The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide  - Days 1 to 5


These are Days 1 to 5 for "The Heavenly Man - Prayer Guide"

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The Readings




Day 1:   Introduction & first third of Chapter 1    (p.12-17)  (Yun returns from prison early)

(Don't miss the Introduction!)

1. How would you summarise Yun's belief about God while he was still in prison? (p.12)

2. What does his comment to his wife reveal about his understanding of who we are as Christians? (p.13)

3. What does his life testimony do and what does he want the world to know? (p.14)

4. What was the point Yun was making in telling about his time in Norway and Marie Monsen? (Ch.1 p.15-17)



  •   Present your life to the Lord in the certainty that He is sovereign Lord.
  •   Thank Him for His grace in saving you. 
  •   Ask for His grace to enable you to reveal Him to others. 
  •   Ask Him to help you in prayer, during this time, to honour those Christians in China.


Bible Reading : 1 Timothy 1:12-17


Additional Point to Ponder: I really haven't a clue about life full of persecution. I am really going to need God's help to take this in and realise that this really did happen and still does happen!








Day 2:   Chapter 1 – Humble Beginnings   (p.17-22)    (An early missionary, revival & persecution)   

(latter 2/3 of chapter)

1. What picture is conveyed of Yun's home area, and what reputation did that area have? (p.17,18)

2. By 1922 how had the church grown after what sort of experience? (p.18)

3. What fresh emphasis had Marie Monsen brought after 1901 through to 1932? (p.19,20)

4. Why and how did the church suffer after 1949? (p.20,21)

5. How would you summarise the Christian Church's experience in China as shown in the latter 2/3 of this




  •   Thank the Lord for faithful missionaries and all those furthering the Gospel.
  •   Thank the Lord for the faithful church in China that has endured a persecution that is largely unknown

  in the West.

  •   Pray for Christian brothers and sisters (known and unknown to you) whose heritage is one of opposition

  and outright persecution.

  •   Pray for ourselves that we will not let ease and comfort dull or compromise our faith and limit our

  support for those in the persecuted church.


Bible Reading : Acts 14:1-7


Additional Point to Ponder: I am aware that in many parts of the Church it is less fashionable today to think about missionaries and yet the need – worldwide- is just as great.







Day 3:   Chapter 2 – A Hunger Fulfilled    (p.23-26)   (Father's illness, mother's return, healing & revival)

(First half of chapter)

1. What were the family circumstances that eventually brought Yun's mother back to the Lord? (p.23-25)

2. How did those circumstances change? (p.25)

3. How did the family overcome the ban to hold meetings, and with what result? (p.25,26)

4. What limitation on his faith did Yun first suffer and what desire did that create in him? (p.26)



  • Think back on circumstances in your own life that the Lord used to bring you to Him / bring you back to Him, and thank Him for them.
  • Thank Him that He DOES “in all things .... work together for good” for us (Rom 8:28), whatever the circumstances the enemy or the world seeks to bring on us.
  • Thank Him that when we pray in line with His will, He DOES promise to answer (Jn 14:13)
  •  Ask Him to create a greater hunger in you for His word, that you will value it greatly.


Bible Reading : 1 Pet 1:1-9


Additional Point to Ponder: They were poor but knew the power of God. We mostly don't lack wealth but mostly lack the power. Does it have to be one or the other? Yun's mother had never learned to read or write but she became a preacher! Shame on us!








Day 4:  Chapter 2 – A Hunger Fulfilled   (p.26-32)   (Miraculous Provision of a Bible)

(Second half of chapter)

1. How did Yun seek to resolve that desire, which we saw yesterday, and to what lengths did he go to do

   that? (p.26-28)

2. How was that desire fulfilled – what actually happened to fulfil it? (p.28-30)

3. What had been Deling's (Yun's future wife) state and how had she come to the Lord (p.31,32)

4. What happened in the early days of her new faith, showing the Lord's provision for her life? (p.32)



  • Thank the Lord for Yun's example in seeking for a Bible. Ask the Lord again, to increase your hunger for His word.
  • Thank the Lord for the way He worked in different people to bring a Bible to Yun. Ask the Lord to increase your faith in His wisdom and power in working for His people.
  • Thank the Lord for the way He worked in a partner for Yun. If you are single, commit your future to Him. If you are a parent, simply submit your children's future to Him in this respect.
  • Thank the Lord that He moves sovereignly in our lives to bring all we need – healing, physical provision, friendship provision, and guidance. Commit whatever need you have to Him now.


Bible Reading : Gen 24:1-7


Additional Point to Ponder: How we take our abundance of Bibles for granted!








Day 5:   Chapter 3 – Go to the West and to the South   (p.33-35)   (Yun's Calling)

( first half of chapter)

1. How did Yun come to see his need of the Holy Spirit and what happened when he prayed? (p.33,34)

2. How did he receive his calling? (p.34,35)

3. What did he receive in the dream later that night? (p.35)


  •   Thank the Lord for Yun's example of devotion to God's word. Ask again for the Lord to stir a fresh hunger in you for it.
  •   Thank the Lord for Yun's example of hunger for the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to fill you or fill you afresh.
  •   Thank the Lord for the clarity of His guidance in His calling of Yun. As far as you are able, surrender your life to the Lord for Him to use you. 


Bible Reading : 1 Samuel 3:1-11


Additional Point to Ponder: Yun memorised whole books of the Bible!!! How lazy we are!



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