You are on the third Hebrews 1-8 Study Page of |
Hebrews 5:1 - 6:20
Before you start reading the Notes, may we recommend the following:
1. You pause and pray and ask for God's help for the Bible to come alive to you.
2. You have your Bible open infront of you and read the passage through completely first.
3. You work your way through the questions looking for answers in your Bible.
4. Then and only then, read through the commentary.
(NB. These notes have been written using the New International Version of the Bible)
Study No.15 : The Nature of the High Priest : Heb 5:1-6
Study No.16 : The Obedient Son : Heb 5:6-10
Study No.17 : Immaturity : Heb 5:11-14
Study No.18 : Going On : Heb 6:1-6
Study No.19 : But not you : Heb 6:7-12
Study No.20 : The Surety of our Hope : Heb 6:13-20
RECAP No.3 "Jesus, a new type of Priest" Hebrews 5 & 6