11: The Judgments of Genesis (1)
and Eve
11 Contents
1: Big Concepts
The Big Picture of Salvation
Man's Free Will versus God's Sovereignty
2: All about ‘life'
The Concept and Vital Necessity of ‘Life'
Reflecting on the ‘Tree of Life'
The meaning of ‘Life' and ‘Death' in this context.
3: Aspects of this Judgment
Additional Elements of the Judgment
What alternatives
The Bigger Outcomes of this Judgment
move into Part 2, to consider the specific judgments of God recorded
in the Bible, starting with the account of Adam and Eve in the early
chapters of Genesis. Although the sceptics suggest they were not historical
figures there is no reason to accept this beyond personal prejudice,
shallow doubt and weak faith. Without this historical account, key
spiritual issues found in the Bible remain unexplained.
story of Adam and Eve deals with fundamental issues about life and
existence and God, and has a certain element of mystery about it.
Because of this and of the complexity of it, we will take up the entire
chapter on this first judgment. To try to understand the outcomes
of this account we need to look at the wider picture. Be warned this
is a long, complex, detailed and complicated chapter but understanding
it will bring much fruit in understanding. If you don't take it all
in at the first reading, please reread it again and again. We are,
after all, trying to see as much as we can behind the scenes, why
various things happened.
Sin: Disobeying God
Judgment : Being excluded from
the Garden of Eden, from God's presence and from ‘the tree of life'.
complexity of this chapter is in trying to
- observe the consequences of this
- understand the reasoning behind
1: The Big Concepts
The Big Picture of Salvation
have just said above that we need to look at the wider picture to
understand the details and outworkings of God's judgments (decisions)
here in this particular account.
wider picture is only revealed in the New Testament where it is made
clear that God's plan for mankind and His
salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, were formulated
before the foundation of the world. Now that is very important,
as we'll see in a moment.
verify that statement note the following teaching from the New Testament
leaders (and you can look up the verses to confirm them) ALL of which
refer to before the Creation:
- Jesus existed with the Father
in a loving relationship - Jn 17:24
- it was agreed that Jesus was
to be the means of salvation for the world - 1 Pet 1:20
- it was foreseen how we
would come, and who would come, responding to Jesus - Eph 1:4
- the Godhead also saw who would
not come - Rev 17:8 Rev 13:8
- it was agreed that God's grace
would be given us as part of this salvation - 2 Tim 1:9
- they agreed they would give
us eternal life as part of our salvation - Tit 1:2
big picture reveals that God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit, referred
to above as the Godhead) decided on the plan of salvation BEFORE they
made anything. This brings out a radical conclusion
for this account in Genesis of the Fall:
- what we call ‘the Fall' (Adam
and Eve disobeying God) was not a surprise to God.
- God knew it would happened
and planned how to work into the ensuing history accordingly.
Man's Free Will versus God's Sovereignty
two elements are clearly revealed throughout the Bible:
- God has given Man free
will, the ability to choose, and included within that must
be the ability to love, and the ability to reject.
- Without free will, ‘love' is
meaningless and we have seen in the earlier chapters that love is
a primary characteristic of God and potentially of us.
- God's
Sovereignty means that God has
both the power and the authority to do whatever He pleases, but we
should never forget that He also can choose and often He chooses NOT
to exercise His power.
- His restraint we have seen previously
in both the Exodus and the Exile; both demonstrate this.
- Explaining
God's restraint, holding back from a final judgment, the apostle Peter
wrote, “ The
Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
to come to repentance.” (2 Pet 3:9)
- Although
God will hold back from total destruction, He often exercises His
sovereignty by bringing our circumstances about that act as disciplinary
judgment, as we have considered before, to bring about changes of
behaviour in men and women.
