7 : Science or Philosophy
and gentlemen,
invite you, before we consider scientific facts and
philosophical assumptions, to consider your world
view, and I need to suggest to you that quite possibly your view of
science or philosophic assumptions will be determined by your world
it comes down to basics, you believe either that there is a God, or
that there isn't, and for most of us that is our starting place, not
our conclusion. Most of us don't view the evidence and conclude
there is no God – or that there is one.
before we proceed any further, I would invite you to check your integrity
– which is what I will define as your willingness to be totally honest,
to be willing to face, assess and weight truths, face evidence and
weigh it honestly without your presuppositions getting in the way
– and I realise that will be difficult.
my opening sentence I spoke of ‘scientific facts' and ‘philosophical
assumptions'. By scientific facts, I mean those things
over which there can be no doubts, for example:
- creatures fall into a number of
definable and distinct categories that we call ‘species'
- looking backward into the study
of fossils there are not fossils seamlessly joining up species,
i.e. in the fossil record species are distinct
- in the present there have been
observed relatively minor changes within species, naturally occurring
or in breeding but no changes to create new species
These are scientific facts, i.e. established
and agreed knowledge.
‘philosophic assumptions' I mean ideas that are discussed
and assumed by some. They are ‘philosophical' because they are only
ideas, not facts. They are assumptions because they are what some
have postulated. They tend to be things that either cannot be proven
or have not yet been able to be proven, yet they are often assumed
by many to be true.
problem with these philosophical assumptions is that people so often
assume they are true and because of our presuppositions they are sometimes
taught as facts.
one of the biggest assumptions like this came from Darwin who said
that in pigeon breeding it was possible to breed new styles of pigeon
from the common rock pigeon, and assumed that if that was
possible, then it was possible to extrapolate such changes back into
the distant past to form a theory of evolution.
need to emphasise again that that was an assumption – because
no one has ever witnessed evolution between species – see in Appendix
4 for quotes about evolution. Now if that makes you uncomfortable
we have to ask why.
one reason you may put up is that you may be thinking that I must
be ignoring the immense weight of scientific knowledge that such people
such a Richard Dawkins knows, that proves this isn't right. Well,
no, even he acknowledges the gaps in fossil history. Everything he
writes in trying to counter this is theory based on assumptions.
starting assumption is very clear and everything else follows from
it: there is NO God and therefore, what is MUST have come about on
its own DESPITE the evidence to the contrary. Everything he sees he
sees through this starting grid. Now I have to suggest that that is
a very unscientific approach – to start from a fixed belief that you
refuse to move from, despite whatever the evidence suggests!
another way, he (and maybe you) has started from the premise that
‘material' is all that is, and therefore there is no room for ‘non-material'
existence, that we call ‘spirit'. If you believe that, is it because
it is your starting place or is it that you have arrived at that as
a conclusion after carefully examining all the available evidence
with an open scientific mind, and not made big assumptions but only
logical conclusions.
philosophical stance than holds only to a material world is called
naturalism. Listen to Nancy Pearcey in her book,
Total Truth:
ordinary people hold an idealised image of science as impartial,
unbiased, empirical investigation that attends strictly to evidence.
That's the official definition found in a standard science textbook,
bristling with objective-sounding words like observation
and testing . The problem is that, in practice, science
has been co-opted into the camp of the philosophical naturalists,
so that it typically functions as little more than applied naturalism.
do we know that? Because the only theories regarded as acceptable
are naturalistic ones. Consider these words by the well-known science
popularizer Richard Dawkins: “ Even if there were no actual
evidence in favour of the Darwinian theory….. we should still
be justified in preferring it over all rival theories.” Why? Because
it is naturalistic.
the same argument, flipped over. A Kansas State University professor
published a letter in the prestigious journal Nature ,
stating: “ Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer,
such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is
not naturalistic.” Pause for a moment and let that sink in: Even
if there is no evidence in favour of Darwinism, and if
all the evidence favours Intelligent Design, still we
are not allowed to consider it in science. Clearly the issue
is not fundamentally a matter of evidence at all, but of prior philosophical
commitment .
Charles Colson in his book, How Now Shall We
Live? writes:
of the most explicit statements of the philosophical motivation
behind Darwinism comes, surprisingly enough, from Harvard geneticist
Richard Lewontin. In an article arguing for the superiority of science
over religion... Lewontin freely admits that science has its own
problems. It has created many of the social problems (like ecological
disasters), and many scientific theories are no more than "unsubstantiated
just-so stories." Nevertheless, "in the struggle between
science and the supernatural," we "take the side of science."
Why? "Because we have a prior commitment to materialism."
carefully those last words. Lewontin is admitting that the hostility
to religion that is fashionable in the scientific establishment
is not driven by facts but by materialistic philosophy.
an honest debate between Darwinism and Christianity is not
fact versus faith, but philosophy versus philosophy, worldview versus
you want a fun exercise, go through a copy of The God Delusion
with a highlighter pen and highlight everything that is assumption,
speculation or suggestion that
- either
cannot be scientifically proved or
- has
not been proved yet.
You will find a lot of
highlights. Have fun!