Front Page
Series Contents
Series Theme: The Gifts of the Spirit











1. Introduction

2. Definition

3. Examples

4. Some keys

5. Some Conclusions




























1. Introduction

2. Definition

3. Examples

4. Some keys

5. Some Conclusions

















1. Introduction

2. Definition

3. Examples

4. Some keys

5. Some Conclusions























Title:   1. Jesus Expressing Himself


A Series that considers the Gifts given by the Holy Spirit to Believers


1. Introduction

This page is one of a number that seeks to provide basic study material for the Christian who wishes to see what the Bible says about the gifts of the Spirit.

There are many Bible references but the student is simply advised to copy and paste the page information into say Word and then study the materials from there.



2. Definition

Some people think gifts of the spirit are something they are to earn to make them a better Christian.

The truth is that Gifts of the Spirit are simply the supernatural moving of Jesus through an individual. They are the Spirit of Jesus (the Holy Spirit) expressing himself through the Christian.

In this series we will see that they are not for personal blessing, but for serving God and bringing blessing to others within the will of God.



3. Examples

"Gifts" are mentioned a number of times in the New Testament and the following are the main 'lists' that occur:

3.1    1 Cor. 12:4-11 (gifts of abilities on occasion)


  • wisdom is Jesus showing you how to proceed in a difficult or impossible situation.
  • knowledge is Jesus revealing what you could not know naturally.
  • faith  is Jesus giving you the ability to believe for the naturally impossible.
  • healing is Jesus releasing the power to physically restore through you.
  • miracles  is Jesus simply doing the impossible through you, for the breakthrough of his kingdom.
  • prophecy is Jesus speaking God's heart for a person or situation through you.
  • discernment is Jesus revealing the spiritual background of a person or situation through you.
  • tongues  is Jesus releasing your inner spirit in prayer to God for personal blessing.
  • interpretation is Jesus giving you understanding of that unknown tongue for personal and corporate blessing.

3.2    Rom 12:6-8 (gifts of abilities on occasion, with a sense of regular use)


  • prophesying is allowing Jesus to speak his heart for a person or situation through you.
  • serving is allowing Jesus to minister practically through you to bless others.
  • teaching is allowing Jesus to impart knowledge and understanding through you to teach, strengthen, upbuild and equip others in the body.
  • encouraging is allowing Jesus to speak upbuilding words through you.
  • contributing  is allowing Jesus to provide resources through you.
  • leadership  is allowing Jesus to provide direction and order through you for others to follow.
  • mercy is allowing Jesus to bring his love and grace to the needy through you for their blessing.

3.3    1 Cor 12:27-31 (gifts of abilities in regular use that we call a “ministry”)


  •  an apostle  is one through whom Jesus is expressing the role of a missionary church planter, specially with the gifts of faith and wisdom and power.
  •  a prophet  is one through whom Jesus is expressing the role of a speaker of the heart of God with faith and revelation.
  •  a teacher  is one through whom Jesus is expressing the role of one who imparts knowledge and understanding with faith.
  •  a miracle worker is one through whom Jesus is often able to perform the naturally impossible for the breakthrough of the kingdom.
  •  a healer  is one through whom Jesus is often able to bring supernatural physical restoration.
  •  an administrator is one through whom Jesus is expressing the role of an organiser with the gifts of revelation, insight and wisdom.
  •  a tongues speaker (in this context) is one through whom Jesus often releases edifying spirit prayer and interpretation.

3.4    Eph 4:11-13 (gifts of abilities in regular use that we call a “ministry”)

  •  an apostle    - as above.
  •  a prophet   - as above.
  •  an evangelist is one through whom Jesus is often able to speak words of conviction with faith that bring salvation.
  •  a pastor is one through whom Jesus is able to express the role of a shepherd-carer in the local church.
  •  a teacher   - as above.



4. Some keys to remember

In Jn 14:10 Jesus said that it was the Father living in him who was doing the work.

  •  Jesus attributed his abilities to the Father within him (closeness of relationship needed by us)

In Jn 5:19 Jesus said he could do nothing by himself, but only what he saw his Father doing.

  •  Jesus watched the Father, sensed the Father's desires, activity etc. and did it (sensitivity and obedience needed by us)

In Jn 14:12 Jesus said that anyone who has faith in him will do what he had been doing.

  •  If you believe in AND respond (faith is responding) to Jesus you'll be doing the same sorts of things that Jesus did in his ministry on earth.

In Rom 12:6 Paul said that we have different gifts according to the grace given us by God.

  •  We each have different gifts
  •  They aren't earned but given as a free gift by God's sovereign choice.

In Rom 12:3 Paul said we were to think about ourselves in accordance with the measure of faith God has given us. (Also Rom 12:6)

  •  We receive gifts by grace but use by faith.
  •  That faith is also a gift from God but it's up to us to exercise it.



5. Some Conclusions

  •  The “gifts” are always Jesus expressing himself.
  •  We don't merit or earn being used like this, it's simply an honour bestowed by him because of his sovereign choice.
  •  He determines the nature or type of thing he wants to do through us.
  •  Regular use in the same manner increases ability and develops a “ministry”
  •  Although a gift to us, it is up to us to exercise it. That is faith, responding to Jesus' leading in this particular way.


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