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Daily Bible Studies

O.T. Contents
Series Theme:   Studies in Proverbs 1-9
Page Contents:








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Chapter: Proverbs 3


Passage: Proverbs 3:1-6    


A. Find out :


1. What negative & instruction is given? v.1

2. What 2 things will they do? v.2

3. What are you to do what with? v.3

4. What will that do? v.4

5. What positive & negative instruction are now given? v.5

6. With what outcome? v.6


B. Think:

1. What 3 overall instructions are given in these verses?

2. What 3 outcomes or promises are given?

C. Comment:

      These six verses have 3 sets of instructions and 3 outcomes promised. First the INSTRUCTIONS: Instruction No.1 (v.1): listen to Solomon's teaching and hold onto it. The temptation will be to give it a glance and then forget it. Don't do that! We need to make an effort to hold on to all we read here. Instruction No.2 (v.3): let love and faithfulness be two primary characteristics of your life throughout your lifetime. If your life is founded on love for God and love for people, and faithfulness (loyal commitment) to God, then you will not go wrong! Instruction No.3 (v.5): trust in God wholeheartedly and not in your own thinking, acknowledging God in every aspect of your life. All three instructions are important but this last one is THE most important.

      Now the OUTCOMES, the things that will happen when you adhere to the instructions: Outcome No.1 (v.2): you will have a long and prosperous life. Stick to godly instruction and your life will be secure and successful. Outcome No.2 (v.4): you will find favour with all men and with God, i.e. who and what you are will be clearly seen and others will approve it. Outcome No.3 (v.6): God will guide you. It's as simple as that, go God's way and He'll lead you. What a formula for a good lifetime! The benefits of living according to God's design & direction are clear and obvious. We would be foolish to go another way!


D. Application:

1. Is my heart open to be taught, are love and faithfulness primary

    characteristics of my life, and am I trusting God wholeheartedly?

2. Am I knowing the blessing of God on my life, am I seeing the favour

    of God and man on my life, and am I aware of the Lord leading me?



Chapter: Proverbs 3

Passage: Proverbs 3:7-12

A. Find out :


1. What 3 instructions are given? v.7

2. What does he say will be the consequences? v.8

3. What does he next say to do? v.9

4. What does he say will be the consequences? v.10

5. What are we not to be upset by? v.11

6. Why? v.12


B. Think:

1. What are the instructions given here?

2. What are the promises of blessing that follow?

3. What seems the hard side of a relationship with God?

C. Comment:

     Above we observed 3 instructions and 3 outcomes. Today we observe two more of each. First the INSTRUCTIONS:

     Instruction No.4 (v.7): this is threefold, not to trust yourself, trust God, and stay away from what is bad. The first two go together again and again in these chapters, they are the two sides of the same coin. You won't trust God if you trust your own thinking, so don't trust your own thinking but trust God. All that the Lord says and does and teaches is about righteousness, so stay away from evil anyway, that's just a basic starting place! Instruction No.5 (v.9): honour God with the material blessing you have. Recognise the source of that material blessing.

     Next the OUTCOMES: Outcome No.4 (v.8): health! It's as simple as that. The promise is that if you trust God and shun evil you will have good health. That's a challenge in the unhealthy twenty first century! Outcome No.5 (v.10): prosperity! Again it's that simple. Honour God materially and He will honour you and will bless your activities. How simple these are! Dare we believe them?

     The final exhortation (v.11) is not to get upset when God corrects and trains (disciplines) us, because it is a sign of His love for us. He doesn't want us to continue in undisciplined, unrighteous lives, so He corrects us when we're off track, just like any loving father does of his son.


D. Application:

1. Am I truly trusting God with all my heart? Am I well?

2. Am I honouring God with my wealth? Am I seeing success?





Chapter: Proverbs 3

Passage: Proverbs 3:13-18     


A. Find out :


1. Who is blessed? v.13

2. To what 3 things is wisdom compared and why? v.14,15

3. What come with wisdom? v.16

4. To what also is wisdom compared and what does it bring? v.17

5. What further does wisdom bring? v.18


B. Think:

1. How does Solomon seek to show the value of wisdom?

2. What are the fruits of wisdom he now mentions?

C. Comment:

     When writers say, “Blessed are…” they mean “How good it is for…” and thus Solomon says, “How good it is for you when you get wisdom.” (v.13) The question naturally arises, why is it so good? To give an answer he compares it to silver, gold fine rubies, all things of immense value, in fact in our economy previous metals and stones tend to be some of THE most valuable things in the world. So he is saying that wisdom is of more value than even the most valuable of things that we can obtain.

     Again he declares that long life is a fruit of wisdom (see also previously v.2) and also success (also v.10). He re-emphasises it by saying it is a tree of life (v.18). It is also a source of peace (v.17) so, yes, blessed is anyone who has wisdom because it has practical out-workings.

     Why should wisdom do these things, why should it bring these consequences in our lives? Very simply because when we live with wisdom we are bringing our lives in line with God's will, in line with the way He has designed and made things, and when we are living thus, we are living in the way where things work most harmoniously. If our lives are living in accord with the way God has made them to be, then obviously peace will be a characteristic of them. Obviously if they are working in accord with the Maker's instructions they are likely to be working at their best and should thus ‘last longer'. It's really very obvious, yet something that in the twenty first century we've either ignored or forgotten. Perhaps it's time to get back to the Lord's plan for our lives.


