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Series Theme: Difficult Questions | |
Title: 11. How can I KNOW that I'm a Christian?
A series that helps consider difficult questions of the Christian faith
I think I am, but I'm not certain. How can I be sure?
Answer: Three Likely Possibilities For many people who are Christians, they know they are because they can remember a time when they made that commitment to Christ. Have you had such a specific time? Moreover they can remember the time before they were a Christian and they know the change that took place. Do you know such a change? Other people however, made a simple commitment when they were a young child and so for them, either the memory of the time of commitment is very blurred or, because they were very young, they have no clear discernable 'before and after' lifestyles to compare. Then there are people for whom the coming to a place of commitment was more a slow transition rather than a specific, sharply defined, one-off experience. So, from what we've said so far, it is possible to KNOW you are a Christian because:
Being a "Slow Transition" Person But what if you are one of the 'slow transition' people? Well let's go back to the very basics of what a Christian is?
A Christian is someone who has come to a place:
Now, it may have been a slow transition process, but you'll know within you whether you have come to that place. You'll know within you that:
Not there yet? Having said these things it may be that you find yourself acknowledging that you are not in that place yet. You would like to be, but you're not yet. How can we help you along that path? There are things you can read on this site that might help you come to a place of clear belief. CLICK HERE if you would like to go to the pages on this site about what it means to be a Christian. They give much more detailed consideration to what it means, and that may help you.
There is Awareness only It may be that you have read the things in the above paragraphs and you realise that you believe but have never actually come to that point of commitment. Why not do that now. It happens through prayer. Tell God that: