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Daily Bible Studies

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Series Theme:   Genesis Studies (Series 4 of 4 - chapters 37 to 50)

                             "Joseph's Story"

Page Contents:

Chs. 42-44



























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Chapter: Genesis 42


Passage: Genesis 42:1-13     


A. Find Out:


1. How many brothers went to Egypt ? v.3

2. Which brother remained behind? v.4

3. What did the brothers do when they came before Joseph? v.6

4. How did Joseph differ from his brothers? v.7

5. What did he accuse them of being? v.9

6. With what result? v.11,13


B. Think :

1. Why did the brothers eventually go to Egypt ?

2. What suddenly came flooding back into Joseph's memory?

3. Why do you think he accused them of being spies?


C. Comment :

      At last the famine reaches Canaan where Joseph's brothers seem rather loath to leave and go on a long journey. Eventually at Jacob's instigation they go and eventually arrive in Egypt to appear before the ruler. As soon as they come before him, Joseph recognises them but quickly realises that they don't recognise him. Whether it's just that he's twenty years older, or it's that they simply never expected Joseph to be alive, or  that he's in a completely different context, the brothers don't recognise him now.

      Imagine you were Joseph. The last time you saw them they were selling you into slavery. They were deceitful and evil. He doesn't know if they are still like that. Will they tell him the truth if he asks them about their father and his brother? Joseph decides to put them on the defensive, because then they will start talking as they try to defend themselves. There is wisdom in this, for as he questions them they start to tell about their past and about him (who they believe is dead) and about their father and younger brother. Gradually Joseph is getting to hear what he wants to hear, the story of the past from their point of view.

      In this part of the story we are on a knife-edge. Humanly Joseph could not wreak vengeance on these brothers who brought him years of suffering. But that doesn't accord with all else we've been seeing in this man. Will he remain righteous in this position of power?

D. Application?

1. It has taken over 20 years for God's word through the dreams to be

    fulfilled. Do we understand that God often takes a long time to fulfil His


2. Rest in the things He has promised you.





Chapter: Genesis 42

Passage: Genesis 42:14-24

A. Find Out:    


1. How did Joseph say he would test the truth of what the brothers had been saying?


2. What did he next do with them? v.17

3. What did he then propose? v.19,20

4. Why did they feel this was happening? v.21

5. How did Joseph feel when he heard this? v.24a

6. Who did he hang on to? v.24b


B. Think :

1. What was Joseph obviously trying to achieve?

2. Why do you think he was doing it in this way?

3. What did the brothers obviously feel?


C. Comment :

      As Joseph continues to challenge his brothers who, remember, still don't recognise him, he is clearly working to get them to bring their younger brother to him. His excuse is that he wants to check to see if what they are saying is true. It is probable that, having remembered how they had treated him, Joseph wonders if they had similarly treated his younger brother in the same way, as the two of them had had a different mother (Rachel). If he revealed himself to them and they had destroyed Benjamin they would only cover it up.

      In the way he deals with them Joseph ensures they would actually bring their younger brother to Joseph to verify what they had been saying. To "soften them up" Joseph has them imprisoned for three days. They are likely to be more desperate and speak freely now.   Adverse circumstances draw the truth out of us.

       The brothers clearly feel stricken about all of this and believe it is happening because of what they had done to Joseph all those years before. Their guilty feelings are revealed and, as Reuben upbraids them for what they had done, Joseph is highly moved by what he hears, yet he holds onto Simeon to force their hand. In all this Joseph's wise strategy is to reveal the truth and bring the whole family to him.  He doesn't use his power to beat them into the truth, but uses wisdom to draw the truth out of them, without them realising what is happening.


D. Application?

1. Joseph shows no signs of unforgiveness. Have you forgiven ALL who have

    ever offended you?

