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Series Contents
Series Theme:  "Faith Sermons"




















































Title:  30. The 'Gospel' means 'Good News'



The 'Good News' is that:    

•   God, the One, Eternal, Almighty, Supreme Being, has come to the earth in human form in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ.
•   As Jesus Christ He showed us His nature – love – and healed and delivered people and told them of His love.
•   When He died a criminal's death on the Cross at Calvary outside Jerusalem , after an unjust trial, He was, in fact, taking the punishment due to us for our sin.
•   Now, as a result of that death, and His subsequent resurrection (to confirm who He was and what He had done), all we have to do is:
•   believe it
•   come to Him in prayer and ask for the forgiveness He offers
•   receive His forgiveness, Sonship and Holy Spirit to enable us to live new lives.


Once we have become His children, i.e. Christians, the Good News is that:

•   He has given us, in the New Testament of the Bible, all we need to know about life with Him.
•   He's given us a means of communicating with Him in the form of prayer, i.e. simply talking to Him.
•   He's given us other people who think the same and have experienced the same, so can help and encourage us, i.e. the church.
•   He has a plan and purpose for our life that He will show us as we read the Bible, pray, and worship with others, that gives us a new sense of who we are and what He has designed us to be.