Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Studies in Joshua 1-11 - "Entering the Land" | |
Chs. 3-5
Chapter: Josh 3
Passage: Josh 3 :1-7
A. Find out :
1. To where did Israel come? v.1 2. What were the people to watch for? v.3 3. Why were they to follow it? v.4a 4. How far behind it were they to remain? v.4b 5. What did Joshua instruct the people to do? v.5 6. What did the Lord say He would do? v.7
B. Think :
C. Comment :The Ark of the Covenant (or covenant box) was a large wooden box, overlaid with gold, which had to be carried by the priests, and which contained the two slabs of stone on which were written the Ten Commandments. When the tabernacle was set up, the Ark was placed in the holy of holies, (most holy place) the innermost part of the tent where God's presence was said to dwell. The Ark constantly reminded the Israelites of the Lord's presence. Its position out front of the people indicated that God would be leading His people into the promised land, but as a reminder that it was holy, the people following the Ark had to stay well back. Not only that, before they set out the people had to perform a specific act of washing and setting themselves aside to God. They were to realise that this was no casual expedition, this was God leading His people, a special people, a chosen people, a holy people. As they went, they went with the knowledge that the Lord would clearly be with them, and to confirm that, the Lord promises Joshua He will bless him. Things are about to happen that are not of human making. God is on the move!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 3 Passage: Josh 3:8-17 A. Find out :1. What were the priests with the ark to do? v.8 2. What did Joshua say the Lord would do? v.10 3. What sign would show the Lord was with them? v.10a,13 4. What was the state of the Jordan ? v.15a 5. When did the water stop flowing? v.15,16 6. Where did the ark remain? v.17
B. Think :
C. Comment :In Chapter 1 Joshua knew the Lord was with them because He said so. In chapter 2 Joshua knew the Lord was with them because of the fear of the people of the land. Now Joshua is encouraged yet again to know the Lord is with them by this obvious sign of supernatural intervention. This miracle, as do many, required divine instruction, human obedience and divine power. For the priests to walk into this flooding river carrying this large, heavy box, required strong commitment to Joshua's leadership. Unless they had complete confidence in him, such instructions would have produced much grumbling, discontent and even rebellion. Instead they obeyed and suddenly the water level started falling. Actually how the waters piled up at Adam is irrelevant; it happened so that at the exact moment miles down stream, the water started to fall. The result is that the way is made open for this whole nation to cross over on dry ground. The ark in the centre of the river signifies the Lord's presence in the river, holding the river in the state necessary for the Israelite crossing. This is the Lord at work!
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 4 Passage: Josh 4:1-9
A. Find out :
1. From where did the 12 men come? v.2 2. From where were they each to take a stone? v.3a 3. Where were they to put them? v.3b 4. What future question would they provoke? v.6 5. What response would be given? v.7 6. What, therefore, were they to act as? v.7c
B. Think :
C. Comment :It seems that part of human nature is to quickly forget important things. We therefore need reminders constantly, to help us keep in mind great things from the past. We need to remember because they teach us things and prevent us from falling into error. God knew this and He therefore established a reminder for future generations, of what happened here. Twelve stones from the centre of the river were to be taken by twelve men, one from each tribe, and set up nearby on the other side. Thus each stone represents the involvement of each and every tribe. They remind them that they walked dry over the stones when they were at the bottom of the river, a miracle provided by God. We, as Christians, have Communion, or the Lord's Supper, to remind us regularly of what Jesus has done for us. We have His word, the Bible, to remind us of so much of what God has done for us. We need reminding, and future generations will need reminding, this is here because of what the Lord did for us! This also symbolises death and resurrection, necessary if we are to be new people. As they walked through the midst of the Jordan they walked in obedience into the place of death (absence of human life), and as they walked out they walked into a new life, the new land promised for them.
