1 : Setting the Scene
Need) |
a flexible, changing book - how it came to be written - the people
who have changed me - why we need this message - a Scriptural
What's it all about
Living in a world of change where things go wrong - A Church Retreat
where barriers came down - an imaginary look at a Sunday Congregation
with its problems - A Lonely Vicar's wife - How we respond to
these things.
A Refuge in an Insecure World
The insecurity of today's world - The insecurity of Life itself
- What we mean by 'Secure' - The danger of False Security - Secure
in our Personal Prisons - God's intention for the Church to be
a secure place.
2 : A Biblical Security
Theory) |
The God who is
The use of the Bible in this book - How our view of the Bible
will affect our security - Our Strategy here in using the Bible
- The God of Self-Disclosure - The Identifiable God who we can
understand - The Eternal God who is beyond us - The God who has
History with us.
Secure with Jesus
How people who met Jesus were obviously secure in his company
- The woman caught in adultery - The cripple at the Pool - The
man blind from birth - Peter and the Temple Tax - Zacchaeus -
Peter after his denial - The woman at the well - The rich young
Peter and Jesus
How Peter felt so secure with Jesus - In the boat in the storm
- Peter asks for Clarification - Peter on forgiveness - Peter's
bold declaration - Peter rebukes Jesus - Peter looks for permanence
- Peter's concern for the future - Peter's refusal to be washed
- Peter's over confidence.
Security in the Old Testament
Misunderstanding the 'God of Judgement' - God's dealings with
Abram, Jacob, Joseph, Moses & David - Israel in the Old Testament
- Different Old Testament Writings - The Law, The Prophets,
The Psalms.
Security in the New Testament
Glimpses from the Gospels, Acts, the Letters and Revelation
The Level of Your Faith
What faith is - how it comes - Christians are people of faith
- apparently small faith - how to build your faith.
3 : Personal Security
and Theory) |
Am I Secure?
The difficulty of facing ourselves - What happens when things
go wrong - How God works on us like the Potter - Some Personal
Utterly Loved
How a Commitment Course was revealed as flawed - Instead 'Receiving
Your Inheritance' - Seeing God's unconditional love - Seeing that
God is for us - Seeing we are Precious to God
A Two-Sided Coin
SIDE ONE: We're not nice people! - 3 Negative Responses - 4 Key
Truths - ongoing imperfection of Christians - How we get it wrong
- 4 Positive Responses - SIDE TWO: We're wonderful people! - The
difficulty of receiving this - The need to hold the balance of
the two sides.
Rules & Regulations
Some Case Studies where rules bring failure - The holiness church
- The prayer ministry - Watching TV - Being a man in the Summer
- Over-eating - Over-spending - The Problem of Rule Keeping -
Do-it-yourself Righteousness - Outwardness, Sets of Rules, Special
Days, Special Experiences - The one true security - Checking ourselves
Secure in my Calling
The fact of being called - The problem of having been a Christian
from early age - The problem of destiny - 3 Views - God working
for us before our conversion - The hard side of that - The realities
of our conversion experience
Secure in Every Circumstance
The disasters that can happen, even to Christians - The Problem
of God's Sovereignty when disasters come - The Facts of
the Fallen World - Seeing the disasters in the light of that -
God who gets involved - We're on display.
Secure in my Gifting
The Fact of Gifting - The example of Jeremiah - And now us? -
Gifts are given - Gifts are Different - The Purpose of Gifts -
When we think we don't have gifts or they're only limited
- What's the truth - Negative views of ourselves - The desires
of our hearts - Early days gifting - Our part in developing our
Secure Facing Death
The reality of death - So what is death? - Trusting God's Goodness
- The Comfort of the Cross - Eternity for us - Facing the
Path to Death - The available grace of God - The effect of the
way we die - Facing the Judgement - Facing Eternal Life
Secure in God's World
Celebrating life - how the world abuses God's provision - the
truth of God's provision: it is GOOD - the variety of God's provision,
all for our enjoyment - self awareness is from God - invention
and creativity is from God.
Secure in Change
Coping with a changing world - The fact of change - A decaying
society - Changes in the Christian world - The effect of change
on Christians - Where is God? - 3 Scriptural pictures: Daniel,
Jeremiah, Elijah - How will we cope with it?