2. Thank the Lord that He forgives you when you confess your sins.




Chapter: Genesis 42 

Passage: Genesis 42:25-38      


A. Find Out:


1. What 3 things did Joseph ensure the brothers had before they left? v.25

2. When did they discover the silver? v.27

3. What was their reaction to finding it? v.28,35

4. What was Jacob's response to their story? v.36

5. How did Reuben stand out? v.37

6. But what was Jacob's response? v.38


B. Think :

1. Why do you think they were afraid when they found the silver?

2. Why is Jacob adamant about not letting Benjamin go?

3. Who had tried to save Joseph? (37:21) What does his offer say?


C. Comment :

       As the brothers leave, Joseph instructs his servants to give them the required grain and provisions, but also to slip their silver back into their sacks. It is not until one of them during the night stop opens his sack, that they discover the first of the silver. Their reaction is interesting. They fear and assume God is punishing them. Why? Well, perhaps they assume Joseph will realise that they have come away without paying for the grain and will either come after them or will further accuse them when they return with Benjamin. When they arrive home and find the rest of the silver, that conclusion is strengthened. They, of course cannot see that Joseph is perhaps just seeking to bless his own family.

     Jacob when he is told the story is completely distressed. Years ago he lost his favourite son and now his second favourite is being threatened. He cannot cope with that and refuses to let Benjamin go. For Israel the circumstances seem beyond understanding and he cannot see that there is good behind them. At this moment, the chosen family is in confusion and cannot see that God is working behind the scenes for their provision, blessing and long-term history.


D. Application?

1. Ask the Lord to help you be someone who is not afraid to do the right

    thing even though it appears to be difficult.

2. Ask him for courage today.





Chapter: Genesis 43

Passage: Genesis 43:1-14    

A. Find Out:


1. What prompted Jacob to send the brothers back? v.2

2. What did Judah say they must do if they were to return? v.3-5

3. What 2 questions had Joseph asked them? v.7

4. How did Judah step forward? v.9

5. What 3 things did Jacob say they must take? v.11-13

6. How did he describe the Lord? v.14


B. Think :

1. How have circumstances forced Jacob into a corner?

2. How had Joseph forced Jacob into a corner?

3. Why was Judah 's offer really great?


C. Comment :

      Jacob had decided to abandon Simeon in Egypt.  His love for Benjamin was so great he would not countenance him being sent to Egypt from where he may never return.  No, they must just leave Simeon there!  But now the pressure of famine is pushing Jacob to act.    They cannot carry on without food and only Egypt has the food. They must go back, there is no alternative. 

      Perhaps the Lord knows that Jacob will not move without prodding! It is then that the brothers stand firm on Joseph's instructions. No youngest brother means no food. As they remind Jacob of this, they reveal how Joseph had manipulated them and prized the information out of them. Jacob is angry but there is no alternative, they must go with Benjamin. They have been forced into a corner and there is only one way out. That's how it is with the Lord sometimes!

      It is then that Judah stands out. He volunteers to go and take Benjamin with him. There is obvious risk in this, because of the matter of the silver in the sacks. Joseph has put them in a defensive position even if they return. Old Jacob had been known as a twister before God changed his name to Israel, but it seems that Joseph's wisdom outsmarts anything Jacob had, and perhaps that is simply because the Lord is with Joseph to bring about His purposes!   Jacob, you still can't compete with God!


D. Application?

1. Have you a spirit like Judah here and that Jesus on the Cross?

2. Thank and praise the Lord for the way he guides you by both

     circumstances and by His wisdom.





Chapter: Genesis 43

Passage: Genesis 43:15-25 

A. Find Out:

1. Where did Joseph instruct the brothers be taken? v.16b

2. Why? v.16c

3. What did the brothers feel about this? v.18a

4. Why? v.18b

5. What did they tell the steward? v.19-22

6. Why wasn't he concerned? v.23


B. Think :

1. How do the defensive attitudes of the brothers misconstrue Joseph's


2. Why do you think the steward was not missing any payment for the grain

     the brothers had taken?