- Remember
God's sovereign power always needs to be seen in the same light as
His love and goodness and perfection that we considered in the earlier
2: All about ‘life'
The Concept and Vital Necessity of ‘Life'
Possible Starting Points
atheist believes in a godless evolution whereby chemicals react and
produce something else (that is evolution in its simplest form). It
doesn't really explain at the most basic level, why the energy produced
by chemical reactions goes on to create what we call 'thoughts' or
'awareness' and so on, that which we refer to as sentient life.
the Bible reveals something completely different about reality - and
remember the working premise of this book is to consider "what
if all we read in the Bible is actually true, what logically follows
- and does it make sense and does it match the reality we know and
experience?" It is a leap of faith but the more we think
about it from this perspective, the more grounds we have for realising
that it is true to life as we know it.
only exists because God exists as THE source of all life, and imparts
His life to form spiritual and material existence. That is
the basic and fundamental Bible teaching about life.
New Testament Biblical Testimony
in Genesis 1 we have the bare bones of Creation – “God said” and it
was so. The New Testament teaching ratifies this in various ways:
- Acts
17:24,25, 28 The
God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of
heaven and earth … he himself gives all men life and breath and everything
else…..`For in him we live and move and have our being.'
- Heb
11:3 By faith
we understand that the universe was formed at God's command ,
so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
- Col
1:16 For
by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
so we could continue but note these verses:
- Heb
1:2,3 in these last
days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all
things, and through whom he made the universe . The Son is
the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being,
sustaining all things by his powerful word.
- Col
all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things,
and in him all things hold together.
implication is that the world only continues because Jesus says so.
But consider, behind this act of creating and sustaining this world,
the idea of ‘life' within living things.
- Job
12:10 In his hand is
the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
- Acts
he himself gives all men life and breath
speak of God's transcendence (He is distinct from and above
all creation) and His immanence (He remains in and is involved
with His creation). The apostle Paul had these two ideas in mind when
he wrote:
- Eph
4:4,6 There is ……one God
and Father of all, who is over all and through all and
in all.
so often in Scripture means ‘a way of living' but here it means the
power and ability to be alive.
the beginning we find this description of the making of Man: “the
LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
(Gen 2:7)
these things are not spelled out we have to assume or suggest various
things, so may we suggest the following understanding of the above
= brought about
the dust' = from the basic chemical ingredients now already existing
= Hebrew 'Spirit' or ‘life principle'
Impartation Pictures from the New Testament
picture conveyed to us, therefore, is of God ‘bringing alive' an inanimate
body, taking as lifeless pile of molecules and bringing life into
them. We see this here at Creation and we see in in Jesus' ministry
in the Gospels, every time he performed a miracle of healing.
we might say this is the same thing we find in the story of Lazarus
(John 11) being raised from the dead, except there we would refer
to a ‘dead body', but nevertheless Jesus did speak life into him and
into others who he raised from the dead (e.g. Lk 7:12-15 & Lk
see the same power at work to bring healing, whether it is to restore
deaf ears, open blind eyes, or open mute mouths. If we accept the
multitude of examples of this in the New Testament, we should not
struggle with it in the Old Testament in the Creation narratives.
comes from God. Beyond that it is a mystery to us. We may talk about
the heart pumping or brain waves but most would say that a ‘person'
is more than just a bunch of molecules and mind or spirit is more
than electrical currents or waves within the brain.
is power or energy imparted from God who is the source of all power
or energy (life).
Reflecting on the ‘Tree of Life'
need to move on from basic considerations about the meaning of 'life'
to observe in the early Genesis account, references to a ‘Tree of
2:9 In
the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil
what we have considered previously, we may suggest that taking from
a tree that is described in this way, means that when they took from
it, it imparted life. At the very basic level, it means that obeying
God imparted life.
it should not be a problem to think that there were literally two
physical trees there in the garden with fruit on. Whether fruit was
an apple, a pear or whatever else is irrelevant. To expand on what
we said immediately above, the command that came and the disobedience
that followed are highly instructive:
2:16,17 "You
are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not
eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you
eat of it you will surely die."
3:6 When
the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing
to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and
ate it.
the woman literally ate some fruit from this one forbidden tree and
in so doing was suddenly aware for the very
first time of the difference between good and evil. What
she had just done was not good, it was evil – and she knew it. Good
was obeying God, evil was disobeying Him – and she had just done the
if that tree was symbolic and was a means of coming to experience
and understanding the knowledge of good and evil, then somehow eating
from the other tree must be symbolic of receiving ‘life' from God.
to the ‘tree of life' occur only here and in the book of Revelation,
except for few symbolic references in the book of Proverbs, which
we'll quickly note:
Proverbs references:
3:18 speaking of godly wisdom
which involves living righteous lives: She
is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of
her will be blessed.
