‘Rant' Claims |
Answer Responses |
is not a religion that is worth believing in if one wishes to maintain
any kind of moral integrity.
strange claim as Christians are some of the most ‘integrity-conscious'
people of any society. Assuredly this may not include every believer
but it does include a very large number for whom the integrity of
their faith is of great importance.
all it is based on a book which has so many contradictions in it
that no one with any intelligence would believe it.
reality it is very difficult to find anything which could be considered
a contradiction. That one person records certain pieces of information
at one specific event, and another person at the same event records
different pieces of information does not mean a contradiction unless
it is in the form of A saying a certain thing happened and B denied
it happened.
Bible is very biased as it is written by people who already believe
that God exists and so they have made up stories which support this
only problem with this assertion is that there are so many people
believing he exists, many of them with a very high level of integrity.
You may argue with what they believe they experienced but not that
they did experience something. So many people (in a non-word processor
age) bothering to write with such uniformity demands attention.
is little proof that Jesus lived so once again we have a collection
of stories written by people who wanted to stir up a rebellion against
the Roman government of the time.
the evidence outside the Bible is limited it is there and no serious
historians today deny the existence of the person of Jesus Christ
as a genuine historical figure.
cannot be proved scientifically so therefore probably have other
deny the possibility denies the scientific approach which is always
open to investigate with an open mind whatever phenomena occur.
Theologically, if there is an all-powerful Creator God then there
would be nothing to stop Him stepping in and changing the things
we call laws of nature.
if the God who is described in the Bible existed there wouldn't
be any suffering.
Bible shows God giving mankind free will. To overcome the actions
of evil, bad, or even slightly bad people to prevent them inflicting
suffering on others would mean we would require Him to deny us our
free will. We can have it only one way or the other.
the God of the Old Testament appears to be a very different God
from the God of the New Testament.
assertion is born out of ignorance of the two Testaments and ignorance
and lack of thinking in respect of specific things that occur in
them both.
people are atheists than believers which is another good reason
to support Atheism.
this is completely false. The number of those following some form
of religious belief outnumbers those who declare they are atheists,
thousands to one.
of highly intelligent people have written books about the non-existence
of God e.g. ‘The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins, which is another
good reason not to believe he exists.
a limited number of people have so written. A considerable number
of equally intelligent people have written of their certainty that
he exists.
has proved that the earth was created by a Big Bang – so where was
God in that?
believes in the theory of the Big Bang but accepts that they are
no further than a millisecond after such an event. The biggest problem
that science has is that it believes that something cannot come
from absolutely nothing.
can't prove God exists scientifically so therefore it is meaningless
to talk about his existence.
is a sense by which you cannot ‘prove' anything that occurs in history
but you can weigh the clear evidence and draw reasonable conclusions.
The historical evidence that shows that in the Bible we have reliable
testimony to what actually happened is overwhelming. Indeed it vastly
outweighs the historical evidence for any other ancient documents.
It is also reasonable to examine the lives of Christians throughout
the last two thousand years and draw some very logical and valid
conclusions that point towards the existence of God.
brings me to another point – why ‘His' existence and not ‘Hers'?
Bible conveys the picture of God as a loving Father figure but there
are also instances where ‘He' in shown as having feminine characteristics
are dinosaurs in the Bible?
simple answer to that is almost certainly in an era before mankind
and therefore before the Biblical record.
could a boat fit all the animals in the world on it?
it was of “all the world” or of just the Middle East has always
been a question mark. Whichever the answer, the enormous size of
the ‘ark' would accommodate two of each species according to a number
of scientists.
about 9/11? What about the Holocaust?
about “man's inhumanity to man” you are asking. You simply reinforce
the point that God has given us free will and we so often choose
to use it hurting other people – not only in big wars or terrorism,
but also in our families. We need help!
already stated, Christianity is only for weak-minded, non-thinking
to the contrary, Christianity is for those who will really think
about the human situation and the clear evidence for a Divine Being
and all that that implies for us. There have been millions of very
intelligent people who have acknowledged the existence of God and
come to know Him through the means of Jesus Christ.