3. What does this say about Joseph's position and his attitude towards



C. Comment :

     The brothers speedily return to Egypt. If they don't hurry, Jacob back at home will starve. When they arrive and are brought before Joseph, he instructs that they be taken to his own house and prepared to have lunch with him later on in the morning. It is obviously his desire to bless them in his own home. The brothers feel so defensive that they immediately leap to the wrong conclusion and assume the worst. They decide to make a clean breast of the whole thing to the steward and so they share what had happened to them.

      The steward's response is highly illuminating! He simply shrugs it off and says that he had been paid so it must be God who has provided for them. Whether Joseph told him what to say or whether Joseph had quietly provided the money for their grain is not made clear. The latter was probably the case. This would show Joseph's good attitude in respect of his job. He is a steward for the king and the nation and he will not take personal benefit from it. If that is so then we have yet a further good example to follow! He has provided for his family but at no cost to Pharaoh. Yet again his righteousness is being revealed. How he has changed since that spoil brat of years ago!


D. Application?

1. Do we ever, from guilt or defensiveness, jump to wrong conclusions?

2. Are we good stewards who do not take benefit from our jobs?




Chapter: Genesis 43

Passage: Genesis 43:26-34

A. Find Out:


1. Who did Joseph enquire after? v.27

2. Who did he next check on? v.29

3. What did he feel when he saw him? v.30

4. How did they eat the meal? v.32

5. How were the brothers seated? v.33a

6. What was their response to this? v.33b

7. How was Benjamin treated? v.34


B. Think :

1. What opinion do you think, had the brothers left with Joseph of

     themselves when they had sold him into slavery years before?

2. Why, therefore, do you think he is treating them so carefully today?

3. Why do you think they still don't recognise him?


C. Comment :

     When Joseph comes in for lunch he enquires of them about their father and is told that he is still alive and well. Joseph had every good ground to mistrust these brothers and so perhaps that was why he took them step by step through this game that he was playing with them. If he revealed himself now they might leave and never come back and so Joseph may never see his father again. There are still several acts to be played out in this drama to ensure he sees old Jacob again.

      When Joseph sees his younger brother again he is deeply moved to tears but pulls himself together and continues as the aloof Egyptian leader. Everything about him is Egyptian and so that is perhaps why the brothers still don't recognise him. The brothers are unnerved by the fact that they are placed in order of seniority, even though they have not explained it to this Egyptian leader. This just adds to the sense of mystery! Everything about these trips to Egypt disarms these men who once had been hard and callous. They will never be the same again!  They are dealing with a man of God, even  though they don't realise it, and God is working for their good - even though they don't realise it!


D. Application?

1. Do you have the same sort of feeling about your closest family that Joseph

     had about Benjamin?

2. Ask the Lord to deepen family ties or heal up any old family wounds.




Chapter: Genesis 44

Passage: Genesis 44:1-13

A. Find Out:


1. What 2 things were put into each man's sack? v.1

2. Into whose sack was the silver cup put? v.2

3. How far did Joseph let them go? v4

4. How did the brothers respond to the accusation? v.7-9

5. To what does the steward agree? v.10

6. How did the brothers respond to the find? v.13


B. Think :

1. Why do you think Joseph "frames" his younger brother?

2. What do you think the brothers felt when they left first of all?

3. What do you think they felt when they were being taken back?


C. Comment :

     Apart from Jesus being unjustly tried and crucified, this is clearly one of the most apparently unjust episodes in the Bible. We need therefore to look for the motivation behind it. Was Joseph just playing with his brothers? Was he trying to make life as unpleasant as possible for them,   or was there some other ulterior motive behind what he was doing.

      As we read on in the story in the next few chapters, we will see that Joseph's heart is very much open to the Lord. It is inconceivable that he is doing it purely to punish his brothers. The most likely reasoning is that he is trying to engineer a situation where Benjamin has to remain with him and the brothers have to fetch their aged father, and this all without them realising the truth of what is happening. 

