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Series Theme: The Gifts of the Spirit | |
Title: 2. A Look at 1 Corinthians, chapter 12 (mainly)
A Series that considers the Gifts given by the Holy Spirit to Believers
1. Introduction
This page is one of a number that seeks to provide basic study material for the Christian who wishes to see what the Bible says about the gifts of the Spirit.
For this page especially, the student is advised to have their Bible open to these chapters 2. Some things to be learnt A review of these chapters 12-14 tells us the following about the gifts of the Spirit: 1. They are given for the good of the church 12:7 / 14:12
2. They enable service for God 12:5,6
3. They are given as the Spirit determines 12:11
4. They enable us to serve as parts of Christ's body 12:27
5. We are to eagerly desire gifts 12:31 / 14:1
6. Gifts are to be used in an environment of love 13:1
7. We are to stir & use the gift in us 1 Tim 4:14
8. For gifts to be used there needs to be faith Rom 12:6
9. We have gifts by God's grace given us Rom 12:6
10. That grace varies from person to person Rom 12:6
11. Gifts seem to be available once a person is “filled” with the Spirit Acts 2:4, 10:44-46
12. The 1 Cor 12:8-10 list of “spiritual gifts” should be distinguished from:
13. Gifts can develop into a ministry 12:28-31.
14. The gifts also supplement a ministry .
15. Gifts do not indicate spirituality, merely availability . 16. Charisma without character = catastrophe (see Samson). 17. Gifts without character can promote pride . 18. Gifts often promote opposition & persecution . 19. Gifts, in this context, are spiritual enablings, as distinguished from natural abilities . 20. Gifts require to be used with humility and sensitivity .