Daily Thoughts : April 15th |
Jn 13:7 Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
One of the things that always intrigues me about Jesus and his disciples, is the distinction between his awareness and theirs. Jesus always knew exactly what he was doing and where it was going. Again and again in the Gospels this is made clear – Jesus knows! But running parallel to that is the lack of awareness or understanding experienced by the disciples. Sometimes they seem like a bunch of little children with their parent. He knows, but they don't. They just go with the moment. This verse comes when Jesus wants to wash Peter's feet and Peter objects.
Now it strikes me that this is so often how the Christian life is. We go from day to day, moment to moment. We may plan our days and plan our work, but we really don't have much of a clue when it comes to God's kingdom. We don't foresee the encounters that God brings across our path, we don't foresee the upsets growing in those near us. No, life goes on, so often without any real awareness of understanding in us. I think one of the signs of growing spiritual maturity is growing awareness in the spiritual realm. But even then, even when we have greater awareness, we still find ourselves helpless and have to rely on Jesus to see us through. Walking by faith means we take each day at a time, committing it to him, looking to him, and trusting him. That way we are at peace and it all works out well, as he reigns over us and our life situations, and brings his wisdom and power to bear on us. Give your day over to him, while at the same time asking for wisdom and insight to see and understand the bigger picture. |
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