Daily Thoughts : June 2nd



Isa 26:12    all that we have accomplished you have done for us.


Lord, sometimes I feel like I'm doing a good job, and yet when I look back over my life I can discern your hand gently and subtly guiding. Sometimes I got it wrong, but you made good out of it. Other times I didn't have a clue about purpose or direction, but you guided me and opened up ways before me.


Lord Jesus, you said, “I am the vine; you are the branches…. apart from me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:5). My life comes from you, my direction comes from you, my strength comes from you, my health comes from you. There have been times when the enemy has risen against me and my strength and my health have failed, yet as with Job you have always been there with me, overseeing me, and restoring me.


Lord, I acknowledge that all good things in my life are your gift and I thank you. I am what I am because you have saved me, and you have a purpose for me that you are working out. Not only for the daily provision but also for the overall purpose that you have for me, that sometimes seems so tenuous but is nevertheless there, I thank you. My life is a combination of the things I do and what you do, and I know whose contribution is the more important. All I have accomplished has been with your directing and enabling. Thank you so much!


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