Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Studies in Joshua 1-11 - "Entering the Land" | |
Chs. 9-11
Chapter: Josh 9
Passage: Josh 9:1-15
A. Find out :
1. Who came to make war against Joshua? v.1,2 2. Who decided to deceive Joshua? v.3,4 3. What appearance did they give? v.4,5,12,13 4. What did they want to do? v.6 5. What was Israel 's fear? v.7 6. What did Israel not do? v.14 7. How did they confirm the treaty? v.15
B. Think :
C. Comment :We come to an interesting interlude that appears bad at first but which eventually seems to be for the good. Israel had moved into the central area of Canaan and naturally made some of the inhabitants of the land defensive, with the result that they banded together against Israel . One group of the Hittites however, the Gibeonites, having heard what Israel had already done, decided to come in SUBMISSION to Israel . We have said previously that relinquishing the land of Canaan would have been one means of survival for the inhabitants, and the Gibeonites resorted to another means (which God apparently did not object to, we'll see later). Israel 's obvious mistake here, is that they didn't enquire of the Lord. If it had been another city to take they might have done that, but this was a different problem and they hadn't yet learnt to take every problem to the Lord. Thus Israel were deceived and had the peace treaty ratified by a solemn oath. They bound themselves to it in the name of the Lord. How will they cope when they realise what has happened? We'll see in the next study.
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 9 Passage: Josh 9:16-27
A. Find out :1. How soon was the deception realised? v.16 2. Why wouldn't Israel attack Gibeon? v.18,19 3. What did Israel say should happen? v.21 4. What did Joshua impose on them? v.23,27 5. What reason did the Gibeonites give for their actions? v.24 6. What was their response? v.25
B. Think :
1. Israel would have sworn by the name of the Lord. Why did the leaders therefore do what they did?
C. Comment :Shortly after making the treaty with the Gibeonites, Israel hear through some means that they have been deceived. As they march on to take the land, they come to the Gibeonites, who they purposefully leave alone. The people grumble, perhaps fearing that they will incur God's judgement, but the leaders are adamant: they have made a solemn promise using the Lord's name and it is more important that this name be upheld than anything else. What they had previously done they had done in good faith. It had been against God's original orders and was wrong, but it had been done in good faith and they had used the Lord's name. For the sake of the people, the Gibeonites, and anyone else who might hear about this, it is important that they maintain supreme respect for the name of the Lord.
Rather like Rahab previously, the Gibeonites have come over to Israel. God's instructions and warnings against treaties with the inhabitants of the land meant, "Don't make treaties with them as they are" i.e. don't make treaties with people who remain against Me. Gibeon had changed and now became servants, even for the house of the Lord. What a picture of grace!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 10 Passage: Josh 10:1-8
A. Find out :1. Who heard about all that was happening? v.1 2. Why was he upset about Gibeon ? v.2 3. So what did he do? v.3,4 4. What did the Gibeonites do when attacked? v.6 5. What was Joshua's response? v.7 6. How did the Lord encourage Joshua? v.8
B. Think :
C. Comment :The word has got around about Gibeon , as well as about Joshua's exploits. Some of the inhabitants of the land see the writing on the wall and decide to act quickly against Gibeon , so they band together and attack the city. Gibeon 's immediate reaction is to call for Joshua, after all they have made a peace treaty and they belong to Israel now, so let's get some of the benefits of that! Joshua is a man of honour and integrity so he responds immediately. He is in covenant with Gibeon and as such he has a responsibility towards them, so he takes the whole army and goes to their aid. As he goes the Lord indicates His approval. He doesn't say "Have nothing to do with this!" but instead promises victory, after all these are some of the same inhabitants of the land who have to be cleared out, so this is as good a way to deal with them as any. The lesson here is obvious: covenants or agreements bring both benefits and responsibilities e.g.1. when we join a church there are benefits but there are also responsibilities, e.g.2. when we marry there are benefits but there are also responsibilities!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 10 Passage: Josh 10:9-15
A. Find out :1. How did Israel take them by surprise? v.9 2. How did the Lord intervene? v.10a 3. With what result? v.10b 4. What did the Lord then do? v.11 5. What inexplicable event occurred at Joshua's request? v.12,13 6. What did Israel recognise? v.14b
B. Think :
C. Comment :Israel took the enemy by surprise by coming upon them through the night, but the enemy could have come back strongly against them. Instead the Lord "threw them into confusion" i.e. He put feelings of confusion into their minds which, as they submitted to them, resulted in them fleeing before Israel. Not only that, as they fled the Lord released massive hailstones on them, destroying many of them. Then we come to a mystery, the standing still of the sun for a day. How such a thing could happen defies our understanding. If it did actually happen, we know it would have meant the whole world would have stopped rotating. Not possible, even as a miracle! If we consider the reason for it, that might make it more clear. Obviously Joshua needed time to catch up with the enemy before night fell. What perhaps happened is that the Lord gave Israel supernatural ability to deal with the enemy in such a short time that it seemed like a whole day had passed. If this was not so then this remains a mystery to us. But then, in a different way, the resurrection of Jesus is just a big a mystery, but then God IS God!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 10 Passage: Josh 10:16-28 A. Find out :
1. What happened to the 5 kings? v.16 2. Why did Joshua say to block them in? v.18,19 3. When did they release the kings? v.20-22 4. What did Joshua make his commanders do? v.24 5. What did he promise? v.25 6. What happened to the kings? v.26,27
B. Think :