- this sort of living leads to receiving
‘life' from God
11:30 The
fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
- as we said above, living righteously
opens the way to receive blessing from God
13:12 Hope
deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of
- in a general sense when God fulfils
our dreams, it is like life is released to us.
15:4 The
tongue that brings healing is a tree of life
- similarly in a general sense, healing
words release life to us.
here seems to suggest a higher quality of human existence. In each
case it is ‘a tree', a general example or illustration or
picture of what happens.
The Revelation references
2:7 To
him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree
of life, which is in the paradise of God.
- the context suggests a reward
due to every obedient Christian
- the implication is also that
the overcomer will be able to continue eating from it and therefore
it is everlasting or eternal life
22:2 To
him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree
of life, which is in the paradise of God
- in the city of God at the
end, the fruit of this tree of life is for every citizen
- as said above, it is everlasting
Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have
the right to the tree of life and may go through
the gates into the city.
- every believer saved by Jesus receives
of this life, everlasting life
if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God
will take away from him his share in the tree of life and
in the holy city
- unbelievers will have no right to
this life - they cannot receive everlasting life.
- note in each case it is ‘ the
tree of life', a specific thing - an obedience-bringing source
of eternal life.
The Genesis references
have seen that 'the tree of life' is one of 2 special trees in the
middle if the Garden (Gen 2:9) and that they are free to eat of it,
the other tree being the only forbidden one (Gen 2:16,17). They are
special only in as far as God uses them to teach a principle and bring
3:22-24 And
the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing
good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take
also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the
LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from
which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on
the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing
back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
- The reason for the exclusion
from the Garden is expressly stated
- It is to stop them coming
and receiving this life
- Again, it also becomes obvious
that the life that is being referred to is eternal life – constantly
eating from it means no death.
when we move into the New Testament, part of the salvation package,
if we may put it like that, is receiving God's own Holy Spirit who
the scriptures clearly show is THE source of all life. The Christian
believer thus is promised eternal life and we find the reality of
this is because of the very presence of the Holy Spirit (God Himself)
who indwells all believers.
this it is clear to see that the ‘tree of life' is a symbolic way
of saying the very presence of God, in whom is life. Excluding them
from this presence means they are excluded from this life source.
The reality of this is not made fully clear until we come into the
New Testament where this is part of the ‘mystery' that the apostle
Paul was so fond of speaking about, God's plan hidden until the coming
of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
The meaning of ‘Life' and ‘Death' in this context.
has been referred to as the ongoing resource that obedience in the
Garden would produce, which would stave off death, that 'resource'
being God's very own presence.
the prohibition against eating from ‘the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil' said, “when
you eat of it you will surely die,” it
did not mean ‘immediately' (at least physically). As we have seen
from the previous considerations, with the removal of access to the
tree of life, with the passing of years the life resource would not
be there and eventually physical death would occur.
there are some references in the Bible that use death to mean ‘spiritual
death' or eternal exclusion from the presence of God, that is not
indicated here specifically. However, if in general we usually speak
of ‘spiritual death' as meaning the absence of God's presence, then
this was about to occur when they are excluded from the Garden and
thus from regular intimate contact with God
3: Aspects of this Judgment
Additional Elements of the Judgment
the Judgment in General Terms
have seen that the primary or main elements of the judgment on Adam
and Eve were
- to be banished from the Garden,
- excluded from the presence of God
and thus,
- prevented from having access to
the tree of life (the life-giving power that was God.)
Outworkings of this Judgment
we read on we find there are other things that will change. We will
lay the verses out in such a way as to make the different aspects
3:16-19 To
the woman he said,
- "I
will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will
give birth to children.
- Your desire
will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from
the tree about which I commanded you, `You must not eat of it,'
- "Cursed
is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of
it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles
for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of
your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since
from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."
is important to see these things AFTER we have considered the previous
issues about life and God being its source. Let's note those changes
first of all:
- A change
of physical experience for the woman
- A change
in her relationship with her husband
- A change
in the earth that makes life harder for the man.
what do these mean, and why did they occur?
