Daily Thoughts : August 20th |
Heb 5:9 once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him
There are often words in Scripture that we miss or take for granted. Observe: once made perfect. The verse before speaks of Jesus' obedience: “Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.” There is a sense that Jesus was perfect in that he was the sinless son of God. Yet, he came with a clear purpose in mind. From before the foundation of the world, the Godhead had planned what had to happen. The hardest part of it was that Jesus would have to come from heaven and take on human form and enter completely into human experience. Thus he would feel as a human and when it approached the climax of history, as he faced the Cross, everything in him would scream out against that – as we saw in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Perfection for Jesus meant that in human form he was utterly obedient to the plan of God, whatever it cost in human terms. He had to be totally willing to go through this – as a human being, with all that that meant – this most terrible of all forms of human execution. In the Old Testament the lamb of sacrifice had to be spotless, perfect. Perfection for Jesus meant that he embraced the will of God completely, from the human side of the screen so to speak. When he did that, he was indeed the perfect sacrifice, the perfect one who deserved no punishment, taking on himself all the punishment of those who did genuinely deserve it. This was the greatest transfer of history, the perfect Son of God taking the sin of imperfect, sinful mankind.
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