C. Comment :There may be a tendency within us, with our "civilised" outlook on life(!) to be somewhat horrified by this "barbaric" episode. That is our failure not theirs! Two things need remembering: first, all have sinned and deserve to die, and the fact that God doesn't destroy us is simply a sign of His mercy and grace. These kings were responsible rulers of pagan idol worshipping anti-God peoples, and they deserved the judgement of God. Second, this was a situation of destroy or be destroyed. They had come to destroy the allies of the people of God. In this passage we see the wisdom and commitment of Joshua. First, his wisdom in "locking up" the kings while his army dealt with the fleeing armies, and then in strengthening the faith and resolve of his army commanders. Second, his commitment as he determinedly put the kings to death. There must have been the temptation to spare them as "great men deserving something better", but that would have been wrong. Left to live these men would simply have raised up opposition to God yet again. Sin that is not dealt with keeps on raising its ugly head. Deal with it! Destroy it!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 10 Passage: Josh 10:29-43 A. Find out :
1. What city did Joshua next take? v.29,30 2. What next city took 2 days to take? v.31-33 3. What city came next? v.34,35,38 4. Why had Joshua totally destroyed everyone? v.40 5. Why had he been so successful? v.42
B. Think :
C. Comment :In the first part of the campaign, Israel went from Jericho to Ai, (to Gibeon , against 5 kings), to Makkedah, moving from the central eastern part of Canaan right into the centre of the south of the land. From there they quickly moved taking the cities of the south: Libnah, Lachish , Eglon, Hebron , Debir, a total of eight cities taken so far, an impressive campaign! We are reminded of Joshua's OBEDIENCE and the Lord's POWER. Joshua sought to do what the Lord told him to do, and the Lord enabled him to achieve it all. That is always the order of things, even for us. As we seek to obey the Lord, He then enables us to do it. Overcoming comes with obedience. Remember here was a land basically under God's judgement, a land with no excuse (see Romans 1:18 -20) a land which now refused (with the exceptions of Rahab and her family and the Gibeonites) to accept the life of the people of God, with the Lord at the centre. If we find such a part of Israel 's history unpleasant, we should ask the Lord to bring us the understanding of the awfulness of sin, of rebellion against God and its earthly and eternal consequences. When we see that, we shall also see the grace of God that seeks to reach out and save all men. If God says "Destroy!" He knows the people in question will not repent.
D. Application?
A. Find out :
1. Who started gathering together? v.1-2 2. What was their purpose? v.5 3. How did the Lord encourage Joshua? v.6 4. So what did Joshua do? v.7 5. With what result? v.8,9
B. Think :
C. Comment :After having taken the whole of the south of Canaan , Joshua now finds himself confronted by a large coalition from the north of the land (see on your map Hazor in the far north) who came together, clearly determined to deal with Israel . Israel moved northwards and the battle ensued at Merom to the south of Hazor. The numbers coming together to fight against Israel are daunting, so the Lord brings Joshua a word of encouragement, His word that He will defeat the enemy! Joshua's response to this is one of faith and he quickly comes without warning against this vast army representing much of the north. We are not told the Lord's part in it, only that HE gave the enemy into Joshua's hand. The outcome is clear and the enemy are totally defeated and their resources rendered useless for battle again. With the destruction of this large army, the north of Canaan lay wide open to Joshua. The south had been taken city by city, but the north has been rendered helpless in one day! This was perhaps the biggest confrontation that Israel faced and was also the most important in terms of extent.
D. Application?
A. Find out :
1. Where did Joshua next destroy? v.10 2. What benefit did Israel get from the cities they took? v.14 3. How complete was Israel 's activity? v.16 4. How many cities made peace with Israel ? v.19 5. Why was that ? v.20 6. How was the land described at the end? v.23
B. Think :
C. Comment :As we approach the end of this set of studies, various things should be noted. First we should note again that all this has happened at the Lord's COMMAND. Joshua has been obedient to the Lord throughout. Second, we should note that the Lord's intention was to bring TOTAL JUDGEMENT on the land, destroying all of the pagan idol-worshipping inhabitants. Third, we should note the TOTAL SUCCESS of Joshua and Israel as their clear the land. The Lord's enabling with their obedience has done it. Fourth we should note that brief reference to God's GRACE seen in the Gibeonites who made peace and were saved. (that had been possible for all the land) Again we are reminded of the real judgement of God which comes against ALL men because ALL men have sinned and come short of God's glory. It is only because of God's grace and mercy that any of us are saved. Here was an area of hard hearted, godless, pagan, idol-worshippers in the depths of demonic worship, who God came against with His instrument of judgement, Israel . Not a pleasant part of Scripture but never the less a part that should teach us much. (2 Timothy 3:16)
D. Application?
RECAP - "Going through the Land" - Joshua 9-11 SUMMARY :
In these 8 studies we have seen:
COMMENT :Gibeon by devious means become Israel 's servants, and that only by the grace of God. The lesson for Israel must have been, "Ask God about every strange new situation!" Never the less the Lord adds more to His family through this incident. When Israel had to defend Gibeon the Lord comes to their aid and they completely overcome the enemy. As they move north they defeat all the northern kings in one battle. The land is theirs for the taking! God's word has been fulfilled and Joshua has had victory wherever he has gone.
LESSONS :1. A close walk with God defeats deception 2. The name of the Lord should be our top priority 3. God works good even out of our bad 4. We are to put to death wrong in our lives 5. Obedience opens the way for blessing 6. With God we are a majority. 7. Our success is all of God's grace.
PRAY :This is all about the blessings of being the people of God and walking closely with Him. Ask Him to help you walk closely to Him.
PART 5 : "Final Words of Testimony"In the last short Part observe Joshua in the closing days of his life as he calls Israel to commitment and states his own dedication to the Lord right to the end. Let his words be a challenge to us. |