    As we said previously, Joseph had every good reason to mistrust his brothers. If he wants to ensure he sees his father again he has got to ensure the brothers bring their father to him. If they catch wind of who he is they may flee in fear and never be seen again. He cannot just leave his role in Egypt and clear off back home - he has obligations, and so he quietly manipulates the circumstances to bring about a desired end effect, and part of that is to bring out the best in his brothers.


D. Application?

1. Do we consider it joy to be tested by difficulties that produce

    perseverance? (James 1:2)

2. The Lord looks for the pure in heart, men without guile (John 1:47 ). Let's

    not be schemers!





Chapter: Genesis 44

Passage: Genesis 44:14-34

A. Find Out:


1. What did the brothers do when they came in? v.14

2. How did Joseph say he knew? v.15

3. How does Judah respond? v.16

4. But what does Joseph say to this? v.17

5. What does Judah say will happen to Jacob? v.30,31

6. So what does he ask instead? v.33,34


B. Think :

1. How does Joseph set up the situation to see how the brothers will


2. How would you describe Judah 's approach?

3. What does it say about Judah ? (see John 15:13)


C. Comment :

      On their arrival back the brothers fall before Joseph in abject submission to him. The dreams of his youth have certainly come true. When challenged, Judah takes the lead and accepts their guilt, so subdued is he, but Joseph isn't having that. He wants to hold onto Benjamin. So far we have considered that probably Joseph is trying to manoeuvre his father into coming to Egypt. Quite probably he is also wanting to see how the brothers now react to the likely loss of the youngest son. Years ago they had contributed to the loss of the favourite son with no thought for Jacob's feelings. Perhaps they harboured similar feelings for the youngest brother! How will they act? He is giving them an opportunity to relive that history but act differently.

     Joseph's test is fully vindicated by Judah 's response. Here is now a man who is willing to lay down his life for the sake of his father's feelings and for the sake of his younger brother.  He has truly changed, this is no longer the Judah that Joseph once knew. He, like Joseph, has changed over the years. We sometimes forget how much we have changed or how much others have changed over the years.  Through all that is happening, bit by bit, the brothers are being revealed in a better light. God does this - works on us to show to heaven the possibilities of redeemed mankind.


D. Application?

1. How do I feel about the members of my family? Willing to lay down my

    life (my "self" at least) for them?

2. Ask the Lord to help you with family relationships and thank Him for your

     whole family.




RECAP - "Fun with Brothers" -   Genesis 42 - 44




In these next 8 studies we have seen:

- The brothers coming to Egypt, not recognising Joseph

- Joseph checking on Benjamin & his father

- The brothers' guilt being revealed

- Jacob refusing to let Benjamin go to Egypt

- Judah taking responsibility for him

- The brothers returning fearfully to Egypt

- Joseph planning to hold onto Benjamin


      This is a time of Joseph playing "cat & mouse" with his brothers as he tests their truthfulness and arranges for Benjamin to be brought to him, and then to be held. When this happens Judah pleads on his younger brother's behalf.

      Through the various ploys that Joseph adopts he tests the hearts of his brothers and shows that they have indeed changed a great deal since he last knew them. His strategies pay off.

      Sometimes the wisdom of God decrees that the most direct course is not necessarily the best course. A slow and steady testing of the situation is sometimes wiser.



1. The Lord sometimes takes a while to fulfil His word

2. The Lord totally forgives us and wants us to totally forgive others

3. The Lord wants us to lay down our lives for one another

4. When we feel defensive we jump to wrong conclusions



     Ask the Lord to help you become someone who is completely secure in His love, who can rest in His timing, can forgive offenders, just like Jesus.


PART 4 : Joseph's Reunion

      In this next Part see how Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and his way with them when they realise who he is. See also how he graciously tries to prepare them to meet Pharaoh.