josh 4
Promised inheritance - Gen 12:7 &
Ex 6:8
Place of abundant provision - Num
13:27, 14:7,8
Victory promised - Josh 1:3-5
Direction given - Josh 6:2 &
8:1 etc.
hope that having considered some of these pictures from the OT in
the light of NT experience, we should be able to see more clearly
some of the wonder of that which God ordained from before the foundation
of the world (Eph 1:4)