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Series Theme: The Gifts of the Spirit | |
Title: 7. The Gift of Discernment of Spirits
A Series that considers the Gifts given by the Holy Spirit to Believers
This page is one of a number that seeks to provide basic study material for the Christian who wishes to see what the Bible says about the gifts of the Spirit. We follow the 'standard' pattern for these pages of defining the gift, then seeing it in the Old Testament, in Jesus' ministry and then in the Acts. We then move on to include some more general and tests found in John's first letter.
1. The Gift Discernment Definition: a supernatural knowledge of the source of activity, whether it be divine, demonic or human. The gift of discernment of spirits, enables you:
Examples of discernment of spirits in the O.T.:
Discernment in Jesus' Ministry:
Examples of discernment in Acts:
2. General New Testament teaching
3. Tests of a Person's Motivation from 1 John 1. Test of righteous obedience to Jesus (2:4 & 3:8)
2. Test of brotherly love ( 2:11 , 4:20 , 3:16 ,17)
3. Test of Confession of Christ
4. Test of openness to truth (4:6)
5. Test of overcoming the world (5;4, 4;5, 2;15-17)
4. Concluding Comment