Preaching Afresh - Contents.
Subject Area: Further thoughts on Preaching in the Church
1. Introduction
- check notes for preachers
1A. Introduction
2. Secure in Ministry - Preaching
- thinking of preaching in the context of security.
2A. Secure in Ministry - Preaching
3. Preaching on Judgment
- thinking of the Biblical principles of preaching on the subject of God's judgments
3A. Preaching on Judgment
4. Preaching involving Interpretation of Prophecy
- assessing wise use of prophetic scriptures and dangers therein
4A. Preaching involving Interpretation of Prophecy
5. Interpreting Scriptures
- Additional Helps: basic rules of interpretation to help preachers and teachers
6. Distinguishing between Old & New Testaments
- Understanding the NT uniqueness
7. Teaching Godliness or Self-Help Legalism
- understanding the NT life in the Spirit
8. Preaching on the Second Coming
- awareness of pitfalls
9. Countering the 'Hard Man' Syndrome
- how we view God