Daily Thoughts : December 17th


Luke 1:35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.


Two days ago we thought about the ordinariness of the words the angel started saying to Mary, about the son she would bear. Now it takes on a mysterious, mystical(?), supernatural dimension that must challenge everything her mind knows. The way this conception is going to come about is not, as you probably previously thought, by the means of the man you are engaged to, but simply as the power of God comes upon you, the Holy Spirit Himself, and suddenly you will find a child growing within you. You won't be aware of it for a few months perhaps, but eventually when the child kicks, you will know that it has happened. Did Mary suffer morning sickness? I haven't a clue, we're not told; it's not relevant. What is relevant is that it happened.


What happened? God came to this young woman and touched her so that the impossible happened – without the aid of her man she finds she is pregnant. Don't try and explain it, don't try and understand it. You don't have to.


When you were born again and suddenly life seemed completely new and you were filled with an amazing joy, did you understand it all? Do you understand all the details of salvation found in God's word? No? Don't worry that doesn't stop you being a receiver of God's goodness!




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