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 4 Passage: Josh 4:10-24
A. Find out :1. How long did the priests remain in the river? v.10 2. What did the people think of Joshua? v.14 3. When did the river flow again? v.18 4. Where did they set up the 12 stones? v.20 5. To what would this crossing be compared? v.23 6. Who would know the power of the Lord? v.24
B. Think :
C. Comment :We considered yesterday the importance of being reminded about parts of the past. Today we will consider the part that testimony plays. Something miraculous happened when the priests stepped into the Jordan and now it was confirmed as no "chance accident" when they step out and it flows again. This is clearly the hand of God and they compare it to the crossing of the Red Sea , after the exodus from Egypt . Having established it as one of the great miracles of history, we now observe the results of it. First, it established Joshua once and for all as a man who heard God and was worthy of leadership. Second, it let all the surrounding peoples know that this wasn't an ordinary nation coming into the land, for with them there was One Real God who genuinely DID THINGS for His people. For the Israelites themselves it created a sense of awe, but even that dulls with the passing of time, hence the stones at Gilgal to be a constant reminder to future generations. Testimony IS important because it is the account of the acts of God and it is upon testimony that faith is built, not upon the law. It is the testimony of Jesus that releases faith in us which in turn opens the way for our salvation.
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 5 Passage: Josh 5:1-12 A. Find out :
1. What was the effect of the crossing on nearby kings? v.1 2. What did the Lord tell Joshua to do? v.2 3. Why was this necessary? v.5 4. Who had died in the wilderness? v.4,6 5. What did they celebrate at Gilgal? v.10 6. How did life change there? v.11,12
B. Think :
C. Comment :The first thing to note in this passage is the effect of the recent miracle upon the surrounding peoples. Miracles bless the people of God but they can also create other feelings in those who are against the people of God. Next we observe God's requirements at this time. Now all the previous generation have gone, this present generation ought to be circumcised as a sign of their covenant relationship with God. Moses had nearly lost his life because of his casual attitude towards this once (see Exodus 4:24 -26). By circumcision, the Jewish male would be reminded daily that he was a special person with a special relationship. It was important that as they went into the land that relationship was clearly established by this sign. They would need reminding about that relationship again and again when they were under pressure in the war zone. They relied upon a physical sign, circumcision. We have a spiritual sign, the Holy Spirit within us, who witnesses daily to our sonship (see Romans 8:16 ). Our reminder is internal.
D. Application?
Chapter: Josh 5 Passage: Josh 5:13-15 A. Find out :
1. Where did Joshua meet the man? v.13a 2. What did Joshua challenge him with? v.13b 3. How did the man reply? v.14a 4. How did Joshua respond to this? v.14b 5. What did Joshua ask? v.14c 6. How did the man reply? v.15
B. Think :
C. Comment :Joshua is in the land approaching Jericho , the first obstacle in their path. Before him, between himself and Jericho , appears a man with sword drawn. Joshua's natural reaction is to ask the man whose side he's on. The man's response is quite clear: God isn't on anybody's side! We need to realise that God doesn't "take sides", He is God and demands that we align ourselves with Him, not the other way round! Something about the man convinces Joshua that what he says is true and an awe falls on him so that he falls before the man (an angel?). Immediately Joshua realises the man must have come with a message for him. The message the man gives may appear somewhat surprising at first sight: this ground is holy! What does that say? It says God is here, this land belongs to God, and that is the greatest encouragement that Joshua can ask for as he prepares to move in: the Lord is there already! For any of us moving into new situations, the greatest encouragement we can have is to hear the Lord say, "I'm here already, ahead of you!"
D. Application?
RECAP - "Entering the Land" - Joshua 3-5 SUMMARY :
In these 6 studies we have seen:
COMMENT :As instructed by God the priests carry the Ark into the river and immediately the river level starts falling. Israel passes through into the land and that reminds us that we need God's supernatural help to enter the kingdom of God today. Once in the land they establish reminders of what has happened and of their relationship with God. We similarly need reminders. In the land the Lord points out to Joshua that this is His land.
LESSONS :1. God leads the way always 2. To enter the kingdom we have to die to the old life 3. To live in the kingdom we have to have God's resurrection life in us 4. Faith comes from hearing and reading 5. The Spirit within is our daily reminder 6. We are on God's side, not He on ours!
PRAY :There is much here about the Lord with us and our relationship with Him. Thank Him for His presence with you and the relationship you have with Him.
PART 3 : "Taking Jericho & Ai" Chapters 6-8Watch, as we read about how Joshua took these two cities, and see how victory comes by God's wisdom and then how man becomes casual about God's presence. The warning here will be to be obedient and then to remain reliant on the Lord. |