Change of Physical Experience for the Woman
The big change that is coming
up, that we have already considered, is that for a variety of reasons
man will be excluded from living in the presence of God and receiving
His life power.
Now when God first created
everything His declaration was that it was ALL very good (Gen
1:31) – but that was with His presence there in the Garden with them.
A larger study of the effects
of the Fall suggest that in all ways, with God's presence largely
removed, the world ‘breaks down'. Sin (the self-centred rejection
of God) causes sickness and there are reasons to suggest a variety
of other things no longer work as well as they did.
Included in that will be
Now a simple study of the
range of women's experiences of childbirth suggest they vary enormously,
from those that are very difficult, very painful and even life-threatening
to those that are easy and even virtually painless. It takes very
little thought to suggest that that latter description would almost
certainly have been how it was under God's original design,
but for a variety of emotional and physical reasons it veered away
from that towards the other end of the spectrum as general experience
after the Fall and after they are excluded from God's live-giving
(There are some women who
would say that the up side of this is that going through such an experience
to bring their child into the world leaves them feeling so much closer
to the child they have borne.)
Change in her relationship with her husband
With God's close presence
it is probable that there would be a more gentle, caring, compassionate
and responsive relationship between husband and wife.
With that presence being
distanced from them, it leaves it open for them to act out of self
and one commentator suggested, “‘To love and to cherish' becomes
‘To desire and to dominate'. While even pagan marriage can rise far
above this, the pull of sin is always towards it.”
On one hand there is desire
but on the other there is dominance, for such is the way of Sin.
Change in the earth to make life harder for the man
Whether this is literally physical or is spiritual
is unclear but if we take the changes for the woman literally, then
we should do the same for the man.
God's original mandate was, “
give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and
every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for
food.” (Gen 1:29)
Now He speaks, “Cursed
is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of
it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles
for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of
your brow you will eat your food.”
The change is from collecting the fruit of trees,
bushes etc., to actively cultivating the ground to bring forth food,
which will be hard work.
Again, using what we have considered previously,
where the close presence of God is, there is the sequence of blessing,
life and then fruitfulness. Where that presence is distanced, that
blessing is removed and the earth ‘works' less well. (There have been
reports from around the world in recent decades of redeemed Christian
communities that have received the blessing of the Lord and their
crop fruitfulness has increased amazingly.)
What alternatives?
our earlier chapters we said one thing we would do is consider
- what would be the outcome if the
judgment did not happen and the sin simply permitted and
- what alternative judgments would
have been possible.
order to speculate more comprehensively about the outcome without
the judgment (and it has to be speculation because we are not told)
we might ask a key question: would what happened without judgment
be any different from what happened with the judgments, and if so,
how might it have differed?
considering what might have happened if God had not decreed this judgment,
we have to wonder first, how what did happen would be different if
the judgment had not occurred.
DID happen After Eden
simple approach is first of all to observe what did actually happen
after Eden (and then wonder if it would have been different without
the judgment).
(before God decreed any change) there already were breakdowns in relationship
resulting from the Fall, between them and God, and between each other:
- Adam and Eve felt guilty and
estranged from God (they hid from him – Gen 3:8)
- they blamed one another and
refused to accept personal blame (Gen 3:12,13)
those were more obvious consequences rather than judgment. Nevertheless
once they occurred they would be characteristics of those relationships
thereafter. Once the deed was done there was no way of stepping back
from it and its immediate consequences, which have been seen in mankind
ever since as
- an ongoing sense of estrangement
from God (He feels a million miles away)
- an ongoing estrangement from one
another (we so often feel inadequate or defensive or hostile in
respect of others)
- an ongoing propensity to choose
the way of self over God's way.
gone their own way once, it is quite probable that the couple would
stray further afield. Having ‘broken the rules' once (even though
it was just one rule) although God did not lay down lots of other
rules, it is clear from the ongoing history in Genesis that mankind
well and truly fell off the path of God's design for humanity, for
Cain and Abel
- Cain murdered Abel even though God
was clearly still around if we may put it like that.
