Daily Bible Studies |
Series Theme: Studies in Daniel 4/6 | |
Chapter: Daniel 5
Passage: Daniel 5:1-9
A. Find Out:1. How was Belshazzar related to Nebuchadnezzar? v.2 2. What were the king and his nobles doing? v.1 3. Where had the golden goblets come from? v.3 4. What did they do as they drank? v.4 5. Where did the hand write? v.5 6. What was the king's reaction? v.6 7. Who did he call in to help? v.7 8. What was their response? v.8,9
B. Think :
C. Comment :First of all we see this new king showing off by holding such a large banquet and then by displaying and using the beautiful goblets that his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem . Is God going to let him get away with misusing things that belong to Him? Will he be allowed to disdain the holy things of God? Second, we see something supernatural happening. A hand appears in the air and writes mysterious words on the wall near the king. Third, we see the king's reaction to this wonder. He is terrified! He recognises that this is something totally beyond his understanding, so he calls for the so-called wise men, who once again are lost! Their inability to decipher the words throws the king into an even greater panic. They obviously need a man of God to help. As we've seen previously, often when God moves it needs a man of God to interpret and bring understanding what is happening. The world frequently does not understand what is happening and miss the point of what God is saying. When Jesus came the religious and political world completely misunderstood!
D. Application :
Chapter: Daniel 5 Passage: Daniel 5:10-17 A. Find Out:1. Who had an answer when no one else did? v.10 2. What 4 things does she first say Daniel has? v.11 3. What 6 things does she further say he has? v.12 4. What does the king promise if Daniel can help? v.16 5. How does Daniel respond to the offer? v.17
B. Think :
C. Comment :We see first of all the arrival of one person who has got something sensible to say. The Queen was obviously not invited to the banquet with the nobles but must have been somewhere nearby. She hears the commotion caused by the sight of the hand in the air, and she dashes in to see what is happening. Immediately she realises that this is something beyond normal men and she is reminded of other strange events in previous years. The Queen clearly remembers all Daniel's gifting that had been seen during the reign of her father-in-law and so she suggests calling him in. Daniel is apparently somewhere in the background. Perhaps with the passing of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel took a back seat and the wise men come to the fore with this new, foolish and godless king. When Daniel is brought, this foolish and godless king, who appears to have learnt nothing about God from his father, offers Daniel material reward if he can help. Daniel, however, is not holding this king in high regard and so he gives him no honorary titles and simply refuses his gifts in a somewhat curt manner. We'll see why tomorrow.
D. Application :
Chapter: Daniel 5 Passage: Daniel 5:18-24
A. Find Out:1. What had God given Nebuchadnezzar? v.18 2. What power had Nebuchadnezzar had? v.19 3. What happened to him when he became arrogant? v.20 4. What had he had to acknowledge? v.21c 5. What hasn't Belshazzar done? v.22 6. What has he done? v.23 7. Who therefore had written the message? v.23,24
B. Think :
C. Comment :First we note the picture that Daniel paints of the king's father, Nebuchadnezzar. He portrays him as a great and mighty king, but one who had to be disciplined by God for his foolish arrogance. Eventually he had come to see that God is God! The inference is clear and Daniel is going to spell it out, this king needs to learn the same things! Second, we observe Daniel's boldness in the forthright way he speaks to this king. He pulls no punches and says quite directly that the king ought to have humbled himself before God, but instead he has opposed God. It is clear by what Daniel says about God that it is because he has learnt the truth about the Lord's sovereignty that he can speak out so boldly. Do WE have that assurance? He declares that the king's father was great because GOD had made him so, and for no other reason. Daniel goes on to declare that God has intervened and has sent this hand to write on the wall. Tomorrow we will see the end of it. When God speaks there is no way of escaping it!
D. Application :
Chapter: Daniel 5 Passage: Daniel 5:25-31
A. Find Out:1. Who has brought the king's reign to an end? v.26 2. What does He say he has done with the king? v.27 3. What does He say He is doing with his kingdom? v.28 4. What was done for Daniel? v.29 5. How soon was it fulfilled? v.30 6. Who took over? v.31
B. Think :
C. Comment :First of all God uses single words: Numbered, Weighed, Divided. The king is unable or unwilling to recognise what is being said, and his wise men perhaps, are too afraid to pronounce what is obvious. It takes the fearless man of God, Daniel, to come into the situation and know straight away in his spirit that God is speaking about this godless king, and he's not afraid to communicate the truth to this foolish man. The king's reaction is strange: he rewards Daniel for bringing such a message! Perhaps he didn't believe it but wanted to show that he still was king and had the power to bless who he would bless. Foolish man, that would last only a few hours longer! Yet again we see the foolishness of sin exhibited. We are not told who or how but the king is dead before the night is out. God's word has been fulfilled! Whenever God speaks a word of judgement, it doesn't really matter what godless men think about it, it WILL be fulfilled. God always keeps His word and does what He says He will do.
D. Application :
RECAP - "The Writing on the Wall" - Daniel 5 SUMMARY :In these 4 studies we have seen:
COMMENT :In this short punchy section God intervenes with the next king who disdains Him and uses the holy Temple goblets from Jerusalem in a wild party. Godless men are also foolish men who believe they are beyond God's reach. The Lord moves in a rather unnerving way: by having a hand appear and write on the wall. This, somewhat naturally, terrifies the king and no one appears willing or able to interpret the words until Daniel is brought in. He fearlessly pronounces judgement on the king, knowing that before the night is out the king will be dead. This happens and again Daniel is vindicated and God is glorified.
LESSONS :1. The Lord wants us to be people who understand what is happening 2. He wants us to become people that the world turn to for help 3. His wisdom & revelation is available to us 4. He wants us to fearlessly speak out in faith 5. He wants to speak to the world through us.
PRAY :1. Ask the Lord to draw you into such a close relationship with Him that He can share with you and bring you understanding. 2. Worship Him as Lord of all.
PART 5 : "Daniel & the Lions"We come next to one of the best known Sunday School stories, but remember this is a real life and death drama that shows the Lord who protects His servants.