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Series Theme: "Faith Sermons" | |
Title: 27. God of Transformation (4)
4. Having a Transformed Mind
1. Introduction
How do we view the day?
How do we view going to church? oh no, another meeting! or
How do we view going to work or going out into the world generally? oh no, boring, hard graft, people!
Reading : Rom 12:1-3
2. A Transformed Mind?
v.2b be transformed by the renewing of your mind v.2c Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will
set against v.2a Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world
Moses said Teach me your ways (Ex 33;13) i.e. how you think and work God said of Israel in a bad time, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways (Isa 55:8) A transformed mind works on a different reality today is a day when God can bless me and others through me Why should we think that? Because of the descriptions of God in the Bible a God of love (1 Jn 4:8,16) Love is always active Love cannot sit still it wants to bless the object of its love Jesus said, My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working. (Jn 5:17) God is constantly working to bless His world He's just looking for co-workers (1 Cor 3:19 ) those through whom He can bless His world.
3. Awake to Opportunities?
Mt 14:13-17 A large crowd Jesus heals v.14 a large crowd hungry disciples are OK on healing but not feeding it's just a different sort of provision from heaven the disciples actual answer: we have here only five loaves a faith answer would be, Lord, how do you want us to go about this? a transformed mind looks to see what Jesus wants to do. do we have that sort of mind?