- We'll examine this more fully in
the next chapter.
- This man either killed another or
threatened to (Gen 4:23)
- (see Gen 6:5) Man, in a very short
time, had exercised his free will to do what he liked and it was
all against the design of God. (We'll examine this when we examine
the Flood)
emphasise, having once disobeyed God, it is probable that all of these
things would have occurred anyway regardless of whether the judgment
was imposed or not. Interestingly, as we'll see in subsequent chapters,
God is seen there in i) and iii) above seeking to limit the situation.
The Outcome in Absence of the Judgment?
that judgment had not been imposed, then there are a) obvious consequences
and b) not-so-obvious consequences. Let's try and explain.
nothing else happened there would be these two outworkings:
- First, they would still have access
to the tree of life.
- Second, they would now have an uneasy
relationship with God.
access to the source of life would presumably mean they would be able
to live on indefinitely, giving even more time or more opportunities
to sin in even greater ways.
relationship with the Lord would degenerate into that of spoilt children
imposing on a weak father. We might suggest that is what happened
in Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15).
we might ask, would God just patting them on the back and saying,
“There, there, it's all right, I forgive you,” have redeemed the situation?
Definitely not. Satan would have returned and said, “See I was right.
Nothing bad did happen, you can do what you like. Go for it! Grow
up, be yourselves, do anything you want, it will be all right.”
it is probable therefore, that the ongoing consequences would have
been the same in terms of the behaviour of mankind, the only difference
being that i) there would be no end to it and ii) maybe allow freedom
from consequences which might mean them opening the door to far worse
and by far the greatest consequence that comes out of this, is that
if God did not act against this disobedience, this evil, then from
this point on justice would never have a leg to stand on. If God
could wink at one indiscretion then everyone else would have an excuse
to say, “Justice doesn't matter,” but that goes against everything
every one of us believes. (It may only be when it comes close and
we have been violated, but ultimately we all DO believe in justice).
The Bigger Outcomes of this Judgment
we consider specifics, may we suggest what, perhaps, is the most obvious
summation of what happened:
Adam & Eve decided to be independent of God in their decision
God thus said, very well, I grant you the freedom you want. You
will be free of me - but with all that that entails, living outside
the Garden separated from me.
on to this analysis when people thoughtlessly declare God is an unkind
dictator. Everything about what followed the Fall, was about mankind
being made to live out their chosen independance.
of the Judgment
putting them out of the Garden does is
- make them realise that there
are always consequences to wrong behaviour, behaviour contrary to
God's design, and
- make them stand on their own
two feet and take personal responsibility, and
- acknowledge their failure
and need of help (the basis of salvation) and
- at the same time uphold justice.
might also ponder on the following:
- God could have simply destroyed
them and started off with some completely different creature.
- Instead He simply removes
them from a place where they would have continually gone to seek
blessing, to seek God's life-force, to seek eternal life, to stop
aging and to prevent dying – and thus develop their sinfulness on
and on.
- The fact that they will die
means they will only live a limited period in which to develop and
this will mean that their personal sinfulness will be curtailed
with aging.
Possibilities and Actualities
- It
will be harder than before but that will not harm them, and God
will still be there for them when they seek Him – but it will be
a case of when they seek Him.
- Having
said that, the evidence of ongoing Biblical history is that relationships
with God were possible and God goes out of His way to develop them
– through Abram and then his son and grandson and then through a
nation called Israel, and so on down through history.
the Plan of God
key understanding of just what this judgment was, might be summarised
as God distancing Himself from mankind and that distancing meaning
a reduction in the life-giving properties of His presence, changing
how the world works.
all times we need to review it in the light of our starting point,
which was the plan of the Godhead before Creation itself, to persevere
with mankind even though free will would bring Sin into the world.
His plan, which was revealed and made clear through Jesus, was to
work with mankind in such a way that justice would not be denied (and
Sin forgotten) but those who would respond to Him could be brought
back into a loving relationship with Him.
ultimate end, via the Cross of Chris, involves many sinful but redeemed
humans being restored into a living, loving relationship with God
and receiving eternal life – to live it out with Him for ever. This
was there all the time behind the things going on as recorded in Genesis
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