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Series Theme: "Faith Sermons" | |
Title: 30. The 'Gospel' means 'Good News'
The 'Good News' is that: God, the One, Eternal, Almighty, Supreme Being, has come to the earth in human form in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. As Jesus Christ He showed us His nature – love – and healed and delivered people and told them of His love. When He died a criminal's death on the Cross at Calvary outside Jerusalem , after an unjust trial, He was, in fact, taking the punishment due to us for our sin. Now, as a result of that death, and His subsequent resurrection (to confirm who He was and what He had done), all we have to do is: believe it come to Him in prayer and ask for the forgiveness He offers receive His forgiveness, Sonship and Holy Spirit to enable us to live new lives.
Once we have become His children, i.e. Christians, the Good News is that: He has given us, in the New Testament of the Bible, all we need to know about life with Him. He's given us a means of communicating with Him in the form of prayer, i.e. simply talking to Him. He's given us other people who think the same and have experienced the same, so can help and encourage us, i.e. the church. He has a plan and purpose for our life that He will show us as we read the Bible, pray, and worship with others, that gives us a new sense of who we are and what He has designed us to be.