D. Application:

1. Can I say my life if being lived in the way God designed it?

2. Do I know peace and long life as a result?




Chapter: Proverbs 3

Passage: Proverbs 3:19-26     

A. Find out :


1. What did God use to create the world? v.19,20

2. What does Solomon exhort his son to preserve? v.21

3. What effect will they have? v.22

4. What next will be the result? v.23

5. And what further will result? v.24

6. What further need we not fear, and why? v.25,26


B. Think:

1. How would you define sound judgement & discernment?

2. How would you summarise their effect on one's life?

C. Comment:

     Solomon starts by emphasising the importance of wisdom, understanding and knowledge – it was what God used to create all things. We then have one instruction and four out-workings. The instruction is simply to hang on to sound judgement and discernment (v.21). In other words make sure you have right, sound, clear thinking that enables you to see the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. When you do that, the Lord will presence Himself with you and you will be able to trust in Him entirely (v.26).

      Outworking No.1 (v.22): you will receive life and will be seen to be wise. “Life” here is a higher quality of existence than just being. It is life in abundance. Outworking No.2 (v.23): you will walk securely, God will look after you and keep you safe. Outworking No.3 (v.24): you can sleep in peace and security with your mind at rest. Outworking No.4 (v.25): when calamities are striking everyone else, you can be at peace knowing God is your shield.

     Again and again in these verses we see an “IF-THEN” sequence. IF you do this, THEN this will follow. The “IF” is always having wisdom etc. from God. The “THEN” is always a blessing of life, security, blessing, and success. To conclude, if we seek first the kingdom of God THEN all these things will be added (Matt 6:33 ). That is what is being said by Solomon.


D. Application:

1. Am I truly putting God's will first?

2. Am I knowing the fruit mentioned here in my life?





Chapter: Proverbs 3

Passage: Proverbs 3:27-35

A. Find out :


1. What are we not to do & what example is given? v.27,28

2. What other two things are we not to do? v.29,30

3. What are we not to do and why? v.31,32

4. Who does the Lord curse and who does He bless? v.33

5. Who does He mock and who does He give grace to? v.34

6. Who inherit honour but what happens to fools? v.35


B. Think:

1. How are we to be positive in our behaviour? v.27,28

2. How are our actions and attitudes to be righteous? v.29-32

3. What is the clear division made in verses33-35?

C. Comment:

     Moving from general exhortations about wisdom and its results, Solomon now gives a series of specific instructions about righteous behaviour. There are five negative things to be avoided, he says. First, don't hold back good when you have the opportunity to bring it. Second, as an extension of that, don't put off blessing him when he comes looking for help. Third, don't be at odds with your neighbour and don't plan harm against him. Fourth, don't make false accusations about anyone, and finally don't even think well of violent people, and certainly don't go their way.

     Why? Because such people – those who plot against others, those who speak untruth against others, those who approve unrighteousness – are perverse or twisted in their thinking and are far from the righteous, who live in harmony with the way God has made men to be, being the people He want them to be. Jesus was full of grace and truth and he wants us to be likewise. Take the positive sides of these things warned against: do good whenever you can, help you neighbour when he asks, only do good in respect of him, only speak rightly of him and look to be with good people.

     Solomon concludes with a clear distinction between the wicked, mockers, and fools, and the righteous who are humble and wise. The Lord is against the former and curses, mocks and holds them up to shame. The latter He blesses, gives grace to and honours.


D. Application:

1. Let's make sure we remain in the righteous group.

2. Check your attitude towards others for anything less than good.




RECAP - "More Benefots of Wisdom" -   Proverbs 3



        In this third group of 5 studies we have seen Solomon giving :

- five practical instructions & their outcomes (v.1-10)

- warning against despising discipline (v.11,12)

- comparisons of wisdom to riches (v.13-15)

- the promise of life, peace & blessing (v.16-18)

- the origin of wisdom – the Lord (seen at Creation) (v.19-


- exhortation for judgement & discretion, (v.21) to bring life

  (v.22) & security (v.23,24) because God will keep us


- 5 negatives to be avoided (v.27-32)

- warning of curses on the wicked, proud & foolish (v.33-35)

- blessing on the righteous, humble & wise (v.33-35)



      This third chapter reveals practical wisdom – living according to God's guidance – and the benefits or fruits that come from it. When we obey God, the outworking is life, peace and security. This suggests that true wisdom based on God has very real benefits in the way we live and what happens to us, and also brings peace to our minds.



1. God has specific directions for living.

2. When we follow those directions we are blessed.

3. Correction & training come from God because He loves us.

4. Wisdom is more profitable than riches.

5. Wisdom will bring life, peace, & security

6. Wisdom means avoiding negative behaviour.

7. God blesses the righteous, humble & wise.



      Ask the Lord to show you areas of your life where you are not conforming in faith to His word and His will.


PART 4 : "The Supremacy of Wisdom"

      In this next Chapter Solomon seems to take on a fresh urgency in his exhortation to get wisdom. Moving away from the practical exhortations we saw in the last chapter, he now moves on to general pleas to get wisdom and understanding. It's like he is saying, “Whatever else you do, get wisdom! It's vital!”



Special Note : Blessings Promised in Ch.1-3



These proverbs about wisdom promise us:


Ability to attain wisdom & knowledge


Ability to attain a discipline & prudent life


To give teaching to the simple & young


To help the wise get wiser


To give understanding about forms of teaching


To reveal your good character


Understanding the fear of the Lord


Victory & protection


Understanding justice & fairness




Keep you from evil men


Keep you from adultery


Protection to remain in the kingdom


Long life




Favour and a good name before men


Straight paths provided


Health and well being


Abundant prosperity


Long life










Your good character revealed


Safety & security along the way


Freedom from fear at night


Freedom from fear of disaster


Blessing on your home







    Remember, in all cases, these promises are conditional. Check the conditions in each case – mostly explicit, occasionally implied.