we look at the specific points we have observed in the ‘Content' part
A call for doubt and enquiry. The
deception in this part is deriding revelation and, believing it to
be truth, all hope is placed in doubt and enquiry, which is really
a subtle way of saying there is no truth and so anything us up for
grabs. Relativism under cover!
Examples of silly and nasty people. I
don't know where the author dragged up the bizarre smearing of Thomas
Aquinas. As he does not give us his sources for this I assume he must
be using some fringe Catholic source which runs very much contrary
to the bulk of the materials about Aquinas. Character assassination
seems a ready tool in the hand of the atheist.
following page or so covers the Iranian president and Shia extremists
so I have no need to defend their antics. Similarly there is no need
to defend Afghanistan extremism and 9/11 bombings, but neither have
anything to do with God, only men's inventions of God for their own
political purposes.
Examples of silly religion.
Here again the author picks up the example of the Islamic upset
over ‘the Cartoons' and then a silly example of a prayer experiment.
The former needs no comment. For the latter see my comments on the
Dawkins appraisal.
Outmoded religion and the optimism of humanism.
In a swift final couple of pages the author seeks to suggest that
religion is now outmoded and has been taken over by science and modernity.
In a plea for a new Enlightenment we find the optimism so often found
in humanism. We have covered in our Apologetics pages both the problems
of modern science (uncertainty and unrighteousness) and the crazy
optimism of humanists and therefore rather than repeat those pages
here, we would request you go to our Apologetics pages and consider
these things there. CLICK