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Series Theme: Spiritual Warfare | |
Title: 6. The Holy Spirit - Who He is & what He does
In the previous study about Jesus, we considered who he is and what he has done. Now we consider his activity today in the form of the work of the Holy Spirit, the “executive expression” of Jesus today. 1. The Person of the Holy Spirit 1.1 He is seen as a Person Jn 14:26 / Jn 14:17 / Jn 15:26 / Jn 16:7 / Jn 16:13,14
1.2 He is the Third PERSON of the Trinity Mt 3:16,17 / Mt 28:19 / 2 Cor 13:14
1.3 He is ONE with the Father and the Son Rom 8:9,10 / Gal 4:6 / 1 Pet 1:11
2. The Work of the Spirit 2.1 He Draws to Jesus Jn15:26 / Jn 16:14 / Jn 16:8,9
2.2 He Dispenses Life Tit 3:5 / Jn 6:63 / 2 Cor 3:6 / 2 Cor 3:17 / Rom 8:14
2.3 His Particular Work Paralleling Christ's Gal 2:17 / 1 Cor 6:11
Eph 2:14 / Rom 14:17
1 Cor 1:2 / Rom 15:16
Eph 1:13 / Eph 4:30
Gal 2:20 / Rom 8:9
2.4 His Educating Work Jn14:26
Rom 8:26
1 Pet 1:2
Mt 10:19,20
1 Thess 1:6
Rom 8:14
Rom 8:16
2.5 He Equips for Service Lk 24:49 / Acts 1:8
1 Cor 12:7
Acts 20:28
Acts 13:4 / Acts 16:6,7
Jude 20 / Eph 6:18 / Rom 8:26
Mt 10:20 / 1 Pet 1:12 / 1 Cor 2:4 / 1 Thess 1:5
Rom 15:19
1 Pet 4:14
Gal 5:22,23
2.6 He is our Hope for the Future Rom 8:14 / Rom 8:17
Eph 1:13 / Eph 4:30
Eph 1:14 / 2 Cor 5:5
Rom 8:23
Concluding Comments Jesus, the Son, has come in the flesh, died on the cross for our sins and has earned our pardon. Now he is seated at his Father's right hand in heaven, presiding over all history. Jesus, in the form of his Holy Spirit, now lives in and through us on the earth to fulfil his Father's will, to bring the kingdom or reign of God on the earth through us. |