Daily Thoughts : June 21st |
Isa 66:2b This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.
We spoke yesterday about not being casual with God. There is, in some Christian circles, a tendency to treat God casually and to just bound into His presence with no thought. Now yes, we are his children, and young children do tend to take their fathers for granted, but as they mature they appreciate their fathers more and more.
So here is a proud young (or old) Christian, casual about their lifestyle, and casual about what they read in the Bible and what they hear preached on a Sunday – and they think they are doing fine! Not in God's eyes they are not! God still loves them but He hates pride (Prov 6:16,17, 8:13) so He has a real problem with His child who is still full of pride and who is casual about Him.
No, the one the Lord feels good about, is one who is humble and who realises just who he or she is before God, with their natural weaknesses and their blessings from God. This person knows how prone they are to fail and feels badly about that (is contrite in spirit) and they also realise that God's word is God's word and therefore it is important, the most important communication they will ever receive. It comes from the King of kings and Lord of lords who will expect us to listen to it and respond to it. It is an awesome thing to hear God's word. Yes, He may be Father, but He is also Holy God. May we not treat Him or His word casually.
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